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Climbing Dolphin

A member registered Feb 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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C'est vrai que ça fait un petit moment que la démo est sortie mais les retours tiennent toujours ! Super cool d'avoir pris de ton temps pour tester.

J'ai beaucoup réfléchi à un moyen de gérer le système de déplacement et visée. Je pense revenir à quelque chose plus proche de l'original mais plus efficace. Normalement ça ne devrait pas trop tarder, on est sur la phase finale du développement, il ne reste quasi que du tweak de valeurs.

En parlant de ça, c'est clair qu'il y a quelques soucis avec les niveaux, en particulier sur la démo. Je planche actuellement dessus, normalement chaque niveau sera bien plus unique et dynamique pour la version finale, et en particulier sur les niveaux de difficulté supérieurs, c'est pas pour rien que ça s'appelle challenge !

On en reparle très vite mais j'espère que tes retours seront satisfaits d'ici pas trop trop longtemps !

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you, nice to hear!

Thank you!

The tutorial is a bit rushed yeah. I didn't notice about the circle. I'm pretty sure the color was supposed to change but maybe I just forgot it, you know sometimes you simply forget stuff.

I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you for the feedback!

Yeah maybe limiting each one to only one ability might be an option. All the ideas weren't implemented sadly. Fire ability is near useless. The charged shot should have been used against the boss to destroy some sort of magic shield but we ran out of time. Rock not being able to walk while the shield is active was supposed to be the case, but we didn't have any animation for it, so the feature was killed to gain some time.

And yeah, I understand for the camera. I'm not particularly an inverted player, both are fine to me but I wasn't expecting people to have so much trouble. I know we scrapped the options menu but maybe not inverting it should have be easier. I'll check that for my future projects.

Thank you!

One of the best entries for sure. The only things I would criticize are that the dash seems a bit redundant with the shield as both are defensive options and work kind of the same way for all bosses, and that the fights are a bit too slow, it would be better if they were more dynamic. I'm not sure if it really fits the theme, I don't really see an exchange thing, but it's definitely an excellent game.

Awesome work!

I enjoyed the game a lot until the boss. I have a lot of trouble with the green boss, I feel like it throws too much projectiles, and forces me to parry in a game where parry isn't very interesting, and at some point it throws that sort of blue triangle and I can't do anything about it, maybe I missed something.

If it was just about the platforming and shooting it would certainly be the best game I played to during this jam. It's a very good game overall.

Nice take on the boss rush theme, seems like an original idea for a platformer boss rush thing. I like the fact that music is quite in rhythm with the game. It's sometimes quite difficult to understand what is happening however. You don't have much time to realize the attack and it happened to me that when I understand what I need to do it's already too late. Maybe the kind of "get good" thing was the intention but it made the experience worse for me.

Still a nice game, well done!

I don't know what happened to me but it happened. I wasn't expecting the game to turn that crazy. It's a straight forward game but it does well what it does. I couldn't beat the third one, it seems quite hard. Overall a nice experience, good job!

Great way to use the theme! I had some trouble too with the third boss, I didn't understand what was expected. The first two bosses are perfect to teach your mechanics though.

Great game!

The visuals are probably the best I've seen so far. I think the part of the game that works the least is switching between weapons. I always chose a weapon when the next fight doesn't allow you to use it, like shield against turtle and drill against the eye. That's very bad as I want to play with them, they seem very fun to use. The bosses are cool, I think turtle is by far the best. Overall a great game, I see a lot of potential in it, some sort of "soft" Dark Souls. Nice one!

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Exchanging abilities versus bosses is actually pretty smart. Getting weaker is a nice take on boss rush and the roguelite/rpg era we live in.

I struggled a bit with the controls, I'm glad there was a reminder in the pause menu. The bosses might lack a bit of challenge.

I was so sad to discover there were no final boss, still it was cool and the environments are nice. Great game!

Great game! If I had one only thing to say, it's about the exchange of sword and magic. I feel like nothing in the game justify that much the exchange. Also, magic is mostly stronger than sword, so you just spam sword in the void until you get magic, which isn't something that you want to happen.

The bosses are great, I like that you have 2 phases with different mechanics. It keeps players engaged.

Well done!

