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Idol Manager

Idol Manager is a business sim about conquering the entertainment industry using any means you deem necessary. · By sadambober, Kuiper

Bugs Sticky

A topic by sadambober created Nov 20, 2018 Views: 56,401 Replies: 880
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At Chapter 4, the game crash (with rival route, the second time you do "the task").

I had this same issue.  The cutscene freezes and the game crashes without fail as the rival's picture loads.  This happens regardless of whether I click on the option or click on the cutscene through the debug options.


I've found several bugs:

1. In Chapter 4, the "release 3 metal singles in one month" task for the rival will register as completed even if you haven't actually done it (I may have released 3 singles that month, but none of them were metal).

2. Theater income always appears as 0 when hovering over my current balance, even though my two theaters are generating plenty of revenue when you examine them individually.

3. After one of my idols was treated for depression, her Cute score reset to 0. Other idols treated for depression didn't have this problem.

4. Variable names sometimes show up in dialogue rather than variable values. I've had a couple of idols tell me when announcing their graduation that they'd be saying goodbye on "[date]" when earlier in the dialogue they'd given the actual day, and once I saw "[actor]" rather than an idol's name show up in a social media post.

5. Number suffixes on the birthday screen are incorrect for some birthdays; my idols had "21th," "22th," and "23th" birthdays rather than "21st," "22nd," and "23rd."

I open game and open google chrome together. next i minimize a google chrome to play game. this i see.

After i set the concert and election. this happened. but i can use my key arrow and i can scroll but the screen is blury.  i forgot my old account and i have to use this -_-

and another BUG 

Recently I've encountered a pretty major bug in which when dialogue events come up, sometimes no idol will be there.

The dialogue will play but there will be no idol sprite and no idol name present. This has happened once with a random dialogue event and then once in the main story line, wherein the idol who wanted to stay on Nation of Idols was blank (no idea who she was) and stayed blank for subsequent events. The idol who was against Nation of Idols showed up without issue. This is a very bad bug, and I was wondering if there were any work arounds or anything to be done?

(1 edit)

When you start a new game and you reach the point where you meet your rival in the tv studio hallway before the gag comp., it shows the name of the rival in your previous game.

Edit: Minor nitpick- When you're at an election, idols are thinken instead of thinking.

I think that's one of the popups that only 'meme queen' idols can get, and it's supposed to be funny.

During the quiz show, when the host asks us which of the idols isn't a member of the player's group, the correct option features one name, but then the host says another name. So, for example, if I pick "Rika Morikawa" as the answer, the host will say "Anna Yamada" is not a member of the group. The names don't match.

Ran into a bug that sounds similar to some other reported bugs, but I'm not certain how to determine what went wrong or if there is a workaround.

Situation: Early in Chapter 5, I click on the task to continue the story. The task disappears, but no story event plays.

Is there a way to check what event was meant to play, and force it to play with a debug tool? Or does this kill that playthrough's story triggers?


This chapter is pretty linear except for the very end, so you can just filter for story_chapter_4_ in the debug tool and trigger whatever event hasn't played yet (or any of the older ones and keep playing from that point)

i have the same bug as jackkel dragon (i click on the task, it just disappears and doesn't trigger anything), only i'm on chapter two right after you perform on the show for the first time. i tried to trigger the next event with the debug tool but it seems like there might be some events missing? it goes from 1_50 to 2_05 and when i try 2_05, it starts chapter 3 immediately after the event plays. i'm not sure if this is intentional or not cause it feels like i missed a lot of story in between 1_50 and 2_05. re-triggering 1_50 doesn't do anything either, it just disappears without triggering the next event no matter what. any way to fix this?

Developer (1 edit)

No, that's correct, 1_50 is the last event of Chapter 2, and 2_05 is the first event in Chapter 3.

Also, how many idols do you have? If you don't have enough idols or staffers for the story to progress, the event just gets added to the queue and waits until you hire more people.

ah okay! i only have 3 so that's probably why

Ran into an issue with the tutorial on the "Hire Dance Staffer" Step. I purchased a dance studio first then clicked through the menu to hire a staffer pretty quickly, and the tutorial got stuck on the "Hire Dance staffer" step. I tried hiring another, but the tutorial screen hasn't changed. I can't assign either to a room. 

There is this dialogue between two idols where they talk about this comedy routine they perform, one playing the more serious character, and the other being silly. However, I'd like to know if this dialogue is supposed to trigger even if you don't have a theater. Because I definitely don't have one, and it popped up for me. I don't even have any ongoing shows, so it barely makes any sense for that dialogue to exist in the context of my group.

