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A member registered May 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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I like the part where everyone dies :D 

No problem!

Ohhh! I thought you couldn't look at ion readings while waiting for the scan. That would make way more sense!

Awesome! I'd love to see it with some awesome music! :D 

This has been my favorite game of the jam so far. I hope you guys like, win or something.

The mechanics are solid. The level design is phenomenal. The music is fantastic and the writing is immersive and mysterious. The graphics are a bit on the basic side but they get the job done and really set the mood. I loved how I could change the music and the moving platforms at will. Instead of having to wait around for moving platforms, they have to wait for you! Often I would speed up or slow down time just so I could hear the music while reading the text.

Now! Feedback! Wall jumping feels a little difficult, this is just a polish issue and not a design issue necessarily. Also, when objects are moving very fast, you tend to clip through them, which makes using the fast forward options kind of unreasonable. (most of the time I would switch between stop time and time forward to get a kind of slo-mo.) I wish there were a part where you had to make something go super fast to launch yourself into the air, but this is basically impossible because you clip through anything going that fast.

One more thing, the font you chose for the text doesn't have an apostraphe (') which becomes super obvious whenever there's a blank space where there should be one. There were a few grammar errors, but not enough to hinder my enjoyment of the story.

I'd love to see this expanded into a full game someday. It is super legit! Maybe you could even go to the center of the earth? Great job and good luck! 


Very pretty! I did start running past enemies at one point since it got a little tedius. I wish there was like, intense battle music or cool sound effects to go with the musical theme. It feels really weird and almost buggy that the whole game plays the same, melancholy song. Otherwise, great job! 

Great job!

Neat! I appreciate the story intro at the beginning. Wish there was something to tell me how to play though. :P 

I like how hitting other cars is actually a bad thing. :D 

Wow, the sound design and visuals are all stellar! Only feedback I have is that sometimes the glowy blocks will spawn inside the words, which makes them harder to see. Other than that, great job! 

What have I learned? No one should trust me to direct traffic. 

I agree with what people have said, it's super fun but it feels a tad slow. 

Aw, man! This is such a cool idea for a game! I love finding those rebel scum! Although, at the end my true allegiance was put into question because of my failure to find them all. XD

Only feedback I have is that it takes a little long to scan ships, which made the game feel like I didn't have enough time to really analyze them. But maybe scanning is supposed to be super powerful and risky to use and your main method of telling if they're scum is by checking their ion signature? Either way I love the idea of this game and you did a great job!

Fun! I like how you can fall off the track so easily. I thought the left and right arrows were barrel roll buttons but apparently that's not the case. I just wish there were more tracks! Great job!

Absolutely! Thanks!

Super fun game! Only gripe is there's a bug that makes your character face one direction and the only way to get out of it is to grab a ledge- making wall-jumping more frustrating than it ought to be. I love the graphics, music and how satisfying it is to slide! Great job! 

I love how hardcore the sound effects are lol

Only complaint is it's a bit tedious to track down every single blade of grass, but the arrow does help with that a ton.

Very satisfying, very well done, and very catchy music! I love how you start with a boat that literally doesn't move, and THAT ENDING-

I like how I don't have to do anything in this game

Maybe choosing fighters with the title "the weak" wasn't my best drafting decision though. 

The controls are nice and snappy. Good job! 

This is about as hard as real reforestation. XD

Ahhhhh It's so beautiful! I wish I could get past the second gate. I think it's a problem that my keyboard has, it likes to ghost pressin certain keys together. If you added the ability to remap keys, this would probably fix the problem. For now I'll just have to be sad that I couldn't play more. 

This is actually a lot cooler than I expected it to be. Evasive mode wasn't evasive enough to save me though. XD

I love how you can make all the stuff fall off the shelves and people will still buy it.

Also, I went a whole day thinking no one was stealing anything and apparently 3 people did! Just goes to show how sneaky clothes thieves can be! 

I love how powerful you feel when you steal the time slower! The theming and presentation on this one are top notch! I also like that the flies only start to think you're suspicious if they get a good look at you. XD

Simple, but cute! I like it!

The aim did seem to flicker a bit, but that might be because I played it in browser. I'd say sometimes it feels like the ice cream cone isn't able to turn the way I want it too but it should be able to, but I love how you have to turn around to stick to walls. Either way, very unique and great job!


I feel like the character's jump isn't quite powerful enough for what he needs to do- but is also too powerful sometimes. Y'know?

Either way, fantastic job on this! the sound design is wonderful as are the graphics!

I couldn't seem to get past the search bar. Am I missing something . . . ? 

I like eating the humans :D 

Wow, this is absolutely fantastic! I don't have like, literally any issues. Great work!

the in-browser version doesn't seem to work very well, but this game is so cool! I love how the boss can dance all over right where you are so you can't see what you're doing XD. I also love the fun and unique graphics! Critisicm uhhhhhh I don't have any it's amazing. The movement feels a little jerky but I'm pretty sure that was intentional. 

I like that there's an option to choose short range, though it feels like you could just pick 1 mode and don't really have to switch between them. Then I again I lost to the first boss so what do I know. XD Great job on this! 

I'd say the main thing it could use is some sort of tutorial. Either way, great job finishing something! 

Aw sick! I'm really bad at this but I can tell it's well made. I love the graphics and the music!

I love all the different modes! They all feel super useful! Only issue was that the monkey mode seemed to be a little inconsistent. Sometimes it'd let me climb up and over the wall, and other times it wouldn't. Either way, fantastic job!

Haha makes sense. Your end product is still really amazing even without music! :D 

ohhhhh I see. Yeah, maybe something could've been done to make it clear he's immune to your attacks. I'll have to play the game again so I can get past that part! 

Oh, good to know! I was playing in the browser. I'll have to go back and finish it now that I know there's a way to get un-stuck! :D