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A jam submission

Journey To Minami IslandView game page

Submitted by substain — 1 minute, 5 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 29 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
ZZZ..., Seasons

Game Description
“Journey to Minami Island” is a Survival Game about a Fruit Enthusiast travelling to the legendary Island of fruits in search of the rare Aurora Gem.

How does your game tie into the theme?
The game is about a fruit critique who tastes different fruits, with unexpected results


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1 / 8

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Really like the visuals and idea! Great submission!


What a wholesome adventure! It was a blast to just walk around eating fruit. The hand drawn art was really endearing.

It would have been nice, perhaps, for ESC to close the notebook as well as open the menu?

Great work on this!


Thanks a lot!
You're probably right about having the the pause menu / notebook open at the same time, it might be confusing this way. I'll look into this after the jam.


I like that cozy ambiance, the soundtrack is awesome.
Discovering the effects of those fruits is exciting. Nice game


Thanks for your feedback!


Cute! I'm not sure if it was caused by the seasons or an unfinished area, but when I swam north where there are cliffs, there was no food there at all and I starved :(


Oh no! I think theres only one fireplace here, and no swim fruits. Sorry about that! This will probably be fixed after the jam.


Cool game with nice visuals! I liked the idea of collecting different fruit, giving you different powers. I didnt really understand the system of sleeping and the changing seasons tho.


Thanks for the feedback!
Heres a quick overview: over the course of a day, you become tired (black vignette). You can reset this by sleeping at a fireplace (pile of woods) which also respawns fruits. In this game a season lasts 3 days (unless you eat a specific fruit that kind of makes you hibernate and skip 3 days the next time you sleep). Lastly all fruits have different effects in one specific season.
Hope that explains stuff ;)


I liked discovering all of the different fruit. I would improve some of the descriptions because some of them were a little vague.


Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, you're right on the descriptions, we will probably work a bit on this after the jam.


Picking up the different fruit and finding out their effects was fun with a good bit of variety, and I really liked that there was a booklet to keep track of all our discoveries. The simple gameplay loop of running around, fidning new fruit and keeping the hunger bar full was quite satisfying. I got a bit lost unfortunately and never found the ultimate fruit - there was one area where a jump was prompted but jumping had never been part of the game before and I just couldn't quite get it to work.

I also wasn't sure entirely how the sleep mechanic worked as there seemed to only have been one campfire - was sleeping a lose condition or did naps (like with the sleepy fruits) not really do anything?

The art was all cohesive so overall the game has a cute vibe!


Hey, thanks for the feedback!
Oh yeah I feel like we've should have explained jumping better - it just works like swimming, you need to go to a wall / an edge and have the jump fruit effect active,  then you see a prompt to interact.
It was obvious to me that it worked that way because I developed it, but i only now realize that a lot of people probably missed this. I'll try to put a pointer in the game description later as well.
Also, there should be around 7-9 campfires = wood piles around the map


Oh, i didn't know there was swimming either :,) Maybe that's why I missed the camp fires.


Really nice work! The mechanics feel polished and the notebook is a good addition. I really got a sense of exploration and adventure while walking around and managing my hunger and sleep needs. Its pretty fun to see what each fruit will do, and having to eat even though there will be side effects haha. It fits the theme nicely! I think you might have the same bug as me with the quit button.. I fixed that by calling  get_tree().quit() in an autoload instead of the within the scene script.


Thats nice to hear that you had fun! I have to look into the get_tree().exit() bug, not sure why an autoload would make a difference yet. I'll try though ;)


Cool Music, loved the visuals, interesting concept.




Really charming graphics! And fun use of the theme! It was interesting to try out the different effects. Nice work!


Thank you!


Very fun game! There was a game mod that had an alchemy system kind of similar to this and I absolutely loved it, so it was awesome to see something else that scratches that itch. The art and music, too, is very charming. Nice job!


Thanks a lot for the feedback!


I like the Artwork, especially the Title Screen and the Fruitdex feature is very cool :)
Also the Soundtrack matches the vibe of the game.
But i sadly couldn`t manage to find the hidden super fruit


Thank you!
for the last fruit, you kind of need 2-3 different fruits to reach the specific area where the last fruit is. Some pointers would have been helpful, but unfortunately we did not have the time for these.


I quite liked this game! It's got a nice charm to it that draws you in, and although there isn't too much to the gameplay, it's very chill and relaxed just walking around and eating fruit. I did get a small glitch though, where when the character said "It's Summer already?" (or something along those lines), the text came up in a different language than English. Other than that it's a polished, concise experience. Great work!


Thanks a lot!
yeah, sorry about the wrong translation. I noticed the bug right after the submission ended (and yes, that is pretty much what it would say in English). Seems like I've swapped the german and english translation in the csv


There's an impressive amount of systems in the game, this must have been a beast to put together. I played this longer than I do most jam games cause it was fun just existing in this world. Great game!


That is really nice to hear! Thanks a lot!


I like the art style and the music. The idea with the fruit effects is very fitting for the theme. Does the game have a goal or is it just about surviving as long as possible? It would be cool if there was a combat or building system, like in a survival game. I like these colourful creative fruits :3


Thanks for the feedback!
As hinted in the intro, the goal is to reach the mountain and find the "Aurora Gem" fruit. If you found it, you've won the game. Unfortunately the ending cutscene did not make it into the game, but you can have a look at it on the game page (under known issues, there is a 'Details'-Button)


Adorable concept all around, I loved collecting all the fruit! I was a little lost on where to go but wandering uncovered a lot of different fruit which was super fun. Maybe an arrow, or minimap with general area to go towards would help? Otherwise great!


Nice to hear you had fun!
Yeah, we considered a minimap or signposts, but time ran out before we could make them.


Nice game! the art is really cute and I like the concept :)

