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fix the generator and find the mysterious "figure"
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Originality & Innovation#753.1323.132
Fun & Game Design#1002.6982.698

Ranked from 53 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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good graphics and great into.  You may want to check mobile controls, tey are little buggy


I will check on that very soon


Love the graphics and the intro. When I chose to hide in the locker nothing happened, the player stood in front of the locker and wouldn't move left or right. And I couldn't figure out how to leave this state. There was an icon on the upper right but it wasn't clickable. The same happened after restarting. I like the game nonetheless. Obviously a lot of work went into this.

Developer (1 edit)

the game is still un-finished unfortunately. I ran out of time. Thanks a lot for your comment


Nice storyline, though I got stuck quite often as I did things in the wrong order :D

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

thanks a lot for your comment


It's all very polished, I like the style of it and the intro is very good, great job




Nice game, you should make so that when we click space bar or any other key we can make the text or story faster.


yeah! I will make sure to do that


Kinda nice! Love the ol', handmade Flash style :) 


thanks a lot

Submitted (1 edit)

I'm kinda disappointed the game stops at the locker because, against my judgement, I want to know how  I "die". Otherwise, this has potential.


hahah thats a weird recommendation but dont worry I will make sure to update it 


Nice game! I like the graphics and the cutscene was very nice, but the problem is that the game is very buggy, and also that I think it crashes on the first level? Anyway I hope you fix it after the jam as it's not bad


it does not crash. I did not complete it after the locker scene. But if you experience any bugs before the locker scene let me know 


enjoyed this game. Unsure on some aspects like the music in place but you did a great job.  Well done 👏 


thanks! Im going to change the music  soon


Cool game. After i fixed the first generator i don't know what to do. is there more to it? Love the art btw.


i did not complete the game completely. I ran out of time. Thanks for your comment

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Bro the game is a masterpiece I love it hope you can checkout my game but the menu isn't as good as yours 


thanks a lot man! your game is amazing too! don't worry it looks amazing. just some little polishing to do


You've created a fantastic game! The main menu, cinematic, and mechanics are all standout features. The only piece of feedback I have pertains to the music – it doesn't seem to align well with the game's theme. Keep up the great work!


thank a lot for your comment! you might  be right, the music does not fit the style of the game. I couldn't find any good music at the end due to the time limit. but anyways thanks!


If you move too fast at the start you mess up the questing a bit. But that should be a easy fix when you get to polish. Visually it’s very unique and I like how the guy walks. Very cool start game project.


thanks a lot


Good art, and the mechanics need some work. it felt kinda short but it's a game jam, I understand. There are several bugs, but they can be fixed if you continue this nice game. Would love to see more.

Props for making it mobile friendly!


thanks a lot man!

Submitted (1 edit)

Amazing art style that looks hand drawn, if so then even more props to the artist!

Great concept for a game too, I like how the game feels, especially the mini games to repair things, this could be polished to become a really great full scale game, you should 100% add more to it after the voting period has ended. Love the unique style you brought to this gamejam with the comic-esque intro to the game, your creativity stands out!


thank you very much. And yes I did draw the art myself! I will make sure to update it after the jam is over.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice idea. Like Xigame, I'm blocked in the 1st door


yeah as i said it is still in beta version. it still needs some fixing. I'm sorry


It looks fun, but I'm stuck when I hide in the first door and nothing happens...

Developer (1 edit)

you mean the locker? because i did not complete the game i ran out of time. sorry


Yes, I can't do anything after hiding...


it is still in beta version. i will fix it after the jam


Interesting concept. I like these repair type style games, so well done. Some of the early intro stuff is a bit too long winded though, but overall nice work.


thanks a lot!


What's here is very smooth, has nice animation and I'd love to play more. Like some folks said, I wish you could skip the intro because I got stuck in the door and had to restart a couple times. But I know the time is constraining for the game jam. Good entry and I'll play the full version in the future too!
If you have a chance please check out and rate my entry as well :)


thanks a lot man! i will check out your game!


has potential, you can probably add some sort of scene skip, since I had to repeat from start, also I got stuck twice when hiding on first locker, after that i could not go on.  Maybe you can activate some stuff after turotial text ends, looks and music are great.


thanks for your comment! but unfortunately the game end there i ran out of time

i made sure to add a to be continued screen! but it seems it did not work!

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