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"Voices Of The Void" Pre-Alpha

Gather unknown signals from deep, silent space · By mrdrnose

Voices of the Void 0.8.1 Bug Reports Locked

A topic by mrdrnose created Nov 01, 2024 Views: 37,639 Replies: 367
This topic was locked by mrdrnose 49 days ago
Viewing posts 1 to 145 of 202 · Next page · Last page
Developer (1 edit) (+4)

Report the bugs you find in 0.8.1 build
Include as much info you can gather so that i can fix stuff more efficiently

Or you can use the form:

(2 edits) (+3)

So uhh, the game loads the main menu just fine for me but the sounds aren't working and when I try to open the tutorial it just plops me into a void, and while yes, I am able to move around, I can't move my camera and every setting is set to 0 for some odd reason, that includes the graphics as well as evey other possible setting.

Edit: I have managed to fix the issue, just go to the "game" tab on the settings menu and press "Regenerate Data.SAV"


This fixed it for me thanks!


The damage vignette appears over the HUD, making it hard or even impossible to see when heavily damaged.

a LOT of terrain bugs. most noticeable is river near the base

Be a bit more specific in what you mean by "terrain bugs"

if you drive on ATV you camera and the transports shakes.

(2 edits) (+19)

Softlock when opening a paper sheet or notepad with 0 pages, seemingly no way to get out but Alt+F4.
Paper sheets and notepads do not vanish when they have 0 pages left (paper sheets when crumpled, notepads after all pages have been used up from tearing out or crumpling.)

I’ve got the same issue. It’s extremely disturbing as I couldn’t figure out how to differentiate papers that have 0 or papers that have 1 page. Advice: Don’t crumble papers, just erase what’s on those. Advice 2: Take the whole notebook on yourself and throw it when you’ve teared all the pages off.

Came to report this as well.

(1 edit) (+1)

kerfur omega recipe doesn't show up

It isn't in the manual anymore, look on the tables in the bunker for a notepad.

found it thanks

Orange kerfurs AI is like hes on crack, after a little while he will start spazzing out left and right violently. If he gets in water he cant get out, if he tries climbing an incline he cant get over it. Kel does a little jump after exiting the computer. And is KerfurO's crafting book supposed to be blank now?


The new KerfurO recipe is in a notepad in the bunker, on one of the tables next to a battery.


I probably have a related problem, the red kerfur moves left and right constantly for me and can’t get up on stairs to fix servers because of that. The actual recipe for KerfurO is now in a separate journal on the table in the bunker, which is hard to find because it’s the same color as the table


Happens with pink kerfur for me too, it’s really annoying.

(1 edit)

if you crouch and look up you can see your own character, and the model clips throught walls if you walk close enought to a wall and look down


The current visible playermodel is basically just a placeholder from what I know, it currently just has the animations of a Kerfur-O.

Is the witches broom supposed to be non-existent? I finally managed to buy it, but the crate that came was empty.


При смятии бумаги с хэш кодами игра показывает лист которого нет то есть зависает полностью без возможности сохранения (если не ждать авто сохранение) 

При входе в сохранение не работает мышь. Пробовал переподключаться и заходить заново((((( (

Moreover, the mouse works in the menu and settings, but not in the gameplay itself.

(1 edit)

I had this issue maybe, do you mean mouse highlights stuff it's not on? Or cursor won't show up at all in game? 

If the former, while in the menu that works for you, go settings, video, turn off auto resolution then lower the screen resolution by one or two manually. Say down to 1280x800 if that works, in game raise it one at a time till it won't again then go back to main and lower it once, remember to apply after each change.

Or just leave it the first time it works.

Good luck


Berries seem to visually stay on their bushes after harvesting after a reload, meaning you can't tell when they have regrown their berries.

When the games running it sends my GPU into 100% utilization and makes my pc sound like a turbine engine 


I also encountered the same problem. I recently purchased a 4070 for the 7800X3D and set the graphics and video settings to maximum for my 144Hz monitor. The temperature went through the roof even with the CPU limit set at 70 degrees beyond 80. The solution turned out to be simple: I limited the FPS to 72 frames! Now the temperature does not rise above 60.

Same, I have a gtx 1650.

Turning the shadows off fixed the problem for me.


Woodchipper doesn't accept wooden debri.


Noticed in the tutorial selling your upgrades on the computer puts everything to max and allows you to sell the fully upgraded versions. Not possible in the main story as far as i can tell so not a huge deal and i know the tutorial is full of secret stuff so this could just be on purpose for an easter egg or something but i figured i'd post about it.

I ate one of the white berries and shit myself, leaving a decal on the floor. Unrelated later, I died and reloaded save. Coming back to base the decals were using the wrong texture (could still be washed off though)

(1 edit)

why mods doesnt work?

Deleted 121 days ago
(1 edit)

проблема в том что половина гвоздей всех типов при заходе перестают держать прибитые предметы после перезахода в игру

(1 edit)

ну, эта проблема была и в 0.8.0, по-крайней мере у меня) вывеска "Sorry! Out of order." упорно не хочет висеть над дверью в серверную после рестартов.

