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A member registered Dec 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

THIS IS AMAZING. Thank you SO MUCH for screenshoting your experience!

Oh yeah, I think I DO have to explain what I think actually happened-

First off, the harpy (the boss) has an attack where it smashes its head onto the ground. After a certain number of smashes, the boss gets dizzy and falls to the ground. So, I think what happened was, as you took a screenshot, the boss smashed its head and fell WAY DOWN into the opening at the right.

Next, about the void at the top of the tower. My expectation was that, when the player sees the harpy, he'll say "Woah! I need to deal with that!" and then focus on defeating the enemy. Once defeated, the ending plays and that's that. What I failed to consider is that, after the harpy falls to the ground, it's basically harmless now and the player can kind of just... keep scaling the tower.

And yeah! When the harpy gets dizzy and falls to the ground, the player is meant to take the opportunity to attack it by dropping a block on its bruise. Looking at it now, since the harpy is pretty much motionless and doesn't get back up on its own, it makes sense why it looks like it's just... dead lol. 

However, even though you TECHNICALLY didn't actually defeat the harpy, I, as the creator of this game, hereby grant you the "Still Won Even Tho The Harpy Not Dead" pass.

Once again, Thank you for trying out my game and leaving a comment! I really appreciate it!

Very interesting take on the theme! The mechanic of having to shoot circles inside other circles to deal more damage to the slowly growing and approaching enemy makes for really interesting movement! For feedback, I did lose the smaller circles and couldn't shrink the enemy, so I'd suggest scattering a number of smaller circles around the arena, or having an arrow point to the small circle. Also, having the lack of energy or whatever it was called only making the enemy grow faster but not slowing or stopping your shooting speed makes it sort of unclear.  This isn't to say that these are things that SHOULD HAVE already been considered before the game was submitted (there was only like 4 days lmao), just wanted to share some of the thoughts I had while playing your game! Sorry for typing too much, I'll stop now!

Thanks for playing!!! BTW I'm PRETTY SURE I coded it wrongly and the boss will just never die lmao, but once again, thanks for playing and for the comment!!!! :D

submitted 20 seconds before the deadline

Very neat take on the theme!! The visuals are really simple and sweet. I think this concept could be expanded upon in a full release! 

(1 edit)

Did you guys actually make this in 2 DAYS?! 

This is such a great take on the theme! The art and animation are absolutely fantastic! I love the different mechanics of the enemies and how they are mixed together in levels! My only critique is that during certain levels I noticed that there were enemies and parts of the stage that I think were supposed to be used to beat the level, but I would end up just skipping past them entirely. However, I think that would be an extremely unfair criticism to make for a 2-day game jam submission, especially given how flippin amazing this game is. ;)

Nice work!!!

Thank you for playing!! I'm so happy to hear someone analyze my game!  I greatly appreciate the feedback!!

Oh my goodness this is amazing! The ending bit made me chuckle out loud! 

I love that you made it so that a finished game wouldn't have all the possible obstacles, encouraging people to play again!

Great work!! :D

Perhaps I'll try  increasing the size of the grabber in a post-jam version, if I ever make one. I was hoping on adding a menu screen, but I ran out of time unfortunately. I hope you still though the game was neat regardless. Thanks for the feedback!

I see, I'll reduce the height of the slider if I ever make a post-jam version. Thanks for the feedback! Also, my laptop's just been fixed, typing with it right now!

I think the idea is a very creative take on the theme. I like the cute hand-drawn art style the game has, everything on screen was very clear and readable. :)

I think the concept has potential to be expanded upon, since currently, I can beat the game just by spamming whatever card appears in my hand. However, I think that would be an extremely unfair criticism to make for a 2-day game jam submission, especially given how polished the game is. ;)

Wonderful job! Hope you both continue to make more games in the future! :D 

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Also, I found a glitch where if you give inputs really fast, the blocks' rotations break, similar problem with the player.

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I think the puzzles are very thought-out, having to think about how rotating the cubes will create a path for the player. The visuals and sound are also really chill and polished, especially for a 2-day game jam! Congrats! ;)

I see, thanks for playing! I think having the daggers emit a sound so you can hear them when they're close to you would be a good idea!

Thank you so much for playing! I don't even know what to say, so right now I'll just say that I greatly appreciate your feedback!

This is such a creative take on the theme!

I thought the jump sliding was really fun too!

My only complaint is that the dice's rotational directions could be clearer. There were times when I didn't know what direction the dice was going to rotate the level! Maybe placing rotational arrows around the dice that say what direction the dice will rotate the level would help.

Aside from that, I enjoyed it a lot! 

Thank you so much! 

(1 edit)

I think the concept is interesting and is a great take on the theme! However, it just doesn't work, at least as a single player game, as it's not mechanically deep. It's just a game of chance which isn't very fun. You could make it so that the player has to look closely at the glass to see which one is fake, and they would have to complete it in a certain amount before all the grass breaks. Whatever the case, there has to be some player agency or it'll just be a guessing game.

