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Why did you used AI Tiktok voice

This is a really clever take on the theme, using everyday stuff to scale other things. I saw pretty much every fact channels doing that too !

I really don't know what to say about this. Using scaling to noclip the player out is creative, but some of the later levels feels way too hard, or probably even impossible. Safe to say that it was a weird experience.

The game is alright. I've seen those tricks before so it's not a really mind blowing game.

However those levels are actually much harder than any other game so far, with the selection and scale limit and the fact that you can't unselect. I gave up at the level with the portals and the keys.

Okay but how did someone managed to sound more like an AI voice than an AI voice

Anyways, it's a solid game I'd say. The levels weren't too difficult but I don't really see why you added timing-based obstacles, it doesn't really fit in a game that mainly consists of puzzles to solve. I mean Tomb of the Mask did that but there it's more timing focused.

I never really liked those games where there's multiple jump lenghts and you have to choose the right one otherwise you fall down. This game is that but on LSD, my fingers almost died when I reached the 800 mark. I do find the different designs nice like the buff mouse as the biggest and the accurate mouse as the smallest. I also do appreciate the 2D in 3D thing as well !

This is one of the best game that I have ever played so far ! The game is cute and the different levels only uses the same mechanics in different unique ways ! Plus the Mario Paint sound assets makes it 10 times better

There's practically no gameplay in this game, you just walk around, and shoot the overpowered spiders that spawn way too fast. At least the scales as different weapons concept is nice.

I remember that game by Kustili where you have to place blocks pieces in order to fight monsters. This is like a reimagining of that, and it really shows the quality ! Another game that has great potential !

That was pretty mid. I thought that the gate idea was cool but it's really tedious to find the right place to grow since objects of different sizes moves on their own grid. Also there's no undo so that basically proves my point.

This is similar to another jam game that I played, but here it's just a arcade game. It's still pretty chill, except for the parts where the block shaked and I was freaking out to try to solidify the tower.

The glue stick don't work and the music glitches out when it fully loops.

Hello Hazelstorm

This is certainly a new approach to the theme, and it's well executed too. The morph animation the objects do when they merge is kinda funny however and reminds me of some flash animation thing

I do love me some r/place experience.

My score was 126 Kg

This is a really cute take on Tetris ! The chance thing was pretty cool and the character on the left makes me think of those Puyo Puyo emotes for whatever reason.

Nice idea here ! The blobs were really cute and we go from simple top down physics to gravity and more !

This was an interesting game, there were a lot of stuff you did with those plates, but the fact that the gun section had only two levels was a bit anticlimatic. Also the gun cutscene was obnoxiously long, like it doesn't need to be 1 minute long and I could have skipped it.

That was a pretty okay game. I like what you tried to do here, and just like what I said in SwitcH, this could be a great game with enough potential, there's a lot of ideas that you could get from this.

Also I Wanna Lockpick Mentioned

Really cool theme interpretation here ! This does have a lot of potential for being a full game, and I can tell it !

The paintings were top tier too

Do you mind if I ask you to send the download through Drive ?

Lois the game GATOTAG is peak gameplay, it uses the Tetris formula and combines it with a platformer in a great way. This reminds me of the time I saw El Gato the meme compilation. The different things Team Bugalon did with the concept is really great and it is much better than Pip Flip Paradise. The only bad thing were the neighbors shouting at you, they are really hard to dodge and it reminds me too much of meg, but it's still fun to play, I wish they also added an arcade mode where you need to reach as high as possible.

hey peta

I liked the art, but I didn't liked the fact that you had to press tab to switch player, it feels really weird to use for me for whatever reason.

This game is pretty boring honestly. I don't really see the point of an arcade game (if it is one) without a score system or an health system. At level 4 I managed to get the ball stuck between two clouds and softlocked myself.

I should be a comedian honestly

I mean Rhythm Studio exists.

Died 2021 born 2024 welcome back Patrick's Parabox

All jokes aside this was a pretty simple game. The dimentional box was kinda cool and the levels aren't so complicated. The fact that you can only throw boxes and not drop them is kinda bad and makes some levels harder than they look however.

