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Tulenväki Productions

A member registered Feb 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Kiitosta vain, jatkoa on luvassa jahka Teemu omilta kiireiltään ehtii jatkoa koodaamaan.

Thank you, there is a slight difference and a bonus of not wielding a sword, you can punch the ghouls and they stagger so you prevent them from hitting you but the downside is lower damage dealed.
The game is in constant development and will have WAY more content in the near future.

So glad that I could be of help <3

Thank you <3

No game saves implementerd yet. still workingo n the direction I'm going to go with the save system and carry on powerups etc.

From here.

Thank you <3

Press the Wire button on bottom left to toggle wiring mode on & off

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Welcome to the fold.
Ask away if you need any help, Rami is an official Advocate of GDevelop.
And the GDev discord is really active and helpful with the main devs hanging at there too.

Thanks, glad you liked the game, it is intended to have a closeness to electricity lessons that I had back in the day so yea.
I'm working on expanding the game further.

Not gates as they are just inverters work as intended, in the tutorial level the 2 not gates is to show how they work in all its simplicity.
On the logic puzzles there are more variety and sometimes you need to think where to place the no gates to get the desired signal out.

The switches and components are under a menu for futureproofing for free building mode later one when I get that finished.

The components sticking to each other when dragging them close to each other is a problem I need to address at some point.

Thanks for the feedback it's always nice to hear different points of view and suggestions.

The level transition from 0111 to The End works properly now.

The unconnected component on its own might be live (green) as no connection on inputs is defined as 0 so the output is 1.
Connect a wire from the switch to the component and toggle the switch to get those components outputs non live (red).

Hum I have to check that tomorrow.
Thank you for reporting this issue <3

Thanks <3
Will be doing more in the near future ;)

The tutorial levels instruct on each component usage.
In short you need to add all of the components and draw wires from the switches to the comoponents all the way to the lamp.
And then make all the switches to be switched on and have the lamp light up to pass the level.

Quite a nice little relaxing fishing game.
Though the fish got stuck on the right side so I could go there and spam the harpoon to catch them.

Relaxing, nice papercraft feel, well done <3

Thanks for the praise, we're so glad that we achieved to entertain you, there is more to come after the jam is over.

Small simple realxingly challenging runner game.
Keep at it <3

At first I had no idea what to whatch and why, only figured it from the comments below :D
anyways, nice little choose from available game...

Well done.

Heheh I grew the snowman out of the screen and then let it shrink away...
211seconds :D

Funny :D

Hehe, lovely simple idea.
Keep at it, you'll only improve from here <3
Liked the fact that you could drag the butter cup along with you. ;)

Slow paced and seems to be not ending.
Taking green ball doubles car size and warps me forward but the road ends.
Clicking yellow ball makes me run away from skeletons and shooting with RMB does nothing to them but enables to exit back to driving...
No idea how that is continuing from that..

Anyways, keep at it, I like that you made the constraints to the road so you can't drive into the trees ;)

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Really nice and simple gamplaym though a bit too easy as the enemies took only one hit and were spawning so far apart.
The information text was a REAL pain in the butt to try to decipher.
Different font and color selection as well as removal or changing the background so that it won't mix the text so much.
But anyways, well done <3

Nice idea and execution, only gripe is the jumping has to be spot on to be able to get where you want so that gave me quite a bit of gray hair :D
Well done indeed!

Really fun and challenging game play, though I always seem to get hit with the fire ball on top of my head.
Very well done <3

Fantastic take on the theme, and a REAL challenge to master.
Well done! <3

(1 edit)

Fantastic take on the theme.
Reminds me of my childhood from the 80's with the Game&Watch electronic games <3

Well done and the Titanic Mode made me chuckle quite a bit :D

Fantastic little game, I managed to get through normal AND hard modes.

Really fun take on the theme and as a HCR player this is quite well done as an inspired game.
Well done! <3

Lovely and challenging taking the theme spot on!

Fantastic retro stylish game, a few bugs here and there like trigger a turn in an incorrect position and the dude starts to run diagonally through walls :D
But it's a game jam, so understandable.

Really nice game tbh.
Simple mechanics but challenging to master.
Only gripe is the jump sound being really annoying after a while :D

Really fun take on Super Hot <3
I love this <3

Really fun take on Super Hot <3
I love this <3

Nice one...
Tron like feeling.

Weird, simple, effective... Spot on on the theme :)

Nice take on the theme, is the spectrum analyzer actually displaying the music or is it just animation or random?

Really nice and challenging game, very well done <3