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Project S.C.A.L.E.View game page

Specialized Climbing Apparatus for Liquid Escape
Submitted by Siôn le Roux (@sinisterstuf), Thesryn, Acros_NA — 4 hours, 17 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme interpretation#1073.6093.609

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I like the concept and you pulled it off well! At first I was confused with why you could jump when it seemed slower than running but then I got to the sections where you had to jump and it made a lot more sense. You did a great job of making the difficulty slowly increase the higher up you get. I did have a weird bug during the jumping section where I was able to overshoot a one space gap and got locked into permanently falling where my character would not recover and let me resume jumping/moving. Otherwise, had a lot of fun and the ramping music made it even better.


Thanks for playing, several other people mentioned the same bug and it’s reproducible so it’ll be fixed after the jam, thanks for the feedback!


Nice graphics and atmosphere. The only thing that is not looking very well is the maze itself.

On second attempt I reached the middle of the building with striped tiles. They were very unforgiving: if touch one, I get pulled a few tiles down wasting precious time. After a couple of such touches I have little chances to not lose. So I decided to not try again.


It's solid, I like the level design a lot! The layouts are really good!

I do think the graphics kind of betray you a bit, the first time you encounter a tile it's hard to tell whether to jump over it or go around it.

You also have to be very precise with your placement due to how little distance you jump, it might be nice to have a bit of leeway for if the player steps too close to an edge or lands too close to an edge after a jump.


It is a good game with a great music. :)


Good job! I especially like the level design, it's the perfect degree of hardness! Also, I like the overall artwork! I just noticed that when you collide with something and keep moving in that direction that the robot is moving back and forth, but thats just a minor detail :) Overall, great work!


Cool game with great sound. well done!


Great Job! i like the game and the audio is just perfect it suits the game and graphics very well, i encountered a small bug where if you jump over those brown checkered tiles and the jump is higher than the safe tile the character lands on the next adjacent brown tiles and gets stuck until the water level reaches the player and the game end.

overall great job!


Game is fun, jumping  over gaps could have been more satisfying sure.  I found punishment for failure to jump to harsh and it led to bugs too.


The idea is simple but fun. There's a bug where you can get stuck in mid-air until the game ends, dying constantly, but aside from that, the game is interesting and quite entertaining. Good job ^^


Thanks for playing. Glad you had fun! We are working on resolving that glitch but it is proving to be quite tricky to get the collision logic right. Pretty much have to rewrite the code from scratch unfortunately


Ah, this was quite fun and a cool idea! Scaling the building to avoid the water was quite tense, I felt the difficulty level jump a little suddenly when you have to jump up, then left, (died a couple times lol) but I really liked the game!


Happy to hear you liked it. Apologies for the difficulty spike! 


Gameplay is good when it is working as intended, but I ran into quite a few times where damage will infinitely loop, stun locking me until the water comes. If that got fixed I think the game could be great. Also, I like the general aesthetic of the game.


Thanks for the feedback! We are aware of this issue and trying to resolve it. Glad you enjoyed the game


Gameplay is really fun and it has a lot of replay value. Art looks really good as well.


Really glad you enjoyed it!


Simple and fun. I really spent time trying to get higher and higher. Congratulations. I had a little difficulty in some specific parts, where he would lean over and take damage, after damage and couldn't get out of place. But I imagine that with a little more polish this should be resolved.


Glad you had fun! It looks like we are following in the footsteps of Cyberpunk 2077 with a rather buggy launch. We'll try not to take 3 years to fix it though!


such a well thought game, love the small details such as the ability to fall off on the sides as well. great entry in the puzzle platformer genre, nice art direction as well. 

gratula, szép munka!


So glad you liked it! Thanks for playing :) 


I did it! :D It took me around 10 attempts, but I finally did it. It was crucial to save a lot of time by being very efficient in the first easier half part of the game, so you have some safety bag in the later part. :)

I enjoyed the game in its current state, and it can be even better with a polished controls. Maybe a shift for a “careful step” would be nice, where you can move with 25% speed, but never trigger a bad cell. This feature is needed to align yourself properly for a jump without stepping into a pit just because you pressed a movement key for 1/60 seconds more than you should. :D


Nice to hear from you again this year, Iskander. And thanks for persevering enough to finish the game in its current state! Great feedback. We will probably implement a small delay on movement that will allow the player to rotate on the spot by just tapping a direction. Or alternatively, the speed of climbing can ramp up when holding a direction key.

Congrats on the time of 2 min 32 seconds! My best time is 2 min 6 seconds (but because I designed the map I know a few tricks about which paths to take :P). Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it


I found at least a couple of places that cut some of the distance. :D Good job on the level design.


I liked the concept, especially the parts where you have to double back toward the rising water to get past obstacles. It could definitely afford some polishing around the collisions/physics. Maybe make the the player's collider a circle if it's not already? Cool game!


Glad you enjoyed the concept. Many thanks for the feedback! We are definitely looking at ways of refining the movement to be smoother


I love the premise. I'm a sucker for cyberpunk stuff. Felt like neuromancer, hacking a corporation in cyberspace. Maybe that was my imagination.

Getting caught on corners felt a bit punishing. Maybe the collision shape should be capsule instead of rectangle, or maybe you could implement a corner-slide mechanic to make it a bit more forgiving. Pacman style games would allow a player to hold the next direction slightly before they reach the corner.

Very cool game though. Fantastic entry.


Thanks for the feedback! We'll definitely play around with different collision shapes to see which allows the movement to be more fluid. Hopefully we'll eventually get it tuned to really flow with the music. Glad you enjoyed it!


Well on theme as you are literally scaling a building. The art had me confused at the start as it looked like a top down view for me instead of the head on facing of a skyscraper.
The movement is fun and I like the puzzle like aspects of having to jump when you get higher.
I did encounter some bugs when trying to jump and still being a bit too low so I was jumping into a solid block anc getting stuck.
The music has a nice vibe to it and makes you want to go fast !

Overall great job !


Haha it was definitely a challenge to convey the correct perspective. Hope it eventually became clear. Sorry to hear you experienced some bugs with the movement. We are working on some fixes with the collision detection, so hopefully that will help. Thanks for playing!