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LabRift HazardView game page

Can you handle the mutation?
Submitted by VALSergey, wozzyb, Justix47 — 2 hours, 19 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 45 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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its a good game, just wish every enemy wasn't just the same enemy but more durable.


This is a nice polished game. Great art style! The game play works well, but is a bit slow for my taste (unless you grab a speed powerup), and it's too easy - it almost seems like you can play forever, though after a few minutes some real enemies appear. I would also add that enemies drop powerups (or mutation / XP points), maybe even powerups that disappear after a while, which makes the movement and positioning more interesting. Anyway, that's nitpicking - it's still among the top games of this jam!


Thanks for the feedback and tips! Glad you enjoyed playing it.


Cool game! I like the art style a lot(reminds me of the brotato style a bit), and the variety of enemies.


I liked this game! well done 


Very nice game, I like the UI elements, how he interpreted the theme of mutation. Very fun gameplay and keeps you hooked to play, sounds are simple but nice for a jam. Good job.


We appreciate it!!! Took us a bit to get everything right.


very nice got intense towards the end damn


Thanks for playing!


the upgrades didnt feel like they did much beyond me spamming damage and reload rate which is normal for a game jam, but beyond that it was good, the artstyle was cool and i cant tell if the world *is* procedurally generated, but it did feel like that and if it was then it felt like it had good worldbuilding through it's environment


Thanks for playing! 

And yes, the world is procedurally generated and randomized.


Really good and fun game! Liked the art and sound, but the gameplay loop was great!! Really good job!


Took us a bit to get the game loop right, We appreciate the fact you found our game fun!!!


Really like the mood of the game! Well done!!! Hope you like mine as well!


I appreciate the fact you liked our game! Your game was also really fun!!


Awesome game! The only problem was the game speed (too slow). Well done!


We're working on a speed patch, I'm glad you liked the game!!


Great game! Love the aesthetics and the sound of the game, I do enjoy the gameplay loop and the controls are responsive, I found the gameplay a bit slow for my taste (take it with a grain of salt tho, it’s a subjective feedback)


The gameplay is indeed a bit slow, we'll try to fix that. 

Thanks for your feedback!


really satisfying to let my penetration 8 bullets just plow through the horde, my only negitive comment is that i felt there were to many health power ups compared to what you actual needed. other than that, really solid entry


I'm glad you enjoyed the game and thank you for your feedback!


Super satisfying game play! I love the cover art and characters. My only note is that it didn't get harder, but other than that it's fun!


The game actually gets harder, but only after a while. After the rating period we will try to fix the balance of the game to make the game more fun.

Thank you for your feedback!


Fun game! I do think its a bit too easy and it doesn't scale much but its a really fun game.


There are actually a lot of parameters in the game that change over time. But unfortunately, balancing them didn't quite work out.

Thanks for your feedback!


Fleshed out and understandable!

I like the gameplay loop! While it's a bit simple, it's still fun! Something to think about is that the player will be doing the same thing the entire time. There's a clear dominant strategy, and nothing in the game ever changes that up. That would be fine if the game-loop was short, but game take awhile to get through, so something needs to change up how the player feels.

I would've liked to see more mutations other than just weapon adjustments. Player movement, auras, additional effects... If you're going for a Vampire Survivors vibe, look at what is interesting about Vampire Survivors.

Clear visuals and audio. Well done!


The idea with player mutations is a good one, but we didn't have time to implement it in such a short period of time, prioritizing improvements to existing systems.

Thank you for your feedback!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Love the design and banner artwork! Really polished and robust game for a short jam. I love all the variety of pickups and it's really satisfying to one-shot all the enemies with bullet spreads. I would have loved to keep the speed boosts longer, or perhaps permanently, because movement did feel a bit on the slow side after a while. Overall pretty fun. Nice work!


I'm glad you enjoyed it! There will be permanent improvements for player characteristics in the next updates.

Thank you for your feedback!


Wow, just wow!




Game looks great and is quite satisfying but it's a bit too easy early on and the movement is too slow like others mentioned


Yeah, the beginning of the game got a little boring. 

Thanks for the comment!


Great concept, a bit slow like others mentioned. Was very fun to play, especially at the beginning when you have a lot of upgrade possibilities. 


I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you for your comment!


Very good Artist and arts but it looks like it took 90% of time. Very slow paced and imbalanced, but it not very important. Kudos!


I do agree on the speed, after playtesting it for a bit we can see that now. We're concepting stuff to fix the movement speed issue in our game. Aside from that, I appreciate ya for playing out game!!!!

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