That was a simple but really creative theme execution. The levels weren't so complicated either. Nothing much to say here.

Well that wasn't as intuative as UVSU. It's a pretty simple snake variant, and it's basically built like that Infinite Pizza game I found from a video. The obstacles section can get really tight when you are outside the section, which is kinda cool, but nothing really happens here.

I really liked that you took the different words of the theme "Built to Scale" separately, I haven't seen something like that before. As for the game itself, it was alright, however it was very stressful for me since I really didn't wanted to fall down, and it definitively ask you to do a foresight in order to progress. The switch part was cool and it further renforces the foresight idea.

This game has a simple mechanic but does a lot with it, with more and more stuff added. The bullet levels weren't that fun since it requires precision and you can actually die from them, but the rest was cool.

I didn't expected that animation at the last enemy I fought it was really nice.

I always liked to play with perspective when I used to take a ton of photos. The whole thing came back when I played The Witness, and this game is like a really cool comeback of this sort of activity. Finding the right perspective was kinda tricky since they were a lot of possibilities but it was still nice.

Out of all of the jam games I played, that was probably the weirdest of them all. This was basically 3 different games in 1, which kinda made me think of WarioWare a bit since each theme interpretation and gameplay was different from each-other. Due to this, I'll be giving a ranking for each separate game (except for the Fix the Scale one). Spoilers ahead btw.

First game I played was "The Devil Scale". The theme execution is that you can change size with two buttons. Pretty basic but whatever. It was apparently a rage game, so it had no checkpoints. I basically had to do the thing deathless, and it was pretty annoying since the player had ice physics whenever it landed. Then I reached the end of the game where I had to find a key and avoid the trap after it. The nice thing is that they don't reset when you die so that's a plus. Overall this was a pretty boring game. I'll give this 2 stars for enjoyment, 1 star for creativity and 1 star for the style.

The second game was "Space Scale", which was a bit better but not by a long shot. You basically are an astronaut that creates platforms to make bridges, with asteroids and giant moving stars to avoid. It wasn't that hard, until I reached the Saturn section, in which it seems that I just can never make a bridge from Saturn to the next platform, since they all seem to fall down. I then found out that you can do a Planetary Travel type move to this section by walking along the rings when they are at the right position, so I did just that. It was kinda tricky but I managed. One weird thing I noticed is that the platforms interacts with other things whenever you are entering collision with it. Beside that, it was not that great. I'll give this 2 stars for enjoyment, 3 stars for creativity and 3 stars for the style.

The third game was "Rocket Scale" which is Rocket League but you become smaller every time you get a goal. The controls were a lot more jank that the other games tho so the game took longer than expected. The AI was so terrible that it just drives the ball around the area so I just had to camp the opposite goal and score. I'll give this 1 star for everything.

These games were pretty bad, but it really gives off that "first jam game" feel, which I like, which contributed to the final rating of the entire game. Plus the game has the exact same AI voice that I can find in those AI TikToks which I find it hilarious ngl

Thank you for listening to my ted talk

Hello this is former president Barack Obama and I have come to tell you that Poorly Constructed Rough Estimations is an epic game. The physics reminds me of the classic flash game Super Stackers 2 but with wacker physics, and it is fun to build with the blocks. My only complaint is that it demands your height knowledge and the height of second building one is especially evil but I still enjoyed it.

Obama (real)

The ending was added as a joke lmao

I already played this before the jam ends, and I must say this is a really great game ! A lot of levels introducing a new thing to learn, similar to your other games. The last levels were a bit annoying but I got the hang of it.

I had some high expectations since you made Back Alley Dice Rolling Simulator '22, and I was right, this was as banger as I thought, epic physics and it even ends with a ponder over his existential suffering and his murder intensies.

This is the definition of a good bad game. The physics are so wack that some of the blocks can glitch out.

I did not liked playing this game. The way you stretch the world has an insanely precise point that you have to click and it's driving me insane because it would never properly do it.

Simple but very difficult, especially with the splitting

Pretty cool game ! There's even multiple solutions !

Also I found 4 words out of 3 in one of the levels. is that good or bad ?