For some reason since yesterday, the game stops responding after the Glitch Pitch logo appears. Is this a bug? Or 


Try deleting/renaming this folder, apparently it helped someone before: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager

Your save files are also in this folder, so you should make a backup, and if the issue is fixed - copy your save files back to this folder.

Minor thing, someone seems to have mixed up the layers on her legs 


I had a story event and then the counter of my fans was completly wrong. I didnt notice and released a single that got a really big amount of money because of the wrong number of fans.  

(4 edits)



Chapter 3, if you fire the idols of the main story (there are 2 idols, one who want to withdraw from the nation of idol and one who want to participate) you won tons of fans at the end of this chapter.

So I'm not sure if I'm dumb or not but whenever I build the cafe, I can create dishes but I can't select them to add to the menu. 


This should’ve been fixed recently, updating the game should help

(1 edit)

There's a glitch with dressing ;w; I accidentally try to dress my idol at the end of the day and the new day comes with my idol's birthday the event popped up and it makes me can't dress my idol and I can't save the game too 

Is this a bug or am I tripping? That small green box should be critical success right? And it should have been a +200% rather than -75% of the critical failure?

(1 edit)

Hi I'm here to repport a bug on one of the scandals

It's the one when one of your idol gets in the car of a politician. Whenever I try to take the option to take the pictures down, the game bug, leaving the window blurry like when any event pop or when you make auditions. And I cannot continue my game because that scandal always happens even if i go back a little furter. it always pop right after I close a window (either an audition window, another event or anything of the like)

Edit : closing the game and reopening it using the autosave worked and it continued right after the event happened

Everytime I try to do something that involves influence, this screen pops ups and I can't exit without clsoing the game.


Upload your save file please or send it to me at

Save files should be here:

C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Glitch Pitch\Idol Manager\data\story_mode\*groupname*\

(1 edit)

The same issue occurred.Please execute date using my data.

save data

Disabling my mod solved the problem.


I think it happens when you enable the custom idle portrait mod. I have tried some mods.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length
   at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x0006a] in <e7ebd2aff7ec4d2997ffaa9e45e105f8>:0
    at Date_Popup.Progress_Text () [0x0000c] in <d693c2543c4d487dbb10f3fbb6cb3100>:0
    at Date_Popup.OnClick () [0x00049] in <d693c2543c4d487dbb10f3fbb6cb3100>:0
    at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () [0x00010] in <eea339da6b5e4d4bb255bfef95601890>:0
    at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () [0x00022] in <eea339da6b5e4d4bb255bfef95601890>:0
    at UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () [0x0001c] in <31499a9e82f44898b6f76eec2bb10669>:0
    at UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) [0x00009] in <31499a9e82f44898b6f76eec2bb10669>:0
    at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) [0x00007] in <31499a9e82f44898b6f76eec2bb10669>:0
    at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target,
 UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData,
 UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) [0x00063] in <31499a9e82f44898b6f76eec2bb10669>:0
 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
 UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
 UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1)
 UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ReleaseMouse(PointerEventData, GameObject)
(Filename: <e7ebd2aff7ec4d2997ffaa9e45e105f8> Line: 0)

Hi, I can't seem to continue on Story Mode? When I click on "Click here to continue Story" under the task panel, it fades away, but nothing happens. Then the task panel shows [0/0 Task].

My save file is here. Thank you so much before! Super great game, I love it!!

Developer (2 edits)

I see the bug, thanks for reporting!

Here's fixed save file:


If anyone else is having this issue and doesn't want to wait for the next update:

This can happen if the center of your single that ranks #1 in the charts graduates before you continue the main story.

You need to open your save file with a text editor and:

- Find an idol with "Variables": ["center"]

- Remove "center" from her and add it to any other idol who hasn't graduated yet

Works like a charm, thank you so much!!

I have a girl being bullied. I put her on hiatus for her depression, but she can't recover because she's getting bullied from the great beyond. What ever she gains in mental stamina, she immediately loses again, is this intentional?


When preparing for the Summer Games, I encountered a localization error. While talking about how to pander to the audition judges, this happened:

Hi! I think I just got the rival ending but idk why this task is still on the list and it's already way passed the due date. Can anyone help me figuring this out? Thank you so much


Is it still there if you return to the main menu and then load your game again?

Yes, that fixed it! I thought there were more to the story. Thank you!

