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A jam submission

Chroma ChromaView game page

A Color Combine game with Bullet Hell and small RPG elements.
Submitted by Gomuship — 11 minutes, 2 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 44 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Were the art assets made during the 48 hours?


Was all the music/sound created during the 48 hours?

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This is pretty fun. Very arcadey, which is appropriate for a jam. Good job!


Very fun game! One of the more polished ones from the jam for sure, and another one which I’d say is a contender for top. I do have a few suggestions though:

The main complaint I have is that the game feels a little bit easy, mainly due to the green shield. Maybe I haven’t gotten deep enough to reach the hard levels, but it did eventually get to a stage where id simply keep replenishing the green shield and the game was a cakewalk from there. My suggestion would be to either make the shield reduce bullet damage by a certain % (such as 50% reduction), or make the shield randomly stop or not stop a bullet (eg 66% chance the bullet stops, 33% it leaks through).

The other complaint I have is in the controls, oddly enough. I definitely enjoy the fact that you got both keyboard and controller working, but I kinda wish the switch colours were on the triggers rather than the buttons (or mapped to both trigger and buttons). Maybe it’s the way I hold the controller, but I find that the triggers are a lot more natural to press than the buttons.

At one point the game zooms out, and due to this the movement feels somewhat slow. I think making things faster as the game progress would help the pacing a little, while also adding to the difficulty.

The last thing, and this is more minor, is it wasn’t really obvious that blue == refill mana lol. It took me a while to figure that out, and I feel like it could have been included, maybe as a blurb text the first time you run out of mana, for instance.

Beyond that, the game is very solid for a 48 hr production time. There’s lots of polish, including attention to detail regarding the menu and pause screen. The graphics are simple yet effective, and the sound effects, though slightly “muffled” were satisfying all the same. The background music fit the game and was at a very good volume. The art style was consistent, which also helps with immersion.

Overall a satisfying production and stellar game for a 48hr jam. Well done!


Thanks <3

It's the first time I hear someone says that green shield are OP xD, but I get what you mean...
tbh I didn't have allocated time to use for balancing the weapons, I did a soft balance, but wasn't enough.

Add triggers to the change color too, yeah makes perfect sense! Both could be used no problem.

This zoom one no one said before but was something that I felt too, I've already fixed it but I can't upload there yet :b

This one was a really bad mistake, a lot of people in here have the same problem as well... I've changed the text, for something more literal... Not sure if works, but it's better than before.

This jam I lost the first 12h, so everything here was in a 36h production time... And makes me really happy when someone really identify every single aspect of care and polish that I add to the game.

Thanks a lot for your feedback! :D


A few things. This has a ton of potential and is pretty fun when you get the hang of it. Style, sound, and feel is pretty good. I played with an xbox controller and would occasionally end up not facing the way I expected after I stopped to turn and fire red. Took me awhile to figure out how to refill mana, but when I started to get upgrades the whole thing really started coming together. Overall an easy like and good entry!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks <3

I'm happy that you liked it! :D


F U N  G A M E


Thanks :D


Just got wrecked! lol Cool colours and stuff though. 


Thanks :D


fun game but i keep running out of mana, id love to play more, is there any way to get more?


Yeah there is!

If you use the blue blue weapon, you regenerate mana...
Try it and let me know :D


just tried it out, had a much better experience! really fun game!


I'm glad you liked it :D


Impressive for 48 hours. I love it!


Actually I lost the first 12 hours, so it was 36h!

But if I had the full time, I would choose a completely different project actually :D

Thanks <3


A super cool game! I really like the gameplay part, I overabuse of the red and blue weapon xD, it's really cool! Great job! Hope you will update it!


Magenta is really OP indeed xD

I will update it, some of wanted fixes from the ppl is in the game already!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The game is polished, and the idea with mixing colors is interesting. I also liked the effects, but controls are not convenient. You can make it so I can move or target with mouse, because that would be much easier. The game is cool, I can see that you worked on it hard, but please, change the controls


Thanks for your feedback!

I personally prefer controller based game, that's why is this way.
But maybe an aim assist code could help with this... :D


Really cool idea, love the music too! Great job


Thanks for your feedback :D


wow the art and sound is great well done


Thanks for playing and for your feedback <3


well this one looks verry polished :)

but I really don't get how I can refill mana!

butt well done, also love the music :)


You can refill mana by using the blue weapon!

And thanks for playing and for your feedback <3


Feels like a polished game! It was very strange to me to control with arrows, but I found out I can also play with WSAD :)

Idk why, I had problem with mana, almost all the time it was on 0


Actually I was testing and playing with xbox controller, so I don't really know how good feels to play in keyboard.

About the mana, when you improve the black or blue color, your mana pool gets a lot better!

Thanks for your feedback :D


i love the idea of combining colors! great game! good job!


Thanks <3 :D

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