There's going to be a lot of bugs so if you find one drop it below!
Kaiju CRUSH! Games!
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Really fun game and pretty hard, reminds of "Will You Snail" a little bit with the unexpected stabs at my heart when I panic see a spike pull up.
The 2nd level sent me because I got to the end and saw the text "And he won't see what's coming.." (I think that's what it said) and I figured traps right? I just need to jump to the goal. I threw my boy to the finish line but missed by a couple feet and he landed straight on a spike and it just fit so well lol
The platforming feels solid and the little block effects for movement feel nice plus simple and clean audio sell it! Level design also is quite nice and is fun to die through.
Yeah I initially planned for mainly Keyboard + Mouse controls but got worried about keyboard only and controller players; unfortunately that worry took hold of the entire project and mouse controls got lost in the mix. Something I plan to work in for the post-jam update!
For the first issue it's definitely something I was aware of but I also just huffed some copium expecting people to understand the very hard to see highlight was the selected option; when I was consistently struggling with it. Thankfully I have fixed that and with a few critiques on the newer buttons as I was updating I hope the new version sits better with people.
Brightness is currently an issue the game struggles with I'm trying to fix up.
The second issue is something I also thought of adding when I saw someone else got frustrated due to it just quitting on them mid-game because the UI isn't great at displaying the focused prompt. Definitely something I'm going to need to add and really should be in there for the phone especially since it's a pretty focal part of the game loop so that buttons gonna be hit by accident a few times minimum per session.
Thanks for playing again and for the feedback! I'm hoping to get the post-jam update out right after voting but definitely am taking the time to fix up everything to be a more solid experience first.
Thanks for playing!
The overlapping UI is probably the biggest killer so far in the game; and stems out of me deciding no pausing during dialogue and menus in general. While I feel it made some parts a tad better; it absolutely killed the experience with the overlap issue I didn't see coming. So I'm bringing the pause back lol
I might add a skip intro button somewhere until I add saving into the game at least; that way people playing it don't need to go through the whole thing over and over. I personally snipped the trigger for it during testing so probably a sign to add a skip dialogue option.
The shopping experience should've been working but I did notice a handful of complications in both crafting and shopping. Including the crafting list sometimes just being deleted....that was a fun bug lol.
Should be fixed up now but I'm probably going to be hammering out bugs in those fields for a few, especially since I revamped the inventory structuring to allow more complex variables like uses. Instead of buying 50 packs of beans a single bag will just have X uses in the new update coming.
I'm definitely going to be playing around with where pausing is most appropriate and there's a new tracking system that shuts down menus I think could get in the way when needed. So in the new update coming if you use your phone and walk into dialouge or the day ends it turns off the phone entirely. And important dialogue (which so far is all dialogue) has a pause during it again while using the phone still allows for on the go usuage for now.
Thanks again for playing and the feedback! I feel like each UI feedback I get another piece of the puzzle of something that isn't working or just how it feels. This is probably my most feature complete project at least in a while so I always feel a little bias when things are good enough when good enough isn't the goal for the end. But with all the feedback and general support I'm really excited to see where it leads and hoping some of you guys stick around to see if the next update or two brings enough to the table for future vision!
The game oozes with style, I'm not very good at UI but the UI in this game just hits so nicely; kinda reminds of "The Darkness" games in a way. The atmosphere is built well especially when I was expecting a parade of jumpscares that many horror games now are very notorious for but instead I got more tension and actual spookiness.
From a wacky idea to a wacky fun experience!
I'm pretty bad at games that require balancing movement like this but where there's failure there's always some laughs and a bit of fun which is exactly what I had.
I think the main thing you could really do from here if you wanted to develop it more is just expand on the ideas present and go wild with it.
Fun little game and hopefully your exams went well!
The art style is very unique and fun to start, the second thing that caught my attention was the fantastic dialogue system. I really like the effects on the text and how it rolls out.
