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Which Is RealView game page

Brackeys Game Jam
Submitted by SinTex — 17 hours, 48 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#6892.9332.933

Ranked from 89 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does you game fit the theme?
The game has two blocks and one of them IS NOT REAL.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
Yes I did write all the code and I made all the assets from scratch. It was hard :(

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I think the concept is interesting and is a great take on the theme! However, it just doesn't work, at least as a single player game, as it's not mechanically deep. It's just a game of chance which isn't very fun. You could make it so that the player has to look closely at the glass to see which one is fake, and they would have to complete it in a certain amount before all the grass breaks. Whatever the case, there has to be some player agency or it'll just be a guessing game.

Also, during a game jam you should focus on carefully building and polishing a few levels instead of rushing a lot of levels. You can add more after the game jam if you like the idea.

Still, I think you did an amazing job and I hope you make more games in the future! :D


Thanks because this is my first game jam I didn't really know that but maybe will do that next time


I had a lot of fun playing it! I saw the Squid game too. This game is very well inspired by the Squid game!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Great, simple concept. I guess more of an indicator, or a longer lasting one of which pane is broken would help memorization, at least in the early levels though.  I managed to beat some of the hard levels regardless!

Thanks for making this. I did enjoy it.




The game ran reeeaaally slow on my laptop, I don't have a gaming machine, but still surprised at how much my machine struggled.  A few things I found frustrating were the need to jump between blocks, rather than allowing me to walk between them, requiring me to go back to the menu each time I died (I died a lot 🙃), and as mentioned by a few other people, the lack of indication as to which blocks were real, leaving the game to mostly guessing and remembering which blocks were real.  Overall, this game is really unique, I've never played anything like it and the graphics are really nice.


I really like it, reminds me of squid game




It's a cool concept, but I didn't notice any indication as to which panels were real or fake so it was just guessing which doesn't make for very rewarding gameplay. If you give the player a few hints they'll feel smarter for noticing things and it'll feel more fair when they miss them. But still, you did a lot of work to make 25 levels and it looks pretty good! That's something you should be proud of!


Yes I should have given some clues but it was just too much hard work making the levels.. Thanks!


If you don't mind a bit of advice, it might be better to make less levels and focus a bit more on the gameplay for the next one. While 25 levels is super impressive, most people expect jam games to be on the shorter end. Try for 3-5 really solid levels next time cus you can always add more after the jam :)


Yes sry this is my first game jam so I don't really know what to do but yes next I will work more on Quality over Quantity.


No need to apologize, no one really knows what they're doing for their first game jam lol. Just try your best and have fun! I'm looking forward to what you make in the future!


Thank you!


Your game fits the theme like a glove. But I think you need to add a hint to which plattforms are walkable and which aren't. Otherwise it gets frustrating quickly. I'd say next time go for less levels (maybe 5) but try to make them more enjoyable.


Yes sure I should've done that


Downloaded your game and I can say that this is pretty cool and fits the theme perfectly. My only suggestion to make it better would be to make the player jump further as those diagonal jumps had me falling through the gaps on the odd occasion. The graphics and gameplay are top notch and I can see this doing well. I had a peek at level 25 for curiosity and that sure looks tough but I'm sure with practice on the earlier levels I might be able to do it


Thanks for the suggestion


Nice game, easy to understand and well calibrated. 




Nice choice of theme, my mission was clear from the start :D A nice way to get the theme, the game was fun, of course you get mad at your self while playing, but that's what it's about :D Nice, congrats on the game!


Good Game nice gameplay


Thank you!


The game was pretty good but after you die it would be better if you restart the level a bit faster, so that you don't have to wait to replay the level! Apart from that it was a good game!


Yes due to some glitch I wasn't able to do that sry though. I could've done that in the last moment but I just had make music and stuff.


Great visuals, and really well made! Quite frustrating but that's obviously the point, really well executed :D


Thanks Freeranger. Yet it is quite frustrating should have balanced that by giving some clues. Btw Please do rate my game.

Really liked the visuals on this one. 



Rated!, nice squidgame reference game!, really loved it! nice job!

also would you kindly help rate mine too? it'd be a huuuge help!, THANKS a LOT!!!


Thanks! And yes I will rate your game :).


Contrats on making a game :)

The visuals and music are nice. I think that I managed to jump on a glass while it was being broken? But apart from that I would like to have an interest decision as a player. It feels that I'm only relying on luck (which I usually don't have ;P).

Congrats again and maybe try my game if you can.


Thanks for that amazing comment ba7op! Yes I will try your game :)

A great game

I appreciate his hard work


Thanks man


Solid recreation of the bridge game from Squid Game but is there a trick to playing? I feel like you should get multiple lives so you stand a chance of actually getting across.  Anyway nice job!


Haven't seen this twist on the Squid Game Bridge concept, very nice!


really visually appealing :)


Thanks for that amazing comment SiennaFay33.

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