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Hello, This game is so much fun!

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I am playing beta with steam demo save data.

I have some issues.

save data

1. The same member performs multiple stylings.

2. Dating with the graduated members.Is this the correct specification?

3. It's 2028 now. Various response operations slow down after playing for a few hours.I feel that it is getting worse over the years.

4. This is a suggestion. Place the newest song at the top of the concert song selection screen. As more songs are released, scrolling to the best to pick the latest song can be annoying.

5. This is a suggestion. Please allow members to socialize(Planning a date) during practicing and styling.I'm taking the following boring action to achieve this:

  • Cancel practice.
  • Room is "auto practice" will be disabled, so set it back to enable.
  • Execute socialize(Planning a date).
  • Manual start practice.