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A member registered Jul 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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Great job! Thanks for playing!

Thanks! :)

(2 edits)

No it is not. Either you scaled up the game incorrectly or your camera is showing way too much. Recreating a scene from your game in true 84x48 resolution shows what it should look like vs what you have. It is also shown through your character moving fractions of pixels.

(1 edit)

Im really sorry but I can't allow that. You can make those changes after the rating period is over and uploads get unlocked.

This submission has been disqualified from being ranked due to violating  the resolution rules. Main character moves at fractions of pixels indicating that the game was not scaled up correctly to retain 84x48 pixel resolution.

Next time, if you need help ensuring your game stays within the rules there are many talented devs on our Discord that could help you out! Congrats on making a game :)

(1 edit)

This submission has been disqualified from being ranked due to violating  the resolution rules. Main character moves at fractions of pixels indicating that the game was not scaled up correctly to retain 84x48 pixel resolution.

Next time, if you need help ensuring your game stays within the rules there are many talented devs on our Discord that could help you out! Congrats on making a game :)

This game has been disqualified from being ranked due to not following the resolution rule. Start screen text and GUI do not follow the 84x48 pixel resolution requirement.

Yeah sorry about that! In the future if you need help navigating the rules we have a lot of helpful devs in the Discord! Congrats on making a game :)

This game has been disqualified from being ranked due to violating the control and resolution rules. Text at the top of the screen does not follow the 84x48 pixel resolution and you allow full keyboard entry at the start screen which is more than the allotted 12 controls.

This game has been disqualified from being ranked for violating the resolution rules. The snowflakes spin without obeying the 84x48 pixel resolution.

This game has been disqualified from being ranked for violating the resolution rule. Text at the top of the screen is breaking the 84x48 resolution restrictions. 

This game has been disqualified for breaking the resolution restrictions of 84x48 pixels.

This game has been disqualified from being ranked due to breaking the resolution restrictions of 84x48 pixels. 

This entry has been disqualified from being ranked due to violation of the resolution rules. While the actual game itself is restricted to the correct resolution, you deliver important instructions for the game outside of the required resolution. For that reason it is disqualified from being ranked. Awesome submission though!

I am unfamiliar with Godot but yes you should build the game in 84x48 and scale it up to a viewable resolution. You should also ensure that your ui is scaling at the same ratio as the rest of the game. There has been some discussion in the discord concerning optimal Godot settings for this low of resolution so that may be worth checking out :)

No problem!

Ill update all of them but here is the new link for you:

We'd love to have you back! Love the concept of your game and even though it isn't allowed the voice acting is a nice touch :)

This entry has been disqualified from being ranked due to not following the resolution rule, having more than two colors, and not following the audio restrictions. Specifically the ui elements do not follow the correct resolution, the lightning bolts and text have different colors from the rest of the game and the music does not follow the one monophonic audio rule.

This entry has been disqualified from being ranked due to not following the 84x48 resolution rule. Specifically all your text and game space do not meet this requirement.

If you want to clear up the errors and resubmit you can join the Discord and DM me or email and I will help you out!

This submission is disqualified from being ranked for not following the audio restriction. More than one sound is played at a time (chords).

This submission was disqualified from being ranked because it does not follow the audio restrictions. The Nokia 3310 could not have produced vocals.

This submission has been disqualified from rating for violation of the resolution rule. Opening instructions and ui elements are clearly not 84x48 pixels.

No, you'll have to wait until after the rating period is over.

Sounds good!

email with a link to your gamepage and I will get you a submission link

No. The only thing I allow is if people ran into technical difficulties trying to upload the game and my cut off for that is about 30 minutes after end time.

Looks like you've successfully submitted!

Yes you could have those control mappings. Different mappings doesn't count towards the control rule. I am not familiar with GODOT but as long as those effects are within the restrictions of the jam, then yes.

Yes! Submissions will only be locked after the dev period ends.

It can be any amount of time!

Only if you are simulating lcd ghosting, if you are using it for shading you are violating the color rule. Sorry for getting back to you late!

Could be the texture or black bars to fill in the gaps! Sorry for getting back to you so late!

There is no criteria that judges the games on theme so in your example both games should be ranked the same

Yes that is fine

Hi wiki! Sorry I didn't see this when you posted it, glad you got it figured out. If you need more help feel free to join our discord! We have a dedicated help text channel that you could hit up whenever you have questions.

you can do that just as long as the game itself follows all the limitations