Normal kerfur plugs are bugged. They don't plug into walls and are stuck attached to the Kerfur. This is with the pink and orange kerfur, it also likely happens with other kerfur's as well.


the physics have been removed from plugs to prevent clipping issues most likely. I have red kerfus and the plug doesn't actually plug in unless i let go of the interact key while the plug is next to the socket.


так и есть, вилки переделали и теперь надо вилку отпустить когда она в притык к розетке, уже проверил на всех приборах и керфуса

I did do that though.. It just automatically went right back into the kerfur.

I'm not sure why. the plug needs to be right next to the outlet. then it should plug in when you let go of the plug.


update: I was just stupid. I was THROWING the coord instead of letting go of the cord. It works now, thanks.

Most of the colors appear "inverted" for me, Yellow text on the screen is instead a REALLY eye-hurting blue, rivers appear red for some reason, tutorial overall seems bluer, even yellow textures at the start of the game are blue, why is everything blue!?


Go to your video settings and change the color hue near the bottom of the settings.

WOW it was all the way at 183-....but ive never even touch the hue settings-

whatever, color is back to normal now, thanks lad!


Mouse does not work in menu and in in-game UI... well, it actually works but game registers mouse input with some offset - when you click on center of the screen then items of menu are picked to rightof cursor. Probably it was effect of alt-tabbing

(1 edit) (+4)

hey so kerfur keeps getting stuck in one particular spot, it's near the windmills and the river, it is consistent 

It's so over

Это обычно называется дипрессией у Керфура

major bug: after day 49, kel's paranoid self got stuck "sensing something" for 3 real life hours. with the change to not allow you to enter the cave when paranoid, it was impossible to save and i lost a significant amount of progress. 

I've noticed a lot of the time if this happens you can have a sleeping bag on the tower that you can sleep in. I don't know what was causing the paranoia but i've seen certain things that appear super late in game and one of them is right around day 50 i believe. If all else fails i would try looking around for whatever is making him paranoid.

with the new build i got that at day 3. i also waited about 3 hours 

Had this happen on day 8. It seems to have coincided with an event, a locker having a ton of gibs spawn inside. Could it be that random event not ending properly?


Dunno if its a bug or a funny setting feature but clicking on an emails profile picture causes dr bao to send you thousands of emails containing random symbols and characters until your game crashes.

Debug feature accidentally left in.

Что мне делать с этим? При попытке перенести игру в папку, половина файлов не переносится. Как быть? ._.

I had a bug where it seemed like an event was starting - there was some sort of *vaguely spaceship-y* noise mostly in my right ear but it didn't seem to be coming from a specific direction. Nothing was happening, and the event lasted for two days before i had to alt-f4 as i couldn't sleep or pause for the entire duration.

"Photos" tab on the computer appears empty on reload(?) until you take a new photo.

a bug or feature? when you attach a hook to a heavy object like the atv to a vending machine the machine magically gets lighter, and can cause deaths

I believe it was present in previous versions. Probably some object have more "mass" than others which is a deciding factor in what gets pulled and whats not. I just use it to move heavy/unliftable objects around. In your case, the atv is more "massive" than a vending machine and this is why the machine is getting pulled instead of atv.

it works with other objects. like a deactived kerfur-O

storymode is now stuck at day 49 when last update it was day 52, but the max day the UI lets you set when resetting days or making a new save is 58. regenerating data.sav & creating new saves had no effect

its unclear to me whether this is intentional or not


You can tear off a single piece of paper while using a single piece of paper, and collecting the duplicated paper and trying to hold it will cause your character to freeze and can't open the menu.  

Heya! Loving the game, but have you considered certain "progress savers" such as saving the current download // detector status floats percentages? It gets a little annoying backing out of a game mid day and then having all that progress wiped during a reload in trying to achieve the daily tasks


Hitting an omega Keljoy breaks it into Kerfus pieces, as intended I assume, but instead of a Keljoy plush or the new posing keljoy thing as the color piece, it spawns another deactivated Omega Keljoy, allowing infinite production of Kerfuses from repeatedly smacking Omega Keljoy.

the sponge it's kinda wonky since the update. I see the way it works has changed, but I can't get it wet in the shower or the sink in the bathroom. And since it dries up, it becomes hard to clean that side of the building.

I agree with you, the sponge wipes fine in my hand, but when I hold it with the key pressed, it doesn't wipe away the dirt no matter how much I wet it.

Не знаю, что нужно было сделать с обычным Керфуром, но теперь играть с ним стало ЕЩЁ СЛОЖНЕЕ. Если раньше можно было перехватить управление и вывести его на нужное место, то теперь сделать это невозможно, потому что он крутится вокруг своей оси, пока едет. Я очень надеюсь, что это баг и его починят, потому что если это фича, то нафиг такое.


1. Куски мусора, сваленные между шкафчиками и перегородкой на входе, застревают насмерть.

2. Крутящийся Керфур.

