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A member registered Jul 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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It would be a good idea if the Human Inquisition put together some standard operating procedures for the proper sealing of lexidaemons. I think the "banana banana banana" protocol is a great recommendation. Maybe some guidelines about not taking notes from daemons and putting them in your journal as well. 


I am glad you liked it! I took a risk and I hope it pays off.

While deamons of change do enjoy the ever changing nature of things, they do respect the value of clear communication through letter writing. Hahaha But for real thank you for reading my dumb story.

I am glad you liked it! The idea just popped into my head .

Great twist with the alien involvement! Really enjoyed how the theme of consequences was woven into the plot. Keep it up!

Great energy and a thrilling blend of tech and supernatural elements. The stakes felt real and the theme of consequences was well executed. Nice job capturing the tension and urgency!

Interesting take on the unseen aspects of war and its ripple effects! The dialogue kept the pace brisk, though at times it was a bit challenging to track the plot shifts. Good embodiment of the theme with a strong message on accountability and consequences.

Great job capturing the theme of consequences in such a vivid and personal way. The emotional depth of the protagonist adds a compelling layer to the narrative.

Really liked the cybernetic twists and the psychic mantra elements! It fits well into the theme. Could use a bit more originality in the concept though, feels a bit familiar. Great pacing!

Interesting take on the theme with a clear narrative. The ending was a bit expected but still impactful. Great job keeping the tension!

Great adherence to the theme and solid story flow! The concept of genetically enhanced soldiers facing their mortality was compelling. Loved how you explored the cyclical nature of their lives and battles.

Really captured the gritty essence of a war-torn world. The contrast between the opulence of the aristocracy and the chaos of the battlefield was stark and effective. Great job on the atmosphere.

Your story blends traditional high fantasy elements with a darker twist, making it an interesting read. The grim implications of the exploitation of the Wood Elf added a nice layer of complexity. The ending, though, felt a bit rushed and left me wanting a clearer resolution. Great job weaving in the themes!

Really dug the vibe of this one! The harshness of Charlotte's journey and the intertwining of different species fighting together hit the theme spot on. Some parts were a bit rushed, but overall, a gripping read!

Really loved the blend of academia and betrayal in your story! The tension was palpable right until the end. Great use of the theme.

The story of betrayal and technology merging with the supernatural was gripping. However, some parts felt a bit rushed, making it a bit tricky to follow all the details. Overall, a compelling read with a fantastic twist at the end!

Really cool fusion of tech and terror in your story! The Robot Lord and his legion create a chilling future vision. The battle scenes were especially vivid.

Great use of vivid battle descriptions. The story sticks well to the grimdark theme, and the heroic sacrifice hits the right emotional notes. The narrative was engaging, though a bit complex at times. Nice work!

Nice twist at the end! The interaction between Brookes and the Sergeant really sets the tone. The grimdark vibe comes through well, though the story feels a bit familiar in terms of setting and plot. Nice job on keeping the dialogue crisp!

Dwarven body horror (or should I say beardy horror) is so good!

A truly unique blend of dark and humor. Peltha's internal struggles paired with her very relatable discomfort added an unexpected levity to the dire situation. It's a great portrayal of being caught "between a rock and a hard place"

Kenith’s internal struggle is vividly painted against the backdrop of political and societal expectations. ZeterZero highlights the weight of one's personal conviction when faced with an untenable situation.

A complex interplay between the evolution of an alien race and the implications of unchecked progress. Marsh presents a thought-provoking story that illustrates the price of logical decisions devoid of emotions.

A gothic tale that vividly brings to life a world of vampires, hunters, and eerie landscapes. The depiction of Lord Blackvayne's internal and external struggles places him perfectly in the theme's predicament. Some areas could benefit from smoother transitions, but overall a compelling read.

An adventurous and engaging piece filled with suspense, dynamic characters, and a setting that captivates the reader's imagination. It beautifully captures the theme, putting the protagonist squarely between a rock and a hard place multiple times.

A well-constructed sci-fi scenario that presents a vivid picture of a desperate battle. The sense of being caught between insurmountable odds is palpable. The interplay of clans and the introduction of different threats adds depth to the narrative.

(1 edit)

A riveting and atmospheric space opera. The story effectively captures the essence of being caught "Between a Rock and a Hard Place," with the crew facing a dire situation and having to make heart-wrenching choices. The use of the rat race as protagonists gives it a unique twist.

A beautifully crafted fantasy tale. The blending of ancestral magic, political dynamics, and the very real threat faced by Kryssa made it a captivating read.

An engaging tale of an unexpected fugitive in a setting that felt comforting. The conflict within Gisbert and his drastic actions created a rich emotional tapestry.

A whimsical and humorous account of three mythical beings sharing their adventures! It provides a light-hearted take on challenges and misunderstandings they've faced.

An evocative and intense story, it paints a picture of resilience, survival, and the ongoing fight against oppressive corporate interests in a space-age setting. Beautifully layered and emotionally charged!