Also, during a game jam you should focus on carefully building and polishing a few levels instead of rushing a lot of levels. You can add more after the game jam if you like the idea.

Still, I think you did an amazing job and I hope you make more games in the future! :D

You nailed the disturbing eldritch tone with the narrative, visuals and sound! However, aside from that, the game doesn't fit the theme as it's just generic RPG battling with pretty repetitive gameplay. Wish there was some strategy! If you were to turn this into a full game you would need to get a main mechanic that enhances and brings out the creepy tone of the game! 

In my opinion, the main takeaway from this jam game is to shrink your game's scope because it feels too big, like you were trying to create an epic meta-narrative but ran out of time! Jam games should be short, sweet and polished playable ideas that, if works, could be turned into a full release post-jam!

Still,  I think you did a good job!

Thanks! I played your game too! I think it's really fun and hope you make more in the future!

(2 edits)

Although the main idea of switching between planes isn't that unique, I love the mechanic that lets  you go inside a wall to fling yourself! It adds so much more depth to the game! My biggest critique is that in my opinion, it's too hard for a jam game. People are going to quit before they finish it, making whatever work you did afterwards pointless. That doesn't mean you should make it "Press x to win", it means that you should show your take on the game jam as neatly as possible. Everyone wants to play everyone else's games so if they play a game and get stuck they're going to switch to another game. That doesn't mean it's a bad game if it's hard, it just means less people will play it to the end! Aside from that, it's an amazing game with gorgeous visuals that could be turned into a full release! Hope you make more games in the future!

Surprised how much you were able to put in a week! Great retro-style art but some things are a bit unclear like when the tiles will drop and I didn't even notice the projectiles at first and got confused on how I died, but those are just some minor inconveniences. A great game that could be turned into a full release with polish and more depth!

Thank you so much!!! I played your game too! It was very lovely! I hope you make more games in the future!

Rated! Thanks for playing!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

A short, polished, and fun experience. A great take on the theme with controls that feel good and precise with easy-to-read visuals! A weird idea that could be turned into a full game!

This is what a jam game should be, short, sweet, polished and interesting. It doesn't have to be perfect or even work. It can be strange and weird and if it works you can turn it into a full release! A very good game with great visuals and a very funny idea!

 A cute game with nice art and a very funny concept! I loved the fact that you could understand what the characters are saying just through pictures alone! A great entry for the jam's theme!

Although the game has some glaring design issues, like how it isn't easy to competently take advantage of the fake attacks, or how the movement is a bit stiff, I had a lot of fun playing and definitely see you improving to make more games in the future!

A very creepy game with incredible art although I think the game is kind of simple. In my opinion, a way to fix this would be to have a short (around a few seconds) timer for each person and if you don't do the necessary thing in time you fail with a roughly minute long timer for the entire shift. It would've given it more frantic and quick gameplay where you have to look for hints of paranormal stuff as soon as possible and hope your eyes aren't pulling tricks on you. Aside from that , this is a great first game and I hope you make more in the future!

A wonderful concept but if the controls were more precise and easier to use this game would be much better. In my opinion, you shouldn't worry about the game's length and increase the difficulty. Game jam games should be short, easy and sweet. They're playable ideas that could be turned into full games, or you could make funny gag games. I could imagine a game like this but with a few more characters, each with their own abilities and being able to see through different illusions and you have to use each of them to help the other. And if the idea isn't sticking, you can move on to the next one. I think this game is really cool and I hope you make more!

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Thanks!! I'm really glad with how it turned out! Your game was cool too!

Thank you for playing!! I worked very hard on the game's invisible music so I'm glad it was worth it! 

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Good story with funny twists. I thought the guy taking your mouse away was really clever! An amazing game considering it's your first! I enjoyed it a lot and hope you make more!

Thank you so much! Your game was great too! I'm very glad you enjoyed it!

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This is a rail shooter/infinite runner where an alien shoots flyers at people to prove that he is real.

U.M.Pe: Unidentified Myth Prover

It's very short. Hope you like it!

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This is my moongame (game in alien) 

U.M.Pe: Unidentified Myth Prover

(2 edits)

Great game with a really good idea but I think the controls could use some tweaking. It got really annoying when I had to cancel my anti-gravity and type it again because I couldn't move while I was in the air or die to a spike because the movement was kind of slippery. Except for that, it's a really good game with nice visuals too! You could do a lot with this concept!

Liked it a lot. Traveling through the maze was a bit confusing but maybe that was what you were going for. If not adding clear landmarks would've helped a lot. Other than that, it's a good game!

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Very cool spin on the "choose your own adventure" genre! The story was interesting too! Hope you make more stuff in the future!

What a wonderful little game! With lovely art and music too!