(2 edits)

This bug is an odd one, that only seems to happen once. I loaded the game to two computers (Win7 and Win10) and the same thing happened on both. On initial play through, the game freezes on the first autosave. You can close the game and load the save okay. I assume it's a bug when creating the first save on a computer.  (This is the version downloaded off the site not using the app launcher, so it was manually installed on the desktop of the computers from the same files.)


I reached the ending where you quit to marry an idol. After returning to the main menu most buttons don't function until I restart, and the game doesn't seem to remember me completing the ending - the ending and associated CGs aren't unlocked in the gallery and if I replay the ending I can't skip over lines I've already seen, nor are my previously selected choices marked.

Idols who have announced their graduation don't seem to lose nor gain stamina from most sources.


Hello, This game is so much fun!

** This message is google transfer **

I am playing beta with steam demo save data.

I have some issues.

save data

1. The same member performs multiple stylings.

2. Dating with the graduated members.Is this the correct specification?

3. It's 2028 now. Various response operations slow down after playing for a few hours.I feel that it is getting worse over the years.

4. This is a suggestion. Place the newest song at the top of the concert song selection screen. As more songs are released, scrolling to the best to pick the latest song can be annoying.

5. This is a suggestion. Please allow members to socialize(Planning a date) during practicing and styling.I'm taking the following boring action to achieve this:

  • Cancel practice.
  • Room is "auto practice" will be disabled, so set it back to enable.
  • Execute socialize(Planning a date).
  • Manual start practice.

Hey there is one bug that particularly annoying that when I tried to use influence to force idol to break up or do something else, the game got stuck, nothing appears chat, and I can't anything but force quit.

(1 edit)

Do you have any mods installed? If you do, please deactivate all of your mods and see if the issue persists.

No I didn't use any mod in the game

btw, I am so disappointed to see Idol Manager is no longer in China's steam store

(1 edit)

The devs have had to change the game's age rating to 'Adults Only', which is causing problems to players in a few countries that don't openly and freely allow the sale of such products. It could be the case with China. This is not a final decision, however, so there's still a chance it may end up being reverted.

That's sad for all of my friends cus I have asked a lot of them who are in China region to buy this game on steam :(

I'm playing the latest beta. After I deleted a sister group, I can still assign idols to that sister group. I assigned my idols to that deleted group, they got disappeared. 

(1 edit)

I had a game breaking glitch where one of my idols tried to leave at the same time of a scandal. Every time I opened the game I didn't have enough time to fire her so immediately after she left the scandal would happen. And after clicking one of the solutions (no matter which option I chose) the game would freeze up

When starting the game for the first time on an ultrawide screen (3440x1440), the top portion of the screen is cut off in some windows.

Hello when I trigger an audition it just give me a blank screen and not showing me any idol or anything , I tried changing my resolution and the -force-glcore method and it still not working , anyway to solve that? (I have audition before but it is fine . this is the third time and the game broke

Im using the Steam version btw (playerlog) (my save file)


Here's your fixed save file:

Have you installed any mods? Something went wrong because of this girl: 夕凪英姬

nope I did not. I got that girl after 1 girl graduation

(3 edits)

Hello, I cant raise Cool and Sexy for some idols. Sometimes it work sometimes it doesn't. From the screenshots it is visible that this idol can raise her Cool and Sexy up to 55 and 76. I have an expert stylist with Cool and Sexy but It doesn't allow me raise the attributes. When I am trying to drag and drop the Idol as it is visible on the screenshot, areas with Cool and Sexy are red.

Can someone help please? I am using the steam version and I have tried with mods and without with the same result.
I also think that there is some problem with the story progression. I am still at chapter 1 and my current quest is to top the single charts. Is it supposed to be this way? I haven't seen much events either.

I'm also having this issue with the stylist. Here's an attached save file and log:

In this screenshot here, I'm trying to drag Sasaki Karen to the stylist with 6 stars in Cool/Sexy. Cool and Sexy are both marked ineligible in red, even though her Cool and Sexy stats are only 20, so the stylist should definitely be able to train her. Hiring new stylists doesn't change it -- it applies to all the stylists that I have.

*** Google Translate ****

I think age has something to do with it. Perhaps the maximum for 12 and 13 years old is 20.