3. Некоторые контейнеры отображают объем 0.0 у предметов, пока к ним не положить что-то.

4. При нажатии esc для того чтобы отойти от терминала, персонаж подпрыгивает, раздражает невероятно.

5. Создавая бланк отчета в блокноте и отрывая страницу на следующей странице в блокноте будет тот же самый бланк со списком предыдущих тарелок.

6. При поедании консервированных продуктов воспроизводятся сразу два звука поедания - старый и новый.

7. Иногда после беспокойного сна Келлин Замза обнаруживает, что он превратился в параноика, хотя ничего не происходит вокруг. Совсем. Можно обползать всю карту, но тревожная музыка будет продолжать играть, хотя событий как таковых нет.\

8. Звучит как прикол, но сыр, который в описании можно резать ножом, НЕЛЬЗЯ разрезать ножом х)))

9. Не то чтобы баг, но с прошлой версии брёвна и деревянные столбы фонарей всё ещё срут шишками и ветками, пока я откладываю кирпичи от звука падения. Особенно странно это выглядит на озере, когда можно спокойно ловить рыбу и собирать ветки от бревна рядом с мостками) Перекочевало и в эту версию.

Ну и... типа пожелания что ли, всё прям так классно, но вот реально есть вещи, которые раздражают невероятно, типа бага с Керфуром и проклятых свиней. Надеюсь, свиней потом можно будет выключить после окончания сюжета.

(3 edits)

I found a bug. If you sit in a chair and use a terminal, you become smaller

And you can grow back if you press C.

If you put Kerfur in the scrap box he will glue to it. If you try to grab him he wont come out, if you rotate the box he will fall out but you can still hold the box like its a prop .

(9 edits) (+3)

Notebook softlock. After I used my notebook fully (tore off the last page) it still remained in my inventory. After I opened it i couldn't do anything, even close it. Had to close the game manually.

When you crouch and look straight up Kellin can look at his own face without a mirror. That startled me a bit first time.

Berry bushes can get bugged. You can collect berries only if you look at the very stem, instead of the center of a bush. Plus berries does not disappear from the bush visually.

When you hacksaw the big yellow trash containers behind your base you get 12 electronic scrap. I don't think metal trash bins should drop advanced circuitry or smth.

You can hacksaw a drone delivery box to get 5 wooden scrap... dunno if that should be or not but I'll still mention this anyway. You can't profit on that though.

(1 edit)

when you reset events and game objects for a game save, the save no longer plays music even if you change settings

Deleted 105 days ago

Duplicate question:

the yummy chocolate drive cant be interacted with until it "expires" (the green light goes off)

Doesn't seem to be a bug, it has always been like this.


Attempting to use a notebook with 0 pages (all pages torn out) results in the UI completely locking up

При запуске выдаёт чёрный экран и зависает

Hello there, I download the update yesterday and I had no problem with it. But this morning when I tried to launch the game, it says that the VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe file is not here anymore.

I tried to extract the 7-zip files again and now it put me this. How do I resolve it?

I think this error usually occurs when your antivirus blocks the exe from being created, might be a false positive

(1 edit)

the performance of the game went from really bad late game to overall, constantly strange.

from the start of a new save, about every 5 minutes i get a huge performance dip for about 30 seconds. on my old save, it's pretty much exactly the same. changing graphical settings can lessen how frequently the performance dips happen, but it doesn't eliminate them.

arguably performance is worse than before, because now when i have the graphical settings set higher than potato, the game is a stuttering mess from beginning to end, when before it only got bad around day 40+

wish i could offer more info that might be helpful. i'm on windows 10, i have 16gb of RAM, and this is my processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz   2.40 GHz. i don't know if any of that matters or is useful, but, y'know. godspeed.

edit: oh yeah, also completely vanilla. i never use mods.

Are you running the graphics adapter onboard your processor?


The poor Red Kerfur is all over the place, moving so fast he cant stay on track, and has the most difficult time climing the radio towers, always slipping through the rails and back to the bottom, to which he tries to climb again, and fall again. Had to take control and bring him back to the base before his battery died.

I do NOT remeber the Kerfurs having a hard time doing what they were made to do-

The same thing happens to my Blue Kerfur. I'm not sure how we're meant to fix it other than manual control. Maybe we should just save up for Omega?


I got soft locked by using a note pad after I tore off the last paged.

The game repeatedly drops in a pipe in a place under Stonehenge. Game version Voices Of The Void Pre-Alpha 08_1. (Save carried over from version 0.8.0)Game crash


I don't know if it's a bug or not, but please remove the jump after exiting the computer or any other console

Kerfur's pathing feels more aggressive in some ways. He gets stuck on stuff a lot more often and seems to freak out after being in water. I saw him try to path towards a server going up the stairs outside the satellite, and he tried so hard to get to it he went through the railing... and ended up falling as a result.  Wait never mind he literally just jumped his way onto the side of a satellite and is now stuck spinning in place. He needs help.

