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Boom TownView game page

Quickly expand your town in this city-builder with deadlines
Submitted by BluezamX, PureHagelslag — 2 days, 2 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 36 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
If you don't plan your city layout well, you won't be able to scale up fast enough. The mayor is always asking for more, more, MORE!

Development Time

48 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
A game by Jasper and Rutger for GMTK Game Jam 2024
Sound effects: Interface Sounds Pack and Impact Sounds Pack by Kenney
Music: Easy Lemon - Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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What a nice idea. I had fun playing it and it looks beautiful.


one of the most addicting entries i’ve played, I could only get to like day 47 though before it gave me some task I couldn’t do in the time it gave. really cool kind of city building roguelite thing, very clean visuals too. well done :)


Thanks a lot! I saw your game being played by Mark on stream yesterday, congrats! It really caught my eye since both the concept and the graphics looked very cool. One of our game concepts that we didnt persue was also based around controlling an ant colony, but we couldn't figure out how to turn it into a game. Kind of amazed by how much you guys were able to do in this short timeframe!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Thank you :D yeah I’m so happy with how it turned out, this was my first project in Godot and I’m definitely not planning on going back to unity any time soon. the majority of development just took place on a tiny plane with 2 trees on it, just making the game systems in a controlled environment


made the map itself quite late in the jam, then we dragged a few trees on there and it was like oh this is starting to resemble a game now lol


ig our source of productivity was communicating as much as possible, and greyboxing a lot to begin with so we could develop the game mechanics as soon as possible instead of relying on assets early on.

sry if i’m rambling, your game is super polished, and in only 48 hours too is crazy ! what did you use to make Boom Town?

edit: i’m daft it says Unity in the web build x_x you should maybe give godot a try if you haven’t already, I avoided it before because I thought you had to use GDScript but it also supports using C# instead :D


Really neat to get this look behind the curtain on your game 😄 Seems like you took a smart approach to only introduce the complexity of a game map after fleshing out the core systems.

Godot is definitely tempting, mostly due to Unity proving to be a very unreliable factor in the past year and also open-source software being cool in general! However, we have no experience with Godot while we use Unity on a daily basis, and we were limited to finish our project within 48h. So using Unity still made the most sense for us. For a longer term or commercial project I'd definitely consider trying out Godot though.


Do you have any tips or resources on starting in Godot?

Seeing as this was your first project in Godot and you were able to create a game with quite some complex systems in a short amount of time, perhaps the switch from Unity to Godot isn't actually as intimidating as I'd heard from others?

Submitted (2 edits) (+2)

hmm I had some help from a friend who knew a bit about godot, but I’d say just experimenting in the editor, and for the scripting intellisense was crucial to understanding what functionalities are available. I wish I could be of more help in terms of resources but really it would just come down to looking up whatever question i had in the moment about it.

godot is more object based than unity, which is more about making the components on the same gameobject type, in godot you make different subclasses which all lead back to a generic Node class. it’s almost like Unreal Engine in this regard, which is also like adding your own twigs to different spots in a class library. once it clicks though it actually feels more natural than unity in my opinion, like you don’t have a PlayerComponent script to put on a GameObject in the scene, you just have a Player in the scene which inherits logic from CharacterBody3D or whatever you extend it from.

however this does mean instead of stacking components on one object like a characterController, MeshRenderer and MeshCollider together, you instead have different objects for each so it would be a CharacterBody3D, with a MeshInstance3D and CollisionShape3D as children to it for the same effect. to make your own player script you would select the CharacterBody3D and at the bottom of the inspector add a script, which will change it to your own class type extending CharacterBody3D, meaning you will have access to a bunch of useful inherited logic for movement and stuff, like how a CharacterController in unity gives you nice functions for moving and whether you’re grounded and such. you can also choose to have a template script generated when you make your subclass, which will allow you to move around and jump with arrow keys and space.

In terms of scripting it feels very similar to unity, you have a _Ready method which mirrors unity’s Start, and a _Process which is the same as Update, and also a _PhysicsProcess which is like FixedUpdate. oh and instead of Prefabs, you make ‘Scenes’ which are basically the same thing as prefabs.

