Any other questions that are not listed here feel free to comment on this thread and I will get back to you when I can.
Can I work with a team?
Can I do ____ because it is more accurate to the original Nokia 3310?
The chosen color palette is a must. Other specific technicalities that are only to make the game more accurate to the original Nokia 3310 are allowed but are not required.
When can I start working on my game?
You should begin work on your game when the jam officially starts. If you are going to be building your own engine from scratch you can get to a point where you are on an even playing field with others using a pre-made engine before the start of the jam.
How many frames per second should my game run at?
FPS is not listed in the restrictions but if you are trying to be as accurate as possible 15 fps. Otherwise stick with 30/60 fps.
For Pico 8 Devs
Thanks to Tobias V. Langhoff and PaloBlancoGames here is how you can participate!
"Make the game as normal in PICO-8 and change the colors manually for the HTML export that you submit to the jam."
"After exporting to html, open the generated javascript file. The pico-8 color palette is stored as RGB values, comma separated, no spaces. If you want to replace RED (index 8) with another color, just search for "255,0,77" and then swap these with your new desired RGB."