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

(ладно я скажу баги, которые увидел ладно начнем)

1.Я видел баг что обычный керфур из магазина, и керфур дергано двигается и я  понял как этот баг появился просто создатель изменил настройку движение которое изменяет управление, обычным керфуром, и за этого изменение керфур на починку серверов, дико дергается когда керфур двигается

(у меня очень низкий фпс у меня среднем 17 фпс, или падение фпс на 2 фпс или 40 фпс, но это не баг и у меня слабый ноутбук, nvidia geforce 840m 4 gb ram и intel i5 4210 1.70 2.40 ghz и видеокарта мобильная, и у меня есть встроенная графика intel hd 4400 2gb)

2.Я видел баг котором atv фармит тебе поинты, который был только на 7.0 или 8.0 и это есть в 8.1, и за этого, что низкий фпс до 15 или 10 и 9 фпс

3.Я не давно видел баг который, можно во время сна можно открыть паузу, и это можно вызвать когда ты успеешь нажать esc когда персонаж уснет, и откроется esc во время сна и баг еще во время сна, в паузе интерфейсе кнопка help очень быстро дергается, что сон ускоряет время в игре, и кнопка help ускоряется

(ладно я еще не видел багов, и просто видел только 3 бага, котором можно играть, но с второго бага можно регенерировать data.sav, b и еще у меня есть компьютер  только у компьютера древняя видеокарта, только процессор из 2012 мощный и я могу накопить на новую видеокарту, для компьютера, только компьютер много месяцев у ремонта и я могу забрать этот компьютер)


I dont know is it a bug or not, but i got this event(?) for first time, and he didnt want to give up even if i turn off computer. I restart the game, delete all messages and in a few hours he did it again, and he countinue to spam and drop my fps from 160 to 8-10, so on this moment i restart game again and only then he stopped. i dont want to delete 500+ messages and want to ask, is it possible to delete all this in one-tap? thank you.


Тут вроде писали об этом уже, типа это режим отладки, который не убрали. Вызывается нажатием на аватарку Бао. Что-то такое


нажал на аватарку, снова начал спамить сообщениями. а убрать их как то возможно? или только сейв пересоздавать?


Не знаю, не видела решений этой проблемы


not sure if its because of steam compatibility mode since im on linux but i had a event start on day 1 and its day three and still going on and i cant save or sleep.


ive finally figured out when the scrollwheel stops working with the hotbar: its with things that "eat" your scrollwheel inputs

choosing an action on a focused item takes scrollwheel priority over your hotbar, and when you get off the jeep the game seems to still think youre "focusing" on it, so your scrollwheel inputs get eaten by that. its reset by hovering over another prop. ive found its not just the jeep that does it though, sitting in chairs and inconsistently terminals will do it too


not sure if this has been addressed yet but alt R stopped working again mid way through the game, i changed geforce keybind and that fixed it at first. now though the buttons only work when i press ctrl alt r

(1 edit) (+1)

The ragdoll+damage after an "I don't feel so good" message can be avoided by riding the jeep

IE you can eat the deer corpse and avoid the damage

This only occurs with the jeep, it does not occur in chairs

(1 edit) (+3)

Clicking the icon/avatar of users sending the emails gives this endless email spam bug. The emails won't stop coming and the email received sound was playing repeatedly on loop. Turning the PC off did nothing. Lagged the game horribly, dropped down to 10 fps. 


same hapened to me, i notice the users icon was different, click on it and that hapened, had to load my save again.


One small thing I've noticed, maybe a bug? The upgrades say +4 on some things, makes sense I guess,  but when you decrease the level, especially in the modules, I don't think you get your full money back, or at least not after the first purchase, I bought a module for the server alerts, realised I didn't want it, so I sold the module and then I thought again "Ehh, actually, I'll keep it, I have enough credits" then noticed my credits were lower than when I FIRST bought it, the cost of the module still said 50, so I "experimented" a bit, purchasing the upgrade and then selling the upgrade over and over again, before you know it, I ended up with not enough credit to purchase it again, seems like the +4 stays with it, even with the modules, so you have to (If you ever sell modules and upgrades to purchase other stuff) sorta keep a record of how many times you've sold said module/upgrades so you know how much it actually costs, as the module still said 50 but not showing the +4 after I sold it and rebought it, so.... idk, maybe selling modules wont give you a full refund and this might be normal, but in case it's not, figured I'd mention it just in case (for the people who want to sell modules to afford other stuff)


As far as i remember you've always got less money for selling upgrades. I think it's just meant to make people think about what and how to upgrade things ahead of time. Basically just another way to make  the game a little harder.

Fair enough then, just need to remember to not get curious and then buy and sell the same thing over and over lol, now i need to work twice as hard lol


Clicking on the email profile picture icons causes a non-stop continuous string of emails to happen without stopping and it causes the game to lose frames in the process. I went from 120 FPS to 25 FPS. Also, the max I could go in framerate was 50 FPS after playing for a while, unsure why.


The orange kerfur ++ wobbles like crazy getting stuck everywhere


All the normal kerfurs are a bit wobbly right now, but orange especially because of it's speed increase.

