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A member registered Jun 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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In worlds of lore and battles grand,
Where heroes rise at fate's command,
Strategize, unleash your might,
Slain kin and fighters in your sight.
Yet in the end, the hero prevails,
A tale of triumph, as destiny entails.

Love seeing the reverse bullet heaven. Great visuals and variety. Surprisingly enjoyable.

Invasion imminent, fear fills the air
Alien's gaze, a haunting stare.
Evacuate from danger, heed the warning cry
Our fate uncertain, as we bid Earth goodbye.

My lord is this beautiful. That music also slaps.

It's a MOO'D.

I see cow, I run like heck.
When tummy is grumble, I eat grass.
When the Butcher goes Boo, I go MOO.

When Autumn comes, I'll need to conserve
For my shade grows pale in need of moisture
I mean no harm or to strike a nerve
This thing called water, you need to secure

Very calming and enjoyable. I love the art and simplicity.

(1 edit)

Skelly, skelly, come out from your pot.
I know your brain has yet no thought.
I'll be your escort through thick and thin.
This hero won't be your end.

I wasn't quite sure what to do, but I stuck with it.
Enjoyed the concept, would love to see a more fleshed out version in the future!

5/7 no Moo, only Quack
Tell ole Billy Jac
Mans gotta give me my shotgun back.

Love that you used Duck Hunt!
My brain couldn't translate vertical rows to horizontal keys + space bar press, so I was no beuno at this. Maybe 1, 2, 3, 4 just changes the direction instead of having to press space.

I came in like a HURR-ICANE
I took out all the window panes
All I wanted was to break your walls
Not shrink into tiny ball
Yeah, I shrunk into a tiny ball...

Camera can be a little nauseating.
Absolutely loved the theme/concept. Would love a more in-depth version of this.

Grab your pitchforks and grab your torches! It's time to journey to our end!

I love the horde of "players" running through the dungeon, great visual and experience!

Love the concept! Nibble.. nibble..

Timmy, you're looking extra skinny. You should put some meat on them bones!

Ah, I really liked this! Loved the reload spin and you even managed to put in some meta progression! Great job!

Loved the play activated sounds! Super cute aesthetic. The game was really interesting, though a little difficult to control. I felt like the attack range was a bit short.

Really nice addition to the jam! I really enjoyed the music and models. Cut it close with 1 Life remaining!

Sweet artwork and music! :) Very unique entry and turn of events.

Love the music and great use of the die face to track remaining moves!

Really neat implementation for the theme! Maybe tone down the bow from being so good. :P

Wonderfully done! You never cease to amaze. Great tribute to tabletop games.

Definitely one of the most charming games in the jam!

I would have liked the ability to remap the E hotkey though, as I find it difficult to use WASD and press E on a time limit.

This was a really neat concept. I did find it a little difficult to differentiate where I had Satellite locations and not.  Great job!

It's a Trail Renderer! I basically just attached the trail renderer to the sword, set the alpha to fade from 1-0 in its lifespan, and set the size to do the same. I also took some of the smoothing features off so it looks more cartoon-like to compliment the art (that's what is creating some of the rough angles).

I'm not sure what engine you're using, but I'm sure there should be a tutorial on it somewhere. If you're using Unity,  I would recommend looking up "Blackthornprod - How to make cool trail effects - Unity Tutorial."

Really enjoyed this! It's always great to see puzzle-like games in game jams. This makes me think of mini motorways. Great job!

Well, I think you're already aware of the pacing and lack of threat (based on other commenters).  I think the core of your game is solid, but it feels like the game is lacking an overall goal. I would recommend finding other ways to compliment what you have and to streamline the player's objective. Perhaps make the goal about reaching a destination (like they're migrating) or you have to destroy (I'm using this loosely) something. Find a way to add some slight randomness and some more obstacles (like wind, fire, even humans). I would definitely try to keep each element as simple as possible - logical way that each challenge/obstacle behaves.

Also, if/when you make the chicken more challenging, you should make them fall asleep after eating a certain number of locusts - that way it's not too punishing.

Such a satisfying little game and such wonderful pixel art. Great job, look forward to seeing more.

Simple and sweet. Just need to polish up some of the collisions and I think you're all set. Good job.

This was a really neat addition to the jam. Visually and mechanically unique. I wasn't a super fan of the scrolling/selecting items though; I felt like these items/action could have been a little more focused and it would have made for a better overall experience. Perhaps a better paced tutorial would also help with that. Regardless, this was a wonderful and neat experience and I hope to see you do more with it. Best of luck and great job!

Original, unique, and chaotic... Also maybe a little much. The average human can only remember ~7 things at a time, so trying to keep track of 26 changes is definitely difficult. While the guide is there, I'm not sure how useful it is as a separate download. If it was in the game, that would be one thing.

Regardless, great job! Definitely one of the most unique games in the jam.

Great premise and a great start! I couldn't full screen for some reason, making the game fairly small and hard to see, but it wasn't too difficult. Keep up the good work!

Unique to say the least! Plenty of fun and takes some time to get the hang of. Great job and keep it up!

1: 08 - This was definitely a lot better with the sprite :)
Good luck in the jam!

Thanks for playing! Honestly, I should have shortened the waves even more (they were almost twice as long just a few hours before publishing). And your Rope extends by 1 every wave, so the range of the Thrust does increase!

I must say, I really liked this title. The artwork was pleasing and the mechanics were fun. I do think the enemy AI could be improved, but I know that's a large endeavor. Great job, nonetheless.

Neat concept, I would definitely like to see more - both in the game and in the future! The camera seems to be zoomed in quite a bit, which is okay, but quite restricting vertically. Aside from that, great job!

If you ever get around to it, I do hope you try the windows version with some headphones on!
I put a lot of effort into it and Unity WebGL didn't like it very much. Lol.
Thanks for stopping by, would love to collab with you sometime!

Nice concept, would love to see more in the future!

I got stuck with my back 2 tires on the wall.
I got stopped by a single cardboard box.

Fantastic and fun! A little buggy and laggy, but I feel the effort that went into this. Much enjoyed.

This was a really sweet, charming, and relaxing submission to the game jam! Though it is chaotic in a sense - like when you drop a bunch of mystery flavored skittles on the ground and try to find/pick them all up - it seemed like the game needed just 1 or 2 more systems in play to really shine. Again, wonderful job and keep it up!

To be honest, I ran into so many physics issues making this, I was rather lucky to even have 2 enemy types. Lol. And the Thrust gets to become more useful the longer your rope gets. Not that it's mentioned anywhere, but the Thrust seeks a target in a cone in front of it and deals 1.5x Damage.

I guess what I'm trying to say is take off the half speed in lava and tone down the jumps. I think that would be an appropriate route, making the upgrades increase the rate the ability/meter fills. Once you get it figured out, I'm sure you'll find plenty more to do :P

There is so much charm in this, wonderful job! The wall shake was a great way to simulate screen shake and the art was just a delight. Only things I might would say is toning down the wall shake (just the slightest) and maybe try to come up with a way to know how many bounces a projectile still has (not really a big deal though). Anyhow, keep up the amazing work! Can't wait to see what you add in the future!

When you're in the Lava, you move really sluggish and have to jump to get out/gain momentum. I just feel like the jumping action should have a little less allowed momentum, requiring you to spend a short amount of time in the lava to project yourself further.