I guess what I’m trying to say is unity skills are hugely transferrable to godot, so you are probably more capable with it than you are aware of already just because of your capabilities with unity. and yeah I totally agree about Unity becoming unreliable as a business, I was looking for an opportunity to switch over and I’m super glad I did for this jam.


wow,  thanks for the elaborate reply! Since I'm the artist of our team, some of the programming-specific info went over my head, but I'm sure it will be very helpful for the dev!

Your explanation for how Unity's component-based system differs from Godot's is very helpful. I'd heard before that it was different, but I had a hard time finding an answer to how exactly it was different. Your examples made it easy to imagine now!

Again, thanks for going through the effort of writing this explanation! We'll definitely consider dipping our toes into Godot, and your help has made that step easier and more tempting 😄


Nice job on the game, the artwork and functionality are great!


Definition of underrated! This game is so polished, so fun, so addicting; and made in only two days! Great work!


Liked this alot! would like to see more adjacency bonuses - nice chill game with the major Screaming MORE at you :D


I'm giving lots of 5/5 recently, and this is the last one of them


At first i thought it was gonna be hard to understand, but actually it was not!

The game meets perfectly with the graphics and the music and that bald mean man made me very angry (Is it a.. good thing?)

Jokes apart it was amazing, could be expanded a lot as a full game!

Little feedback, i think the missions should have like a little icon on the left of the bar like a coin, a house or a building in general depending on the mission, to make the player immediatly understand, without actually reading the assigment what he needs to do 5 times (Have mercy of us adhd people) 

Good job!


I agree that in hindsight the missions could have been made more clear, also with regard to the days left. Now you really need to read the mission well, otherwise you might accidentally go game over!

Regardless, I'm very glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for playing :)


My kind of game, definitely! I just ended up doing a lot of the same, but the idea is great and I like the way you looked at the jams theme here. Not as a game mechanic but as a societal issue. Nice!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words! I didn't want to make the messaging too prominent (beating people over the head with "capitalism bad" gets old fast). So I'm happy it still shone through despite this more cartoony form.


Love the artwork, just beautiful.


amazing for two days, great vibes overall!


This was a pretty neat game to spend this afternoon playing!


Came to play the game, stayed for the music. Loved the vibe


great job! you should both be proud, looks and plays great!

Seen other games like this, they were fun as well


A surprising amount of depth!


One of the best looking games of the jam


Ooh, what a fun city manager! I like the depth and balance. Just to double check, there's no way to zoom out on the map, right? On one of my playthroughs, I notice a piece of land just floating above, seemingly inaccessible (diagonal right above "Daily Income"): 


Let's see if the picture will post on this comment:


I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I'll be sure to check your game out tomorrow as well. 

And you had some amazing RNG, the chance for a land tile to spawn that far away is less than 1/600! Sadly enough we didn't get around to adding limitations on land-tile spawn distance


Thanks for the kind words!

You are right, a camera that could pan and zoom was on our list of additional features that unfortunately didn't make it into the game.

It is indeed possible (though uncommon) for pieces of land to spawn so far away from the central landmass. If you'd want the perfect layout, you could try restarting by going back to the menu, since it generates a new random map every time. Had we had the time to implement our camera,  then this wouldn't be much of an issue, but I can imagine it can be annoying now.


No worries! Just wanted to double check I didn't accidentally mix a mechanic. The game is pretty polished overall :D


I was given a task for 28 buildings, but I only had 24 cells). But the game style is really cool

Developer (1 edit)

If you use the Shovel button on a water tile, you can create a new piece of land. This is essential for progressing in the game, but in hindsight we didn't explain this clearly enough.

We'd love for you to give our game a second chance, and perhaps update your rating if it affected your enjoyment. In any case, thank you for your feedback and for playing!

EDIT: we have added it as a tip to the top of our game page's description. Hopefully this will help out other players as well :)


Incredible game for the 48 h span !!! Did 69 as best score. The depth of the gameplay affects the choices and that's very interesting. The game is visually and audibly coherent. Just wow! 
(Copied comment from the game page)


We saw your comment on the main page before ratings went live. Thanks for the kind words, it really made our day to see the first fellow jammer respond positively to our game :D