(1 edit)


the main idol group in my game isn't generating more than 1-2k new fans per single release, with the current fan base of ~150k people. If anything, the number of new fans goes down, not up as the time goes and fan base grows larger. For a while i believed this could be some sort of weird balancing choice, but after hearing people are getting 30-50k fans per single with this sort of fan base, and seeing how my sister group with just few points generates 5-10k fans per single with its different mechanics, am starting to believe it's more likely to be some sort of a bug?

Here's a save file, with a new single for both main and sister group lined up for a release:

At the beginning of the game i have accidently closed the tutorial window before my first single was released. No idea if it has anything to do with this behavior.

If it's not a bug, but some sort of weird result of "working as intended" game mechanics, i'd appreciate some explanation what is causing it. Just how the game is determining fan gains etc. isn't really explained anywhere that i'd see.

I took liberty to peek in the game code, and i'd guess this issue is caused by the huge impact of your current fame level on the number of new fans you acquire:

 private float GetFameNewFansBaseCoeff()
    return resources.GetFameLevel() switch
        0 => 2f, 
        1 => 1.5f, 
        2 => 0.5f, 
        3 => 0.3f, 
        4 => 0.25f, 
        5 => 0.25f, 
        6 => 0.15f, 
        7 => 0.1f, 
        8 => 0.05f, 
        9 => 0.03f, 
        10 => 0.01f, 
        _ => 0.1f, 

The catch is, fame levels are very easy/fast to acquire. In my game i have fame level 10 after a year or so, mainly from doing contract work. This means my new fan gains are reduced to 1% of what they'd be otherwise, even though i have just a bit above 100k fans total and obviously plenty of room to grow in this department.

As a fix i'd suggest increasing numbers needed to acquire fame (a bump as large as 10x wouldn't be out of place, considering you can hit the max in just a year) and/or improve the fame coefficient calculation to take into account the size of your existing fan base, and don't reduce it so drastically if the players fan base is still somewhat small.

 Hope this helps?

= Hovering the mouse over "scandal points" does not cause the pop-up to pop-up.
= Stylist stuck on styling one idol at a time

"Hovering the mouse over "scandal points" does not cause the pop-up to pop-up."

This fixed itself after firing an employee to get rid of one scandal point.

"This fixed itself after firing an employee to get rid of one scandal point."

Restarted the game this morning, and the bug had returned.

I've been having a problem viewing charts past February 2031. My saved game is currently on June of 2031, and my six groups all release singles about monthly, but at the end of each month, it's only February's charts that show up, and when I click the arrow to view the next month... nothing happens. It's all February. I can go backwards, but never forward. The singles would be ones that charted, too, higher than the ones released in February.


Hey, been a while since I've posted stuff here. Thought I'd put some observations I found. (Warning, massive post ahead)
She's in two rooms at the same time. One is styling her for sexy, the other for cool.

Choosing any of the styling options (Including 'All visual params') under 'Auto Practice' doesn't work. The tick doesn't appear and vanishes from the list until any of the top 4 options are chosen.

While being on the topic of stylists, I would humbly request an option (in the policies section, probably) to disallow stylists to work on stats that are over an idol's potential.

Singles still grant buzz, but it looks to me like that function has been removed from the game. The main UI does not show any mention of buzz anymore.

The photogenic trait claims to make negotiations in photoshoot contracts always successful, but they aren't. And the 'random photo marketing promo' is no longer a thing from what I can tell.

Again, is buzz even still a thing?

Still on the topic of traits, can we get an option for idols like this to train their lowest stat in their auto-practice option? Perhaps also an option to not train any of their stats that are already at or over their potential.

Swapping tabs (with tab or MMB) while carrying an event/show/single will stick it to your cursor, until you click on the originating event/show/single again.

Adding activities to your queue and then removing them greys out the activities and will not allow you to re-add them by clicking (in the 'Details' menu or the 'Activities' menu) Shortcuts (Z, X, C) will still work.

For that matter, level-up requirements for activities do not update for the 'details' menu when the requirements are reached during an activity cooldown, while they do update in the 'Activities' menu itself.

After building your first expansion on a floor, the subsequent floors' rents go up, this is normal, but for some reason the floors going down gain a higher increase of rent than the floors going up.

If you lower an idol's salary to ¥1.000 /w, you can no longer increase it by pressing the plus button (You can still change it with the edit icon)

ᶜᵃⁿ ʷᵉ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵃⁿ ᵒᵖᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵗᵒ ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵉ ⁿᵘᵐᵇᵉʳ ˢᵉᵖᵃʳᵃᵗᵒʳˢ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵃˢ ᵗᵒ ᵖᵉʳᶦᵒᵈˢˀ

Raising one idol's salary reduces the satisfaction of other idols, this is intended(?), but can mess up the auto 50% salary policy, making some idols get under the asked for 50%. Also, why is there no 100% option?