The mini-games are a cool system and pretty fun, except you had me doing was pretty mathmatical though. The audio design really fits the visuals since they're simple but really effective and the art style is hand drawn with minimal colors.
Thanks for playing! Yeah the UI stuff is always fun lol though there's been some issues with it I didn't know were real issues just because there's so many circumstances that cause new issues that hide away. Hoping to kill as many as possible.
The first issue reminds me to make sure I keep buttons disabled until they should be activated and disable upon use; should fix that.
I'll have to fix the 2nd issue, don't want people pulling a "I can walk into the city!" but off the map forever being reminded about medical bills :')
Thankfully even if the issue persists I'll be removing those weird little walk off spots and the prompt altogether with a "Bus Stop" feature in the first actual update.
Thanks for the compliment! I had to pull myself through a lot of the project but happy it's turned out mostly good :)
Thanks for playing and enjoying the bunnies!
Yeah currently you can switch between them but they don't do anything unique in the jam version besides different looks. Currently there's no actual gameplay for running as a barista however I do need to develop that down the line as I'd really like to add co-op where one player can explore and the other run the coffee bar!
But for now when you switch the bunny you switch off of just gets defaulted to auto taking orders.
It's funny you should mention monsters...not anytime in the near future since I have a lot to buff out and add; but there's one update I'm saving in my Trello board called "INVASION" that'll add enemies and combat. I want the game to nail down the peaceful gameplay first but it wouldn't be a me game without some kind of whacky twist down the line.
Yeah unfortunately the park is pretty empty and will remain empty in the post-jam update. Mainly because the first non-jam focused update is going to be adding in the "whole city" which won't be as big as large games but I do want it to be sizeably appropriate for what the game is and will evolve into. During that update I'm going to be upgrading the park a lot as well as NPC general behavior. I want to add a basic "Living" system where they have designated homes, personalities, and jobs. So that factors such as decor and location for when you can buy a cafe become more relevant and actually impactful. I definitely want to make your decisions towards developing your cafe to feel like they do something and it's not scripted even if it takes a while to nail down.
I hope to keep you and as many people as possible interested to see what comes next! I'm not usually super motivated to actually keep working on most projects; but this one just has everything I really love about games in a non-bloated package.
Thanks for playing! I actually have added a tilt-shift shader for the world and a light stylized shader on the objects to give it a bit more charm to it (I hope anyways).
I'll have to mess with the controller a bit, I didn't want to try and get crazy with it during the jam. But post-jam would be fine to mess with it some more and get it feeling better.
I'm not sure what isn't normalized but I'll have to double check to make sure the final bit is, I felt it was a little off but wasn't entirely sure.
My little game is about bunnies running a coffee bar in a cute little animal world! I'm under the 20 votes and am also locked in on wrapping up the post-jam update.
I'd appreciate any plays and feedback about the game so I know I've hit the marks for the stuff that's worse off than not to make the post-jam update a solid update! I also would like to give everyone who's given some feedback on the game a little credit spot for Jam Testers as well; I think it'd be a cool little thing to do.
I'm looking to develop the game further if anyone's open to continuous testing the newer version as they come :)
(I'll also try to check out as many of your games as possible before voting ends!)
A banger of fun and laughter as I thought the idea was really fun then tried to trickshot more; only to get clipped by my bullets (I think) reflecting right into me because instead of the enemy.
I think it's the most fun when you're actively jumping into the middle of battle and not just chilling.
Some fun ideas that I had while playing:
Richocheted projectiles get a little faster and deal a little more damage each deflection to not only make the gameplay faster for players who try to play slower; but also rewarding players for playing with the mechanics more. Maybe it'd get more red each time it bounced.
Movement speed/shoot speed boost for when you've been moving nonstop to push players towards the action more and not away from it as some people below said they would cheese fights. While they still could it'd just be even less fun to do so.
It's a lot of fun though and feels quite polished!
Thanks for playing!
