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Grid WizardView game page

A deckbuilder where your cards manifest as shapes on the board and you have the power to change their size!
Submitted by Hazelstorm, Aucious — 8 hours, 48 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 38 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The shapes you place on the grid are made bigger and smaller when you use the Transmute ability, which was inspired by the "scale" part of the theme. The gameplay loop focuses on "building" the best board every turn by altering the size of your shapes to save space and trigger adjacency-based bonuses. The game is also a deckbuilder, a genre whose main feature fits with the "building" part of the theme.

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
Art by Teal Knight
Music by Hazelstorm

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This is extremely creative, some good stuff! I love deckbuilding roguelikes, and this is a very fresh take on the genre, definitely has potential. 

If this was playable on browser it would've done so much better, which is a shame. Really enjoyed it, good job!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks, glad you liked it! We were originally working in Godot 4.3 .NET which does not support web builds, and unfortunately there wasn't enough time to port it to Godot 4.3 before the jam deadline. A web build will be coming after the jam is over! :)


I played this game much longer than I intended to, even though I usually don't enjoy these kinds of games. Really well made.


Solid game! I'm a sucker for deck building roguelikes so this was a ton of fun. Learning the mechanics took a bit of time, but after getting it down it was very engaging.


Surprisingly in-depth roguelike! The block puzzle aspect was creative and interesting. The music is also very good!


I really love Tetris, so I was excited when I saw this game combined with Tetris elements. I think adding sound effects and visual effects during the attack phase could provide better feedback for the players. I love the mechanics of this game and look forward to seeing it continue to develop in the future! Good job!


Thanks, I like your game's mechanics too!


I enjoyed this one! I typically suck at card games but I had a blast playing through this about 5 times. I would love more sound effects though, it does go a long way in registering what actions took place. Overall love the design and gameplay though !! :D


Thanks! Glad you like it :D we didn't have enough time to add sound effects during the jam unfortunately!!!


It took me a while to understand the mechanics, but once I did it became fun. I would suggest making player HP green and placing his sprite on the opposite side of the board since for 3 rounds I thought it was just another enemy and didn't get where my own HP was.  I like that it has strategy and a block-placing mechanic gives a new layer of puzzle to the gmaeplay


I've recieved this feedback a few times, and it's in the works for the post-jam update


I remember that game by Kustili where you have to place blocks pieces in order to fight monsters. This is like a reimagining of that, and it really shows the quality ! Another game that has great potential !


Super unique game mechanic and great gameplay!! Best of luck in the jam :))


Thanks, you too!! 


Very unique idea and good execution! I don't think there was a visible health bar for the player? It made me feel like they weren't attacking me until I suddenly died, Idk though maybe I just missed it. Overall good job!


The health bar is below your character in the top-left of the screen


I'm not going to edit my comment, such stupidity should not be hidden.


I really enjoy how you took the simple yet very understandable concept of Tetris and added  roguelike/deckbuilder twist to it. The cards explain very well what they do without having too much information. The artwork on the characters is very cool, I like it, and the concept of transmutation took me a bit but that was very clever addition. Great job!


Thanks for the compliments! In a game with so many moving parts, it's important to have absolute clarity on what everything does :) 


This seems like an interesting one. Everything seems well polished, and my only two critiques are the lack of a tutorial (beyond the how to play text) and the lack of sound effects when attacking. Aside from that though, it seems like a neat entry with a lot of depth to it!

On a different note, I do wonder where all of the Tetris ideas came from for this jam. Not that there's anything wrong with Tetris, but I'm somewhat confused as to why so many people came up with the idea of incorporating Tetris elements into their games. XD


Worth the download! Loved it!! Played until I died hahahah how far are most people getting?? My favorite card is Hit and Run also perfect score from me :)


Developer (1 edit)

Wow, thanks for the perfect score! The best run I've seen so far is 13 rounds survived :)


I really like this! The combat is nice, the music is great and the difficulty scales pretty well! It could do very well as a standalone release especially with some improved graphics on the UI ^^
Great job!


Really good game, I enjoy playing it! I did find a bug however. When using transmute on the card 'Evasion' and then rotating a few times, and placing it, the game crashes. Rotating it a hundred times like i did isn't needed, i just felt like doing that lol


Thanks for the bug report! This should be fixed in the post-jam version


Hello, composer from "Crescendo" here! Really cool that instead of mana you had a Tetris thing going on. The game was really fun and had catchy music, which really helped the overall feel of this game while you strategize how to make your pieces fit haha. I ended up running into a bug in round 2, but I'm not exactly sure what happened. All I know is that my turn ended, then the cards were shuffling, and it got stuck in the animation, I think. I'm not really sure and wish I could give more info on that, but I really had fun playing the game and hope to see more!


The game softlocks when you touch a card while your hand is discarding! We're fixing this for the post-jam version


Ohhh ok, good to know! I'll keep that in mind for now, but I'll definitely be looking forward to post jam!


Ah yes, the first card game so far. I wish it had more effects during combat and maybe extend the board so that we could fit in more combos! Great game overall!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks! There are already lots of cards in the game with different effects (we have 40+ cards and 12 unique card effects), but adding more content is always a good idea


Awesome game, definitely one of the most fun I've played thus far. It held my attention much longer than most submissions for sure. It was very satisfying to pack the board as tightly as possible. Amazing art and great music. Here's a few ideas that I think would immediately push this game even further:

1. Sounds effects would go a long way in making this a more immersive experience. Especially on attacking/getting attacked.

2. I think adding some incentive for the player to be quick about making their move would help a lot with holding the player's attention.

3. Some kind of bonus/critical hit for a fully packed board would be awesome, it already felt nice whenever it happened so adding a bonus would really make the player proud of themselves.

4. New enemies that affect the board in weird ways

Again, its an awesome concept, you should really develop it further.


1,3, and 4 are already planned for the post-jam version! The game is intended to feel thinky, so we don't want to incentivize the player to act quickly.


I like the art style, and the gameplay is also reasonably fun. It will definately be solid once some kinks can be ironed out.


It took me a few seconds to figure out how exactly the game works, but when it clicked, I had a blast. I could absolutely see an entire game being built from this premise. Deck-building Tetris is just *so* smart it makes me mad I didn't think of it first. Seriously, this is brilliant stuff, you should be proud.


Thank you!

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