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if you have many cameras and you hold the key to "put an item" in the inventory they'll be placed in the air. you can make ladders this way, kinda.

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crashes when I put a drive in a drive box. only happens sometimes. no clue why


ok so, for some reason my omega kerfur just walk all around the map, and would never come back, like i sended it to get reports, and it never came back, just kept going back and fourth


Perhaps you sent him on patrol?

no he it kept visiting same places over and over again, like it would visit the same satelite for like 3 times before i decided to manually make it go back


fishing supply box's dig spot is screwed up somehow. can dig it up fine but the metal detector doesnt report it as being in the ground, more like some point above the dig spot. 


The exact spot also moved to 176:-460, I checked with the map right after I fished it out. Or maybe it's impossible to dig it out if you only know the coordinates and have to point the metal detector at just the right spot for the box to actually spawn and become available to be digged out, at least that's how I managed to get mine.


I’ve been playing the game on a new save and got the ATV stuck down in the lake, deep enough so that even when jumping in I don’t get enough momentum to make it deep enough to grab it. When I try to reset the vehicle via the main menu, it seems to just straight up not work at all, restarting the game does nothing, duplicating the save and resetting the duplicated save doesnt work either. It’s particularly frustrating since I’ve been enjoying playing through the early game a lot and if I have to completely reset my save just because of this I may end up just waiting until the next update to play more.


Buy a scuba gear


You can use a hook to hook yourself to the bottom of the lake and make it to the ATV. You'll have to be quick, but it's manageable. "Craft" the regular hook on the crafting bench to make a half hook, it's easier for climbing.


the hook trick worked, thank you! Still, I hope it gets fixed eventually because late-night me was very unhappy, lmao

Buy a hook from the store, hook the ATV and drag it out


Whenever a notebook has 0 pages left and you try to use it, you get softlocked with the note and UI being invisible and un-interactable. 
This also happens when you have more than 1 piece of paper in the toolbar, crumble one and then interact with another from the toolbar.

There are also slight visual bugs with some bush lightning when its dark, and random flickering in brightness especially when riding ATV. 

Amazing update though!

I too am getting the flickering, I am using a 1060


Too many pictures/posters worth of file space in the "assets" folder causes the game to not render stuff well
the "paintings" folder's total size in both images is 60.7 MB
I think "meshes" and "tv" do not affect this but the total file size of those is:
tv: 2.13 GB
meshes: 82.2 MB



Open Engine.ini

At the end of the file, add this:



A few things;

I) There's a small hop when exiting certain interactions, not gamebreaking but it didn't happen to me in 0.8.0.

II) Kerfur Omega now damages the ATV, I just got off the ATV and Kerfur spawning in it and walking out took it from full health to 56.

III) While not a bug, with Kerfur now dropping items when mounting the ATV, it would be nice to have a toggle option in the interact menu to have them swap between riding with and walking behind.

Other than that, great update.

(1 edit)

There is a notebook in my base that only as of today freezes my character when I try to use it, the notebook on top of it does not have this problem. However the one under it has been freezing kel (but not the game strangely) I just have no capacity to press any buttons or do anything, but the time and stats keep chugging away while im frozen. I assume this notebook wasnt always like this cause half the pages are missing so I must have used it, but at some point it became anomalous and is now hostile to me.

(Discovered more after fucking around, the freezing bug seems to happen when you try to use a notebook that has no pages left, however the game constantly tells you all notebooks have 12 pages in this update, and trying to use one that was actually empty just freezes kel. Be very mindful of how many pages you have left in a notebook to avoid this bug)

(1 edit)

Also this has since stopped happening (I have no clue why) but for the first few days of me playing 8.1 my screen would randomly flash green and white, not as in the whole screen flashed, but all the shadows would become bright green for a half second. Its gone now but while it was happening it gave me a serious headache.

(Third and final thing I remembered which has almost certianly been said by someone else on this thread ((but I dont wanna check cause spoilers :3) but maxwell, and none of the other cats, will randomly aquire a status of some kind when loading the game or bringing him back into the render distance, like sometimes he will freeze which isnt so bad since he goes right back, but sometimes hell become rotten instantly, or start smoking/burning to a crisp. Is maxwell supposed to be this chaotic and unpredictable?))

I had the same thing happen looked at maxwells stats using a mod and it seems like he, and all the other cats, have a ripeness status. All the other cats have it set to 3600 and presumably maxwell does too but he also has a spoilage rate of around 2 while all the other cats have that set to zero. Seems like just a bug with maxwell unless theres a reason for him to begin rotting. You can set the the spoilage rate on him using the mod if you really feel like it.

You can also just dump him into the emergency shower and it "cleans" him instantly. I thought that's a feature, Maxwell seems to be the one -well who has fur while other cats appear "smooth", and he doesn't move to clean himself, so he needs often bathing.