Elements of the game are clickable through the bottom UI bar.

This also causes tooltips to overlap

One thing I would love to see is the ability to view idols' profiles while deciding on a formation for new singles. This will allow you to see which idols like or dislike each other and who has been a center/part of other singles, among other things.

I find the inconsistency of the stamina limits between policies and the cafe a bit strange. (And the theater doesn't have any?)

Speaking of the theater, I can't select Young Adult or Adult as the target audience for Sunday, as the dropdown box goes off the screen.

I know this is a massive list, and some of these are just pet peeves, but I thought I'd mention them anyways.
Thanks for all the hard work, loving the game still,



Have you been able to find a fix for the duplicating Idols in Stylist rooms ? I've been searching everywhere to no avail and this problem is driving me crazy. I've 11 Stylists working full time but they keep bugging due to this problem and the Idol stops getting any kind of progress in most cases (or only one Stylists progress will actually matter in the best case scenario).

I'm at a point where it'll be extremely tedious to micromanage each idol for a stat increase, if you do not have a fix i sure hope they will fix this soon because i'm not sure if i want to keep playing like this for long.

Sorry mate, I'm pretty sure this one's up to the devs to fix. They used to update (roughly) once a month, fixing most (if not all) of the bugs found that month. Not sure if they're going to keep that up now that it's released. Only time will tell.

Well that's a bummer, let's hope they will fix it at some point, still thanks for replying tho.
In the end i kept playing anyway, i like this game too much. It's just going much slower since i have to manually do everything now, but i guess at least i keep a closer track of who does or needs what, eh.

(1 edit)

hey i got the game on steam and redownloaded the game from itch to compare and found the same issue a few of my idols salaries were at the highest the game would allow and they all had 0% satisfaction i had this issue across multiple saves and devices with and with out mods


What language are you playing with?


however i do speak Russian and ran the game in that on a new unmodded save and had the same issue

I agree with TehWooF about the stamina limit in the theater. Well I agree about basically everything they said actually but this lack of stamina management in the theater makes it more or less unusable. I've had to destroy it because it was randomly taking my most tired idols and I was having a lot of injuries and depressed idols.

Besides, another theater bug (probably) : The streaming revenues don't seem to appear in the income/outcome panel at the bottom of the screen.

Finally a question : Where do I put mods when playing on Linux(native)??


I think they should be here:

~/.config/unity3d/Glitch Pitch/Idol Manager/Mods/

Thanks it was indeed there!

You agree with everything I said? Aww, you flatter me.

Sure! Great work!

I have a weird bug (mod related so I'm not sure if it should be here). I've added several idol mods, and now everytime I do an audition I have WAY too many silver, gold or platinum idol cards.

On a local audition I got a gold and two silvers, and on a regional on I got 4 gold and one platinum.

Pretty sure mods can force their (unique?) idols to be of a certain rarity.

I checked the params.json files but I don't see any parameter of that kind. 

Seems to have been reported here: Unique Idol Drop Rates - Idol Manager community -

That's about their drop rates in general? While I agree with that post, that's not exactly what Loacoon is talking about, right? If a modded unique idol's params.json doesn't mention a specific rarity, it shouldn't have a higher chance to spawn as a higher rarity, no? And if it has a minimum rarity, it should only have a chance to appear if the game normally would give you such a rarity to begin with. These are of course just my opinions, and I think you guys seem to share them? Would love to see more attention to how mods should/can behave from a player's perspective.

(2 edits)

By "rarity" do you mean their rating? If so yeah they're set on almost all the idol mods I installed. I do think that this post talks about the same thing I did. And they probably nailed the reason. That would explain such a high drop rate.

When you click on one of the three drawings depicting the three daily activities, the convenient green dot next to the calendar icon that indicates the absence of scheduled activities disappears. It is necessary to save and load the game, to make it reappear, taking care if possible not to click again on one of the three drawings.

Activities in general are a bit weird and in need of some TLC. They feel more like a hassle than a boon most of the time. As some (including myself) have reported several bugs regarding them, they are also not very helpful compared to other things you can do in the game. If you solely want to gain stamina through them, you have to wait for the soft cooldown of the spa treatment to wear off, or it's not as effective. The performance money gain doesn't scale with the amount of idols you have, while still increasing in stamina cost for every idol you have, and promotion is borderline mandatory early game to gain any sort of foothold. 