Yeah the UI issues while mainly resolved in the post-jam update I'm wrapping up for when the voting period ends; they're pretty annoying in the jam version. There's a highlight around the option the select button will enter, but as a lot of people pointed in the Discord when showing new buttons off the game is very light so having more dark colors should make it a more friendly and sensical experience. Honestly didn't like the buttons I went with but the brain was too shot to change it lol
The being frozen is weird but I know the Wild option selection acts really weird. I even fixed the entire eventing system and it still bugs out; will definitely need to look into it to see what's going on.
The walking through the gates was a worry I had, while I never could make it through I also didn't test it too much. I'll have to touch up that barrier a bit more since you will just fall through the world and there's no way back.
Lol the hospital bill fee and ability to go into debt from it was kind of a joke mixed with a practical "Pokemon" styled excuse but I didn't know how many people would die but glad someone hit it even with the debt.
If you're interested in a second round of it the post-jam update will be out the day voting ends and it fixes up a lot while adding some features and a slightly improved foraging system. I loved how Moonlighter has you dungeon diving and selling loot so I wanted to have a take on the concept :D
It's definitely a cool game with a fun concept, I really like reality and surreal mixed together in games for the contrast. I would say the biggest thing that could improve the game feel is more feedback to make hits feel more oomph, currently combat works but it doesn't feel satisfying to really do and can be more punishing without the invincibility timer. Platforming is also fine but if you had interest and doing more with the game some polish on how it feels would go a long way :)
Overall it was a fun and cool experience.
In the town of Palomino two bunnies begin their journey of running a cafe at their coffee bar in the park. You sell coffee and discover flavors to boost your cafe into popularity until you can buy your own coffeehouse!
Brew your first coffee today!
Thanks for playing and leaving good feedback!
The UI overall seems to be a killer, which shouldn't surprise me since I packed a lot into it and didn't fix it up as much as I should've. Product of too much game and too little time and brain cells.
Last second I pulled out the pause function on it and it many issues lol but in the post-jam update coming out that issue has been fixed thankfully.
The buttons are still a WIP in the update, part of the developer bias of "I can kinda tell enough which one it is so it should be fine" and as you experienced it's really hard to tell in the jam version. New version is better, hoping it's a solid change overall since buttons are one of the biggest impact pieces in the game.
The wild entrapment is something I'm still working on, I'm not 100% sure why that dialogue freaks out but I've noticed it even after I fixed up the eventing system. Definitely will need to be fixed in the update coming.
Hopefully I'll be able to make the post-jam update make the game feel a lot more stable and overall enjoyable! And hope some people come back for 2nd round :D
If you get time I made a cute little game about bunnies running a coffee bar (Game Link)
Looking for more feedback to help develop it further with my post-jam update almost ready for the end of voting :)
A really nice little RTS, a little bit of a slow burn at first which was nice; but once I figured out the knights and archers....Goblins became no longer a problem :)
I'd say the one thing that stuck out to me as time went on was having to micromanage the pawns and the build time seemed to take forever with buildings.
10/10 wouldn't change anything!
I expected a little fun game then when I hopped in the getting into the bar and everything I was vibing going "All right we got some style and vibes going"
Then once the action started it was hard not to laugh when I'm doing the cliche drunk people stuff like trying to maintain a corner and peek it but failing and falling forward.
Everything was so polished and well fitting that the only feedback is I'm upset I can't drop a few bucks on the Play Store or Steam for it.
Really cool entry! I love the whole "HD-2D" style, I think the camera would've been better more centered and following for out on the bridge then more PS1 styled inside the rooms. It made traversing the bridge a bit harder.
It was a fun game and has some good style to it, could be fun even for practice to build it up some more. Could even pull some Godly favors from Poseidon or something for round-based rewards.
This is just one of those ideas that's just a banger outright.
Everything was presented very nicely and once you get a hang of it; it's just a fun time. Also reminds me of an old project a professor assigned to my class "Balance this tower defense Excel." brother made us program in Excel :')