(1 edit)

Couldn't move the camera after getting my crowbar stolen (and thrown at me) by some invisible thing.
I could open my inventory and move the cursor, but the camera was totally stuck no matter what I do, until I just reload a save.
And some items disappear from the shop, I also fix this by reloading a save. :L
I don't know what triggers this bug (maybe when switching categories?), it just seems to happen all of a sudden.
And lastly there's a wrong splat texture for something??  I don't think it's the blood splat textures since a particular pile of flesh was able to produce such textures without issue, but something out of my view while I was sleeping made a gib sound, but I only found a few of out-of-place tile textures??

i have the dog meme "i know what you are" on main menu. i read that means i have the game offline. my pc is connected, how do i "reconnect" the game?

If you use an empty notebook or a tear off a page of a piece of paper and then use it, the game sort of freezes. It still runs but you can't move and have to force close.

screen-space censor boxes (IE the "youve been playing too long censored creature") will engulf the screen when the angle between the camera and the subject is about perpendicular

this occurs because the world to screen conversion is still trying to render the box when z <= 0 (which causes a divide by zero, filling the screen, or just causes the box to appear erroneously)

pop corn bag froze after putting it in a bowl

(1 edit) (+1)

The wall on the balcony is slightly shifted inward and now has a broken texture.


Also the area near the river is very... jumpy, as if you ride an ATV near the river, it's like an earthquake and you should make the suspension softer.

my ui just disappeared

I'm stuck in a what feels like a infinite event I can't pause, I can't save! I've been stuck in this event for nearly an hour now. Idk what event I'm stuck on but it happen after I got through the pyramid, and after maybe five or so minutes got the gravity gun event. I'm not sure how to fix this and I'm hoping it will fix itself soon I really don't want to lose all of my progress.

When in doubt. Check every room in the base, the radar, perimeter outside the base, and sit at the computer for a few seconds.
THEN you can say something is wrong when it won't end.

(3 edits)

При заходе в игру меня выкидывает в меню, которое почему-то стало пиксельным, откуда я физически не могу попасть в игру. Единственный режим который доступен это "режим обучения" но вместо режима при заходе там черный экран и все. Музыки, как и других звуков элементов управления нету. Меню полностью функционально(за исключением настроек и выхода в режимы). По мимо этого в настройках отсутствуют настройки клавиш. Я несколько раз переустанавливал 7z файл, при распаковывании я все делал правильно, но каждый раз при перезаходе происходит это... ПАМАГИТИ! Это началось после одной из моих игровых сессий, я вышел из игры в главное меню и произошло вот эта дичь. Я ничего не трогал  файлах, и повторюсь  я правильно извлек все файлы из 7z. Данная проблема работает на всех версиях, включая 0.8.1 . 

Как играется "режим обучения"

(1 edit)

Все настройки по умолчанию выставлены под ноль, но перемещение ползунков ни на что не влияет. (Даже если нажать "Применить")

А так выглядят настройки управления клавиатуры и мышки

Отсутствие режимов:

Как играется "Режим обучения" :
В настройках все выкручено по умолчанию под ноль, но смена характеристик не на что не влияет...

А так выглядят настройки управления :


If you haven't fixed it yet try regenerating save data. by clicking the regenerate data.sav in the settings menu. Also you should read the FAQ at the homepage for the game and the help option in game is very useful as well.


Челлллл!!! Это сработало!!! Спасибо тебе большое! Ты меня спас! эТО РЕАЛЬНО СРАБОТАЛО)))  Божеб я неделю не мог понять что у меня стряслось)

Ты случаем еще не знаешь где хранятся сохранения в игре? какой путь к папке? я просто хочу чтобы они у меня хранились на другом диске, хотел-бы их как то перенести...



The compass is tied to the teleport point to the base with a red arrow


Reset the target


Значок упаковки креветок в инвентаре, выглядит как пустая упаковка

Shrimp packaging icon in inventory, looks like an empty package

Camera system/mailbox bug

Putting the starter CAM_0001 into the mailbox and then starting a new save file causes the CAM_0001 in that world to not be visible on the PC after activating and refreshing. The first CAM_0001 from the mailbox will work normally. Problem persists after renaming the working mailbox CAM_0001 and save/load

When O-Kerfur is out getting reports it gets stuck in a hill near lake and when i moved it with the computer it redid the reports. When i got the paper there were 3 times the same reports.


It's stuck at it's way from SIerra to Tango i've encountered same bug and i hope it will be fixed soon

Can't open the safe . Down endless clicks, if you start up and click up, down, then each click as the right one and on the eighth click there is a sound of opening, but the door is closed.

For some reason I can't turn on the computer, there are just no buttons that are responsible for this only 1. use

Mouse over the computer tower, sitting down at the computer and turning it on/off were separated to decrease accidentally turning the computer off by trying to sit at it.

Found a bug relating to a peculiar doll, requests cheese block and cheese wheel? Can't find either item in present version of the game

They are crafted with the cheese you get from the store, you need 8 for a wheel.

Mop Bucket unusually lowers down after left clicking when held, doesn't need to be getting water or throwing it for this to happen.

