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A member registered Jul 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Thank you I'm glad you liked it!

Hey dude!

   Thank you for playing dude! and for the feedback, I can definitely fix a majority of those bugs, though in the case of adding new features for the sword in gameplay, I'd love to but I'm super limited by the pico8 engine. I'm limited by a set amount of lua tokens for my code and I'm nearing the edge of what can fit in a cartridge. I have to be sparing with new code. I plan on making a full remake of this with way more features and mechanics in a more substantial engine like unity or godot.

 In the case of the background colors, I'll see what I can do, I'll change up some of the art. To make it clearer as best I can, but I'm also limited by 16 colors. In the case of lore, I also agree. I've had a few comments on it being right up front, I'll see what I can do about dispersing the info. I'm really glad you enjoyed the game though!, thanks so much for the critique! And thanks for playing!

my bad, I should probably re-name that one. Its the time between attacks, the lower it is the faster you can swing your sword. 

thank you!

super well done! the arts amazing, and the puzzles are well designed

super well done! the arts amazing, and the puzzles are well designed

thank you for playing! im glad you had fun!

thank you! thank you! im glad you liked it!

this is definitely a contender for top ten , super well done, I love the music and the mechanics, the characters style is awesome. well done overall! only nit pick is maybe locking the mouse to inside the window, because as the stick gets bigger my first reaction was to keep moving the mouser further away. but that's just a nitpick this is amazing!

the concept is well done! awesome work!

The voice acting was a cool  surprise, well done on the game!

the art is cute and the mechanics are interesting! though making him jump is little finicky at times. though this is super well done! awesome job

well done its a fun managementgame, the ability to swap sizes is fun but gets a little hard to remember sometimes, but that's part of the challenge!

that super cleaver with the parallax, and you did super well with the art for the second ship.  its a super creative use of premade assets. well done dude!

this is super well done! the mechanics are interesting and the challenges are well made. awesome job!

super well done! I like how Thumpy the sfx were! I only made it to level five, Im  not very good at puzzles but I'm sure the rest of them are awesome!

this game is awesome! it was genuinely terrifying when the second large ship appeared out of nowhere! at first I didn't quite understand the concept but once I took over the second ship it was immediately clear.  the visual were awesome as well all the sprite work and the parallax worked out super nicely! awesome job dude!

Super satisfying! the controls a tad bit clunky but easy to learn. the visual are awesome as well! well done!

this is super surreal. its awesome! I miss old point and click adventures. so this scratches that particular itch. great job!

this game is awesome! they arts great the sound design is amazing. super well done! the controls where a little clunky but it added to the challenge. other than that this is an awesome submission!

the art is amazing! so is the gameplay! my only nit pic is that it maybe ramps up in difficulty a little too fast, though I could just have gotten unlucky with cards, or i'm just bad at the game lol. well done overall though!

its a fun idea! executed well as well!  there are a few physics nit-pics but otherwise a well done idea!

Thank you thank you! I'm glad you like it!

Thank you! Also that is an amazing creation lol

Thank you for stopping by! its cool to see another dev outside of itch. in reference to the game though thanks for playing! I hope to make a post jam version of the game at some point with a shop for abilities and an expanded story and maybe a slight change of soundtrack lol. Also i'm sorry about the lack of sound feed back and fx, I had run out of time to make more than the song by the time i got to that point. there was so much more i wanted to add but just didn't have time to balance everything out. i also agree with you on the repetative ness but we didn't have time to balance things out properly gameplay wise. thanks again for  stopping by though!

this Is a super fun concept, I will say the spawn rates for the asteroids where a little slow but other than that it was atone of fun! well done!

interesting concept, and dope art! well done!

thank you! I'm glad you liked it! I do hope to make a post jam version that's little more clear and with a bit more atmosphere (the music i made for this one was admitedly a bit rushed). but thank yo for playing!

Thank you! and your good lol the game is definitly a little tough and I hope to make a better post jam version at some point too!

Thank you!

this is a super cool game but I will say the character did feel a bit heavy. maybe f the slide sped you up little instead of slowing you down it might feel a bit more fast paced. i did enjoy it though it was a ton of fun! well done!

super cute! I didn't know what to do at first but I caught on pretty quick, I think having it say you won if the snake hits the wall would help, but other than that its awesome!

Tons of fun! I kept trying to get under the amount the dud suggested but i don't think i'm smart enough lol. well done!

Super cute nice visuals. also how dare you, you know what you did. 5 stars

quite the cool concept! the timer go stuck at -2 for me though but other than that it was super fun!

thanks a billion for playing! ill keep that in mind though for a post jam version. we've had an idea to maybe add different seed types and enemies each time you return to  the tree

this is super well done! I love the artstyle! this could be its own it's standalone thing it doesn't need to be attached to pokemon though it does make it more familar. all in all well done. I had fun!

5 outa 5 on all counts for me! The arts really nice, the music's fun and the sfx are great! its a fun concept!