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Sesso Kosga

A member registered Oct 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback Britt

Thank you for feedback Copecola. I’ll work on it


Thank you

Thank you for playing my game

Thank you for your feedback. I’ll work more on balancing it

I like the shift from the predator to the prey
Nice music

Those enemies are hard to kill
I wish I gained something for killing them
I like how I can use the wind spell to fly and make enemies to fly too
Having the speels damage me too when it’s at max power is an interesting concept, nice unexpected consequence

I found it very hard at first, but now with some practice, I think it’s fair, there are enough tools to help do the task.
Changing the camera angle, zooming in and out, adjusting the sensibility, all that helps a lot to drive. Adding clear goal indications would be great. I had to read the game page to understand what I was supposed to do.
It would be more challenging if the stuffs could break when they fall down
The controller binding is awesome
Nice game

Interesting concept
That’s original, we don’t often think about going to toilet in video games.
Some sound effects would be much appreciated (picking up coffee, using the toilet, dying)
Nice game

Having the environment impacted by my actions is sweet.
The character description makes me want to play the game,
Nice soundtrack and splash screen
Nice job

Nice implementation of the Zzz Wildcard, making the store rest is a great idea.

I don’t get what the goal is.
The game is a bit slow
The screen transition is great.
Nice game

Nice UI
This is a great strategy game, easy to pick up
The soundtrack is great
Great game

Great UI
First time a turn-based action game, and I like it.
Nice soundtrack
Great implementation of the Zzz Wildcard

Nice soundtrack
It’s very fun to watch those heads explode
This is a nice horde survival game
I wish it was more challenging, I cleared it on the first run
The way you implemented the “Not dead yet” wildcard is awesome
Great game

Got an issue with the windows version, It’s the game source. I don’t see the executable

Nice implementation of the theme, having my bullets bounce back and hurt me. This adds more challenges, I have to run from my bullets
The gun reward makes it enjoyable to replay
Nice soundtrack
Great game

Nice soundtrack
I like that game, the rewards make it more enjoyable

Nice soundtrack
It’s great to have a lot of check points, I died a lot

Nice soundtrack
It’s nice that you added controller support, but I didn’t figure out how to attack using the controller. I ended up moving with the controller and using the keyboard to attack.
I have an issue with attacking. Sometimes, I press attack but still get hurt, and the enemy doesn’t seem to be touched Nice game

The soundtrack is great.
I like the graphics
I wish I could get health points, so my runs will last longer
Nice game

I like that cozy ambiance, the soundtrack is awesome.
Discovering the effects of those fruits is exciting. Nice game

The soundtrack is excellent
Very interesting gameplay
The slow motion effect is fun to watch
Nice game

(1 edit)

The soundtrack is excellent
Nice UI
That’s fun, kicking enemies

This is a nice simulator. I felt like I was actually in the mech.
The audio feedback is awesome
Nice job

Nice soundtrack.
This tower defense concept is amazing, I want more.
I wish there was a pause button

It’s funny the way I jump when I touch an opponent.
Nice soundtrack

The rest mechanics are interesting.
I don’t get how to prevent sleep by going to rest, I sometimes do rest, but I still fall asleep.
Nice soundtrack

Nice soundtrack

(1 edit)

Nice soundtrack
This is a great puzzle game, you should release that one.
Seeing the end note on the ground in the last level is nice.
Great job

Interesting game mechanic, I was first and became last.

Nice implementation of the “Not dead yet” wildcard
The soundtract is nice too

Nice sountrack
The turn base combat is interesting

This is a nice hordes survival.
Some more challenge would make it better.


Thank you for your feedback. I’ll work on it

Thanks. I’ll improve that

Sorry to hear you had an issue with it

I died a lot of times.
Those red rectangles are very hurtfull.
Nice game, some sound effects may make it better (attack, hit, death)