Again, it's just my opinion, but I think the activities are in need of a bit of a rework. Sadambober, perhaps you can have a look at it at some point?

(1 edit)

On this note, the spa effectivity drop makes very little sense when you have more than 5 girls, and the subsequent session would involve ones who didn't just visit it. As does the limit of five girls itself. It'd make more sense if it worked similar to "socialize" option, i.e. with individual cooldown for a given girl, and being able to send any number of them there.

Hey there, 

Found a bug in the idol formation when preparing a single. By setting girls in every slot except one, then very quickly mashing the mouse button on the leftover girl, you can double her in the song. The stats shown reflect the "extra" girl, but I didn't hit continue in case it could somehow compromise my save. It's a little hard to repro, you gotta really mash that mouse button and it definitely takes a few tries, but I got it to happen 3 different times.

Link to log and autosave here:

Thanks for the awesome game!

(1 edit)

While I can't seem to reproduce FlowerThief's issue, I did manage to get a ghost idol stuck to my cursor that I can't do anything with:

I achieved this only with an autoclicker.

And I mean, she got real stuck. Only after selecting another idol through the single creation menu did I get rid of her.
Mebius_Tos' issue is very easy to reproduce though. To help clarify their images, as I assume they are Japanese and not confident enough to post in English, it's achieved by starting to drag an idol by leftclicking, then rightclicking them while still dragging them, hence adding them to the formation, leaving you with the idol still on your cursor, after which you can drag that one over to formation as well.

Very easy to reproduce.
ありがと Mebius_Tos

Grats on Calli and Milky Queen streaming the game btw, Sadambober. I'd imagine that got the game quite some traction.

I have a question regarding mods, is there a limit as to how many the game can run? I have different save files with different mods (all unique idol ones) and noticed that some aren’t showing up anymore (their images) and are replaced by a generic in-game one

producer avatar box will turn blank after promotion to senior

Hi! I'm not using any mods, but the time progression is frozen. It's happened to me before but was solved by restarting the game, but this time I can't get the time to resume at all. Any suggestions?

a couple days ago playing vanilla was fine, and then add some mods yesterday still playable but only vanilla idol portrait were become blank.

today when i try to play the game, this happened.

i reinstall and delete everything it's still the same. (didn't put any mods)

i dunno where is the source for the problem, though i think it was linked to mods, but after reinstalling without the mods, it's still persist..

i manage to reset the resolution by deleting the glitch pitch from registry

big thanks to discord guys that helps me ruling out the problem though

So maybe it is not an issue from the game but from me using the Mods

But I was downloading some Mods from Steam recently (only to have additional clothes and hair colors), everything was working fine, I played several time with these mods. And I don't think I changed anything in the meantime

But then, I started my game once and I lost almost all of the girls, instead I get the same idol multiple times  and for the others they have their face slightly shifted from their head

Is there a way to recover my game or do I have to start another one ?

(4 edits)

Having the same problem as @Hankeei did; audition screen seems to be stuck at the grey screen. Think it might have something to do with Sakomoto Megumi, since she's the only one in the game without a portrait for some reason. I got her as the successor to the daughter of some friend of Fujimoto (the one who gives you 10 million in exchange of letting his daughter in).

Having the same problem as @Hankeei did; audition screen seems to be stuck at the grey screen.

So there is a bug that happens, Sometime when I fire a staff, the cutscene does not start and my time freezes

Suddenly a few of my manual saves have disappeared from the "load game" menu? I can still find the data for them though

does this website still assist people who bought the game? In mine the people still move and such however the date and time are entirely frozen and no tasks can be completed. Even if you reload the game or close it that does not fix it. 😓

(1 edit)

Hello, I would like to report a bug, the bug is pretty easy to notice but also game breaking as it goes on after saving. The bug is about "time stopping suddenly". I have a save file with a total of a day and a few hours of gameplay, the time in game just suddenly froze (fast forward and play button on the time doesn't do anything, it stays frozen) and restarting or reloading the save file will not fix it (done it a lot of times). I still have the save file in case there are going to be solutions or workaround as on how to fix it. Thank you for your time. 

Hey, I've been loving the game so far. However, after some time playing I've encontered a bug in which I load up my game and time simply won't move forward. All the animations work and all, but time simply doesn't advance. I have tried updating my drivers, starting the game with the parameters you mentioned. I'd really love some help, thx xoxo

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