(1 edit)

"FTank" fuel tanks lose all their fuel content on reload, resulting in them containing negative fuel.

На русском языке Dr_Bao отправляет пустые сообщения после отправки ему дисков (In Russian Dr_Bao sends empty messages after sending him disks):

(4 edits)

Hi, I can't start the game due to file "votv-win64-Shipping.exe" is missing. I'm tried to reinstall the game, reunpack it, checked memory size (available 5GB (With VotV downloaded)) - I'm tried many, many ways to return/find it. But can't. Can you please send it to my email? If yes, I will send it here. Thanks

Edit: I have the error "could not START file..." during the opening game, and can't find this thing.

Edit 2: I'm found this file when  accidentally downloaded VotV 7z archive to my phone. I'm moved this file to my PC using USB cable, and put "votv-win64-Shipping.exe" into correct folder (.../WindowsNoEditor/VotV/Binaries/Win64/), and tried to start. But happened (and continues happening again and again) this:

(Sorry for pic quality)

Help me please

(5 edits)

I've experienced 2 bugs 1 related to the kerfur and 1 related to the farming

1.)Kerfur now starts shaking hard while fixing servers or following player, for no reason

2.)When i harvesting potato or any other plants their fruits clip trough ground (i used translator so translation may be not 100% perfect,sorry for that) 

At first gaze you may think harvesting grown potato sprouts only gives 1 potato but after some tries i noticed  that upon harvesting 2 potatos spawning in each other wich result one of them bugging and falling trough the ground, only after some time i found bugged potatos that clipped trough ground spawned nearby around 10~m from harvesting place after reaching bottom border of map(i think) and being teleported back to the map

edit: Here is the record of that bug


You have a lot of cameras - blue dots. And Kerfur is one of these blue dots.

Oh that explains everything, but i remember that in older versions was marked as green dot like his omega version


I just spent three and a half hours in an event that I could not find and could not end despite looking all over the base and around the map for it. i even looked in all the lockers and the furnace and peeked down the bunker stairwell. I did A LOT of stuff hoping it would end on its own after awhile and eventually I cut it short by drowning myself in the river.

"Insomniac" achievement seems to be bugged, it doesn't actually care if you sleep or not which goes against the whole point of the achievement.

(1 edit)

I'm on day 23 of the story mode, and an event that makes a weird "woooooh" noise from right ear to left ear, has been going on for a full hour and a half, I'm going insane, I want to save my game, I don't want to lose my progress, I've also had this happen before.

If needed I have video of this since I stream it.

Not game breaking but gives a constant, "fuck do I have to revert to when I last saved, is this the event that doesn't end?"

Update: It still was going an hour and a half later. I tried to find a signal that might force save my game, but gave up.


Check around your base and top of the tower, also sitting at the computer and looking out the windows in your base is always a good idea if you find yourself "stuck" in an event. I've never had what you're talking about but this is my typical solution for ending events. Maybe post the video for the sole reason of hearing the sound.

(1 edit) (+1)

I have got absolutely the same bug where the event doesn't finish. Tried everything you said - didn't work sadly. Really don't wanna lose progress, but I guess I'll have to alt f4

(1 edit) (+1)

The link doesn't embed to the right time but at 10:36:31 is probably the best time to hear it. (Please ignore me being slightly irate at this point)

Event started sometime before 7:40:57 and "ended" when I made my character die at 10:41:11 to end the three hour nightmare.

I also tried to track down the noise at some point but had no luck, and with in the three hours I did look out the window, use the computer and go on top of the radio tower.

Yeah that is weird, i've heard that noise before but it's weird that the event happened with no real signifier. most of the time you'll at least hear a noise or something but you just happened to try to pause. this update was pushed out kind of quickly though according to the dev so glitches are expected. all i can really think is maybe sending kerfur out to do something and checking the basement. Are you running mods?


No mods, also I'm doubting there is anywhere not remote I didn't check when that went on for three hours. Hope they add some fail safe that ends events after some time.

(1 edit) (+2)

It's a common bug that people have been running into with this new version (some kind of event that triggers the meta-paranoia and just doesn't end). One way I've found to force a save is to clip into the backrooms. I crawl under the base (using that floor triangle with no collision by the front door to the left of the mailbox) and shoving myself into a corner and ragdolling until I clip somewhere and it sends me to the backrooms. I have stuff in the mailbox, so whenever the game saves it makes an alert noise, and I can hear it right before I'm transported. It's been working so far.

I recently figured the sound is the "event is going on" noise thanks a lot for the tip on how to force a save!

Can't sell the Medium TV with the sell gun. Seems to be due to how you technically aren't actually purchasing the TV directly when you buy it due to how the special skin random chance works.

(1 edit) (+1)

you can fish in a flooded basment

This is not bug, this is fitch. :D

Как-то получилось вырвать последнюю страницу с блокнота так что блокнот не исчез, а после повторной интеракции напрочь замораживает управление не давая сделать вообще что либо, только alt+f4. 

