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A jam submission

Diro da BlobView game page

maybe the real treasure was the spikes we placed along the way.
Submitted by (:, ClockMaker, pannocatto (@pannocatto) — 39 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
swap between the role of the level designer and player

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Nice game overall, it'd be nice if the player's movement abilities were better explained at the start. Art was decent and the music was good.


Amazing game! Really well polished for a 48 hour jam. The levels are challenging and well-designed. The double jump and wall ricochet mechanics are easy to miss, but a quick tutorial would fix that. Anyways, I had a lot of fun playing! Definitely one of the best entries I've seen in this jam so far.


Nice music, and seems you spent a good amount of time on balancing the levels. At first I tought it was too hard, but then I saw I can jump and ricochet from the wall, so maybe a tutorial first will help.

Well done, very fun game and nice art and music! 


Weally fun an cweativ game!!!! :3  

I wuv the soumnds and moosic! The bweakbeats in the music, the twumpet souwnd when ur weady to stawt, and the "go!!!!!!!!!!" and "OW!!!!" sownds giv the game a [whatever year jungle and drum and bass music was popular] vibe which is weaalllly cool an fun uwu. 

I feew wike sum of the wevels could cut Down on th amount of spiwkes that you're reawisticawwy nevawr gonna touch that ur fowrced to place anywways *growls*...

The game cwrashed during "da last snek" levewl wen I twied to ewrase sum spikes which was weally sad *starts crying*:(

the music has been playing in the background this whole time and it has greatly improved my writing experience 5/5 amazing

Also if anyone actually wants to read this here's the original message:

Really fun and creative game! 

I love the sounds and music. The breakbeats in the music, the trumpet sound when you're ready to start, and the "go!" and "ow!" sounds give the game a [whatever year jungle and drum and bass music was popular] vibe which is really cool and fun. 

I feel like some of the levels could cut down on the amount of spikes that you're realistically never going to touch, but that you're forced to place anyways.

The game crashed during "da last snek" level when I tried to erase some spikes which was sad


Very fun! The platforming is tight and the level design works a bit like a singleplayer version of Ultimate Chicken Horse. The tutorial levels made me think the game might be too easy, but once the difficulty ramped up I really had to git gud! :) I think a full version of this game could do very well and appeal to a lot of platformer fans. Great work on the pixel art and music, too!


Really cool game!


Very cool game even if a bit hard sometimes. As I've said on the hitbox discord it's a bit sad that in this version there is no tutorial, but once you understood how it works it's just pure fun and tryhard. Congrats!

Submitted (2 edits) (+3)

wow!! *blushes* (,,>﹏<,,) easily my favorite game that i've played so far from the jam.. really tight and polished design. im eating pizza rn and would have liked if you could just keep trying with one hand and not need to press enter each time you die. could easily see this getting fleshed out into a bigger game. also loved the sound effects! wew done ૮ • ﻌ - ა


5 outa 5 on all counts for me! The arts really nice, the music's fun and the sfx are great! its a fun concept!


The blob's movement is really fun! and the art and music are great


Realy fun game ;)


thanks i love you :)