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the main idol group in my game isn't generating more than 1-2k new fans per single release, with the current fan base of ~150k people. If anything, the number of new fans goes down, not up as the time goes and fan base grows larger. For a while i believed this could be some sort of weird balancing choice, but after hearing people are getting 30-50k fans per single with this sort of fan base, and seeing how my sister group with just few points generates 5-10k fans per single with its different mechanics, am starting to believe it's more likely to be some sort of a bug?

Here's a save file, with a new single for both main and sister group lined up for a release:

At the beginning of the game i have accidently closed the tutorial window before my first single was released. No idea if it has anything to do with this behavior.

If it's not a bug, but some sort of weird result of "working as intended" game mechanics, i'd appreciate some explanation what is causing it. Just how the game is determining fan gains etc. isn't really explained anywhere that i'd see.

I took liberty to peek in the game code, and i'd guess this issue is caused by the huge impact of your current fame level on the number of new fans you acquire:

 private float GetFameNewFansBaseCoeff()
    return resources.GetFameLevel() switch
        0 => 2f, 
        1 => 1.5f, 
        2 => 0.5f, 
        3 => 0.3f, 
        4 => 0.25f, 
        5 => 0.25f, 
        6 => 0.15f, 
        7 => 0.1f, 
        8 => 0.05f, 
        9 => 0.03f, 
        10 => 0.01f, 
        _ => 0.1f, 

The catch is, fame levels are very easy/fast to acquire. In my game i have fame level 10 after a year or so, mainly from doing contract work. This means my new fan gains are reduced to 1% of what they'd be otherwise, even though i have just a bit above 100k fans total and obviously plenty of room to grow in this department.

As a fix i'd suggest increasing numbers needed to acquire fame (a bump as large as 10x wouldn't be out of place, considering you can hit the max in just a year) and/or improve the fame coefficient calculation to take into account the size of your existing fan base, and don't reduce it so drastically if the players fan base is still somewhat small.

 Hope this helps?