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A member registered Feb 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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People like this are missing what game jam is all about.

spent so much time and money to reach level 11 ant to think I am so OP that anything can nearly touches me, so i let first guy, then he ran and shoot few shots from distance and it was over. 

Great game, I enjoyed every second of it.

And based on my game jam experience few years ago, where I scored average rating below 2 (1.9) stars with 6 ratings and 5 reviews like this, I guess they rate your game extremly low while comenting that you should try their game. And they didnt't even try your, how can you try 10 games in 10 minutes and write review about?

This guy reviewed 10 games in 10 minutes with pretty much same review.

I bet it comes with all 1 star review

Well this is first game I ever play it plays by itself :) 

I would really like to know if you made this logic or is from some asset? If you made it, then is very impresive, but questions is why completely let plane navigate alone? It coud be great that if you manage something before walls to collect, then game assist you, but if you didn't, you are all by yourself to make pass through. It is pretty, fun and if this is your first game, really great job! 

Just one question, I let game for 15-20 minutes to play and have not seen that special mode you described here:  "Survive as long as you can; and if you survive long enough, a special game mode is unlocked". How to get to that special mode?

It is amazing how much of content you put here. And it has great art style. NPCs, quests, inventory, fighting, all of that is in this game, and it is implemened very nicely. Especialy for game jam game! There is maybe problem I encountered when trying to get honey for bartender, I was not able to pick it, as nothing happened when I pressed E near great honey place. But anyway, amoount of enemies and quality of content I saw so far is truly amazing.

My 7 years old niece LOVES this game! We had so much laughter while she was playing. I let her rate it and she was very happy to do that! I also find this game beautiful and fun and just want to say great job!

Beautiful game. 

Maybe not most obvious theme implementaton, but waves are coming really like storm in this game. I love animation, effects and generaly art is done extreamly well here imo. Gameplay is  quite interesting and strategy aspect is nicely implemented. Grab resources wuickly and build deffence on time. 

I think you have great game and congrats on it!

Hi! I'll check yours now. I made souls like in 4 days, if you like those, please give it a try. 

Here is my:

Thanks, I'll check it out!

Thanks, added. I'll check your game out!

(1 edit)

 Just days before this event started,  my first game was released on Steam. And here it all tsarted, just couple years ago. And now, about this GJ. I really enjoyed making game for this GJ. I recorded most of developing and I hope to make video about whole procces, because I find similar videos very entertaining and helpful at same time. I would also like to try and make videos about few of yours titles and give some comentary on it and release it on my youtube channel. If you want for me to try your game, please rate and put review on my game, and I will try yours too and give my thoughts, and if I like it more then others, I will review it on youtube too. Thanks, hope you all had great time making your game, hope you learned a lot (I'm sure you have), now lets play some games from Brackeys GJ 2024.2!

my YouTube

my steam game

Finaly! Someone else (other 3 scores are mine) finished my game! You made my day :) 

You are right, it is not optimized, barely put together in time! Thanks for playing!


I love it. It was little too blurry for my eyes, but not a big deal. Easy to grasp on, easy to controll, and it gives you a nice chalenge. I am last one on scoreboard :) Good job!

Thanks a lot! Really great advices. I will try to participate in GMTK game jam. Thank you for checking my game out, I have YouTube, tiktok, twitter, and try to post some things on reddit, but it does not do much in terms of numbers. But I'll keep doing it, as something is always better than nothing. Most of current wishlists came from Steam Fest, that I would suggest to everybody to try, as it can really boost your wishlists. I will try and other stuff you suggested, especialy trying to find streamers to play my game, as I didn't try that out yet. Thanks again, it really means a lot! And good luck on your journey!

Hi! I am working for more than a year on my dream game, I even managed to gain 3000 wishlists on Steam, but I need to collect more that 7000 to have success with my release. So my plan was to make good speed jam game and get some visibility with PolyMars. But I've got just 7 ratings. And some of rating is from "people" rating 3 games in minute and put coment: "Great! Please rate mine!". I guess how generous they were, considering they didn't even check screenshots and descriptions. I need more honest votes. I started my game dev journey 2 and a half years ago here, on Brackeys 2022 Game Jam. It was my first game ever. Now I am really close (September 2) with release of my first commercial game. So if you have time, please rate my game. And if you are super cool and awesome, add my dream game to wishlist, and shasre it with your friends. Thanks for your time, and have a great game! 

my gamejam entry:

my Steam game:

If you want for me to cover yours, please leave your game and I'll try to play them all and upload video of it! 

Here is video with your game! 

Here is the video! 

Here is video! 

I played your game! 

Nice game! I managed to get to the leaderboard, I suck as I am number 21 at the moment. I will upload video soon!

Great one! Really enjoyed playing this! Love that Karlson vibe. Just finished recording and editing, I will upload and share link here soon!

Very nice game! I got this time: 

Awesome job! Under 4 hours! IMPRESSIVE!

Rated. Nice game!

Current leader board(scores in seconds). Finish to get yourself on list!

If it is your first game, very nice job! 

Wow! How many levels it has? I managed to pass just two, but I had so much fun! Recorded my playing, just to edit it and Ill upload  it and share link with you.

Cool game! I just did not know what to do after I destroyed first 3 projectile spawners...

I was short of implementing UI for overheating if sprint is hold to much. It still work, but with no indication, it sucks.

Yes! I make scripts and level design. Used mostly free assets from unity asset store, and couple not free.

Very cool platformer! I played it more than I expected, and beside reaching snowy level, I did not manage to beat it. I will make video about it and update a comment with link soon!

(1 edit)

Funniest game I played so far! Simple premise, exelent execution! Ragdoll physics is awesome and works perfect here. You will not expect what can be done here!

I would appreciate if check out my game too!

Nice game! You could put little explanation how to play it, but I found a way on my own and finish game in 3:00. I believe this is one of yours first attempts, if that is case, great job, keep making games!


So sorry for your PC! 

Nice game!