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Lucky LoopView game page

Submitted by Blank Slate (@BlankSlate119) — 4 hours, 1 minute before the deadline
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Ranked from 49 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You go through a board game layout using a die to move

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Deleted 95 days ago

Thank you so much for the feedback and I do plan on updating the player piece having a more distinct shape and colour since I was also having a hard time keeping up with its position on the board.  Thank you for the kind words and I am glad to hear you enjoyed the game.


well done! its a cute little concept and I love that the center of the board is the play area! awesome work!


I have to get to work soon so i will likely come back and update this review later but overall, I really like the presentation and the gameplay itself is simple but fun. I don't have much in the name of feedback as everything feels good and works well. Everything that should have a sound has one, and this is especially important for combat systems with minimal animation. Overall really good work.


I can't roll a 6, if you don't land on a shop you are doomed. Maybe have it that you enter a shop automatically when you go through the board fully, so you don't get doomed. Otherwise quite enjoyable game.


really interesting take on the theme! im glad someone decided to go the boardgame route. really enjoyed this


Love the black and white theme !! and clean gameplay , simple and easy to understand ! Good stuff all in all :D


The math is super impressive on this. All the numbers balance out perfectly.

Super clean gameplay loop comboed with a slick 1-bit style? Easy 10/10.


Wow! This was incredibly well thought out and a really nice playing experience! The fact that you were able to make such a balanced board game in just 48 hours is amazing! The progression feels really natural, all of the upgrades are useful and reasonably priced, and I thought it was a really good idea to make it so you earn less money the more turns you use when fighting an enemy! And the simple retro graphics complimented the gameplay really well! Outstanding work! Easily 5 stars all around from me!


Ok, this game is SOOO good. I mean, just the idea of doing a board game with dice sounds so simple and obvious cause, you know, you use dice on board games. And the combat system is perfectly simple because you just heal and attack. That might sound boring, but the real strategy comes with how you upgrade. Trying out different strategies like trying to max everything out, trying to reduce randomness by closing the gap between minimum and maximum, or prioritizing one stat over the others. And I love how even though you can heal anytime during battle, you are discouraged from just healing over and over again to get to full because every time you get hit, you lose some of the money you would have gotten from beating the bad guy. This is ingenious because it incentivizes you to finish battles as quickly as possible to get a higher reward. So you might want to prioritize your attack stat. but do you increase your max as much as you can for the potential of one shotting your foes? Or do you increase your minimum to get more reliable two hit kills. Or maybe forget all of that and increase your movement stat a ton so you can zoom around the board and minimize the enemies you fight entirely. And the great part about all this strategy and planning is that it actually matters. Because it's difficult. I lost twice before finally figuring out a strategy that works and winning. This game blends randomness with strategy so perfectly! Great Job!


Thank you so much for this review. And you called out my exact thought process when designing these systems and I am so glad that you were able to notice. I hope that I can keep the things that you liked in future updates as well as improving them further. Again thank you so much for this review and I am so glad you enjoyed my game.


Interesting concept, nice aesthetic.


Needed some adjustments on the board and only RNG involved, since you can have a game where you hit only shops with no money and it could be a waste where money could've won; or always getting to fight without having touched a single shop, and that can be infuriating.

With the correct adjustments, this could be in a retro project console, such as Playdate or even on a "Gameboy-like retro board" game.

Maybe some colors would help to the graphics, but overall it's a solid basis for a good retro game!


Yeah I also ran into the problem with getting shops as my first tiles and plan on updating it so they only appear in the latter half of the board so that players could save up money before encountering a store. Also glad you enjoyed the retro feel. I do want to make the graphics more interesting but still keep a retro look since the 1 bit style was used purely because I found it easiest but people seemed to like it but I do agree that the game could use some colour. Thank you for the feedback I really appreciate it.


I didn't expect this to be as fun as it was. I found myself healing a lot, especially in the end with stronger enemies. Probably because the max hp stayed at 30. Adding a max hp+ in the shop would benefit the game I believe. Surprisingly well balanced game, good job.


Thank you and yeah health is very unbalanced right now but I do want to update the game in the future and fix that. Also glad to hear you had fun and thank you for your feedback.


This game is a mixed bag. I love the idea and the aesthetic, but board games are only fun when there’s a lot of variety and when you have someone else to play with. This game has neither. I understand that 48 hours isn’t a lot, but it’s simply unenjoyable when there’s only 3 different slots you can land on and you aren’t competing against anyone (even an AI would massively improve matters).


I was planning on adding more tiles and enemies but didn't have enough time. I also had an idea for it to be multiplayer where players could compete in a sort of race around the board but scrapped it. I do want to add a multiplayer in a possible future update. Really appreciate the feedback and will take it into account for future updates.

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