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A member registered Aug 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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Sneak peek. image.png

(1 edit)
  1. I should added information about the characters’ gimmicks. Now you can check them on the game’s page.
  2. I plan to add a bio for every character.

Bug: You can die during the level loading. Using the Thumper you can damage yourself.

Everything is fine.

good art I will add her in the next update.

I finally added a gimmick system to the enemy. image.png

There was 3 group of animation.

  1. Idle (loop)
  2. Pump or attack (play once)
  3. State change (play once)

State change is for when the player is inflated enough to increase it’s state, this animation plays. The character is stuck at the State change animation so I remove it. Later I replaced it with a white blink and the third animation group is scrapped.

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Do you have a fetish for inflation (belly, butt, breast, popping, etc.) and you have an OC (Original Character) that you like to draw being inflated, and also, you want to add it to the game? Then this is the place for you. Show me your artwork and I will reply if I am interested in your work. There are rules that you need to follow.

  • The aspect ratio must be 2:3, in-game the object with the art size will be set to 384x576
  • Original and female character only
  • NO LOLI!!!
  • The image can be animated with a maximum of **30 **frame
  • The three inflation that you can choose is belly, breast, and **ass **and you can end it with the character reaching its limit or with just pop (no gore)
  • The max state of inflation is 10, in-game the first state is 0
  • You can make a background tiled

A tiled background size in-game is 448x736


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Scrapped content and upcoming features. There is also FAQ and roadmap. This topic is always locked, sometimes it be unlocked to add information. If you reply something, I delete it.


  • Q: Pop?
  • A: Yes but no gore


  • Popping (no gore)
  • shop
  • rank system
  • enemy gimmick
  • player ability
  • more characters
  • new menu

If you want to suggest something or you found a bug, then write everything there.

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You can comment here.

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I have a list of suggestions.

  • add flamethrower like weapon for defeating groups of enemies
  • add the ability to use a special move (press a set key to preform a special move, some special moves request being inflated)

New achievements:

  • “Don’t pop it, just love it” win a game without popping even a single enemy including bosses
  • “Like a boss” win a game without taking any damages
  • “Ms. Lesbian” win a game only using the “Lovly breath kiss”

New special moves:

  • “Lovly breath kiss” kissing an enemy and filling her with you breath, causing the enemy’s breast and belly becamoe lowing pink and become your ally for a short time. The ally’s AI is melee the closets enemy, also enemies will target your ally. If the ally dies or it’s time runs out, the ally begin to inflation and popping imedatly.
  • “Gas release” Release a bit of gas and heal a bit of health.

Also… image.png

This game is made very well. I would recommend remodeling the characters.

1-I will add sound effects in the next update 2-I was already in the “Your OC in the game” Devlog (that is a yes)


Thanks for submitting. Your OC will be added on the next update, but I need his name.

384x576 Also I added next to the aspect ratio.

Let’s say it will be popping. But not in this version. The will be 2 kinds of versions, Popping and No-Popping. I start with the No-popping version, then I make a Popping version too.

You need the app. image.png

Just download it and play it.

Have you ever tried making an interactive video? Port one of your video into game will make an interesting experience.

Good game.

Are you thinking about adding a DexNav like feature?

The problem with this game is poorly made and needs a lot of polishing.

I love it. I hope you adding new game + that let to save your stats.

Speedrun Mode is for those players who want to make new records or like to practice. Speedrun Mode has a LiveSplit-like timer. On the New Game, you can find the Speedrun category. In the Speedrun category, you can find a list of speedrun challenges. Each speedrun challenge has its game settings and rules. Also, store its top 5 times and attempts. Dying during the speedrun or breaking a major rule will end the speedrun.

Good game.

Before you criticize, let me explain. I have a way to health the car so I can defeat her. Just hold the spacebar and press left or right to regain the car’s health.

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Yep I killed her with a car.


Do you even think of making a card game of it?

Add easy mode, this game is to fast.


Hold to charge and release to fire.

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Soon I do a new speedrun and this time I have a better laptop. Also I realized there one more boss, the Wawsp Queen.

That means there are 3 %Fun speedruns now.

1 Car Crash The Creator

  • you can heal during the boss fight
  • hard to travel there (window, trapdoor and tongue road)

2 Car Crash The Wawsp Queen

  • lava pit and you can’t heal during the boss fight
  • easy to travel there

3 Car Crash The Couple = you have to kill both the Creator (he) and the Wawsp Queen (she)


  • After leaving the school you have to get in the car and you can’t leave it (Except The portal teleport you out of the car and you go back to the car)

  • The car has its health and if the car dies, you lose

  • The run is start when the game is started and end when the boss(es) is died

Device name DESKTOP-FMC2VT8 Processor AMD A4-5000 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics 1.50 GHz Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.44 GB usable) Device ID 7ED4D85E-A233-4425-9D33-2D0B0A4A47C7 Product ID 00331-10000-00001-AA232 System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

This game is to laggy.