I'm so glad you commented on my game else I wouldn't have discovered this masterpiece. It's simple but works so well!

Hey there, hope you're doing well!
The atmosphere is almost perfect, you clearly did a great job! I struggle a bit more with the actual game. It doesn't seem much diversified. I think it would be more engaging if you always had a visual element on the screen displaying what is happening. When you go back to the text screen it's like everything else doesn't matter anymore and you easily get lost. Still a great experience, you did an amazing job!

Thanks for your feedback! I see how the tutorial isn't working. First it doesn't teach you the refill mechanic, which allow you to use your character ability. And secondly it's a bit too rough. It's the last thing we did for the game. There surely was a better way to do this I'm pretty sure.

Hope you still had some fun!

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Thank you for the feedback! I'm sorry it was too hard to manage, we had this in mind but couldn't get it right in time.

Hey! Thank you for the feedback, sorry if the answer is a bit late I was really busy this week.

The issue with the camera are known, but the character controllrr had to be done in last minute as the dev that was assigned to it left in last minute, forcing me to shift from AI to character. For some reason there was a difference between camera with mouse and with gamepad but I didn't found a perfect balance sadly.

A menu was planned for inverting controls but it was just too late for that.

Hope you still like it!

Thank you! It was hard to make an efficient tutorial given the time sadly, I hope it wasn't that hard for you.

Pretty cool!
The controls are really hard to get. Attacking with J is a strange choice.

It's quite difficult tbh, the first phase is doable but I can't get through the second.

Love the art style!

Looks cool!

Wow that's cute!

Love the art style, fits the game well!

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Last week, the demo for Infinity Overwhelm was released!

It's a major step forward toward the final release (which is planned to be fully free btw).

Infinity Overwhelm is a Shoot'em Up in which you move and shoot following a loop! Experience a 2D shooter with unusual movements! The game is mostly a boss rush, featuring bosses with unique looks and behavior.

The final release will feature 3 different constellations. For the demo, you will be able to explore the first one and try different equipment!

The game started as a jam game in 2022. It went through many iterations, but now, the final release is near! This project is the first among many to come!

I really need to get more feedback to adjust the game mechanics before the final release. If you're interested, stop reading this, give it a try, it's free after all!

See you in space!

Thank you! Players feeling like level designers was the intention!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Hi, thank you for playing! The hero follows a predefined path. We wanted players to fully control the level, more like a puzzle game than a strategy one.

Thank you for playing! Yeah, there's a lot of potential for this idea, the mechanic is fun and we can add a lot of funny mechanics to it. Maybe we'll add one or two in the post-jam version.

It wouldn't be an Itooh game without music lol. Nice one, it's simple but efficient. Well done, this is think your best game so far!

That's sad that characters stop spawning, it seems interesting to move the other sheeps with the physic. Love the art by the way, especially the wolves.

The concept is interesting, I like how each app has a different effect. I'm not too sure if it fits that much the theme though. The rest is fine, I definitely want to see more of it. Well done!

A great twist on Frogger's formula. I feel like hitting the vehicles was a bit hard sometimes, especially when you're close to them. But that's mostly it, it's just a short but great game that I enjoyed. Congrats! 

Thank you! Yeah, there isn't much in this version of the game, I expect the post-jam to include better execution of the mechanics. Actually, there is no AI, it's just about fixed positions. And finally, you're right, the superhero's pattern is just about moving and can be upgraded (maybe displaying it would simplify things). We'll see what we can do. Thank you for playing!

Most of the levels were made in 1 hour, we were not expecting someone to praise them lol. The camera movement wasn't fully explained in the game tbh, that's one of the things I wish we could have explained a better way. Thank you for playing!

I'm not sure if inertia was needed for Lakitu, it's already hard to aim well, as nothing tells you where the hook will fall. The objects are not too different, which is sad, but there's room for funky ideas. I appreciate the sort of mini-quests you need to complete during the run, and the animations are quite good actually. It's a great concept, but I had a hard time trying to manage the character. Good job though, it's a very interesting game I wasn't expecting!

The game needs more polish, but the gameplay is so goooooooooooood! I love this take on the fishing idea, you did a great job! Overall a great casual game, congrats!