Видимо игра попыталась прогрузить несуществующий листок, отчего весь основной интерфейс пропал, но интерфейс страниц не прогрузился оставив меня тем самым без управления. И без блокнота.


Keep track of how many pages the notebook has left, and when it runs out, discard it. Not really much else you can do right now.


Best way to keep track of your pages is to start with the last page in the notebook and keep tearing from the back.

I was playing story mode when an event triggered that didn't end , making it impossible to sleep and save. I kept collapsing from tiredness. Slowly , the sleep paralysis demon started appearing and grabbed me, setting my Sleep to zero , but I wasn 't able to sleep because of the event. While using the radio , I collapsed again , keeping the UI on my screen. I couldn't interact with the UI but was able to walk around and interact with other stuff. It only disappeared after finding the radio and using it again. After collapsing multiple times, the sleep paralysis demon appeared again. After grabbing me a second time , I was still standing in the same room as before but was in a nightmare state. I stopped collapsing , but the vision was like a nightmare and I couldn't interact with my surroundings. That's all i have to report. I hope it helps with the development

Boar AI breaks when they can't navigate to you, either becoming stuck in place or stuck perpetually moving in one direction.

If you try to use hook on item and then on omega kerfur the hook will just disappear

(1 edit)

Heya, loving the new update. I have just a few complaints, first one is that any Kerfur (base version) will get stuck anywhere now. Not just steps like last update, i just bought one and it got stuck 13 times on the way to fix a server and then couldnt go up the stairs to the satellite without help from me. Secondly is that if you save during downloading/processing of signals and then reload to that save, it doesnt save any values. Its really annoying saving during a download, dying and having to start from 0 again. Third is that during any of the events (mainly the bad sun one) you cant sleep or press esc, which is a problem because if you have not enough sleep during the day, you will just fall over and over again every few seconds, also if you die you have to start all over again because you cannot save and it cant auto save. (this could be intended but still annoying). also during the sun event the satellitets dont cover the sun? it just acts as if they werent there. also idk how to replicate this one but i dont get damaged during the event if im in the sun. Hope you can do something with this, even with the bugs still a great game!

Please fix the invisible notebook after it has no pages left, cuz it softlocks the game and I can't do anything(even pause). And don't forget about non-chipping wood debris...
But after all the update is the best out of them!

So I did a loan and it was the highest plan and I didn't have enough money to pay it so I I got -120 points and I had 5 bucks I think


Well what did you expect? lol the game isn't going to let you NOT pay back the loan. It has been this way for at least the past few versions.

Ehhhh..... Where should I start? Well, let's start with the fact that the home screen, or rather the background, has become SOOOOO pixelated and by the way the music is gone. Well, what else, oh, I also can't play, well, I mean, I can't go into any of the modes except learning. And then the player will spawn in the void without ANYTHING that indicates as much as 140-175 fps, which is very strange because my PC is 7 years old. And most importantly, I can't move, which is why I can only leave this wonderful game. I hope that everything will change and everything will be fine. And yes, if there is a solution to such a problem, then please write to me, otherwise I really want to play this game.....


Try to read FAQ

Okey, thanks 

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a solution to the problem.


Thank you very much

I'm pretty sure the problem is space. I had the exact same problem and when I checked my drive it has zero Bytes, I cleared up some space and went back in and it worked fine, hope this helps. :3

Can't use the stove or the kitchen sink in main base. Just says "doesn't work" and I can't use a repair kit or anything like that.

Not a bug as far as I am aware, they just don't work.


kerfur-o randomly get stuck when going to tango, I sent my kerfur-o to get reports for Charlie Romeo and tango and when it went to tango it just stopped on a hill, and would not move, kerfur-o went from Charlie to Romeo to tango.


Kerfur is litteraly spinning when doesnt move. pretty anoyning problem.

Вот, теперь правильный тред.

40+ день, сюжетный режим, выловленные баги и не баги:

1. Купленные камеры при загрузке сейва из меню повисают в воздухе, если выложить их из инвентаря. И да, они активируются и работают. В воздухе.

2. Грабли иногда проваливаются сквозь землю, если положить их зубцами вниз. Коварные мерзавцы.

3. После 34 дня ветряные мельницы вращаются со скоростью кадр в секунду или не работают, чем это чинить? Перекочевало из прошлой версии.

4. Чем больше весят сохранки, тем чаще случается необъяснимое падение ФПС. В чем проблема - неясно, изображение просто падает до 25 каждую секунду, возвращаясь к максимальному значению, и так по нескольку раз. Заметнее всего в лесу. Туман, дождь, гроза скидывают ФПС до 16 во время сна, в чем проблема? Те же настройки, тот же комп, но это началось с прошлой версии и стало только хуже.

5. При загрузке сейва все еще отваливается привод для дисков в обработчике сигнала и скролл верхнего инвентаря. Всё еще неясно, зачем инвертирован скроллинг предметов.

6. Проклятые ягодные кусты заполнили ВСЁ ВОКРУГ к 42 дню. Может, урезать их количество раза в 4 и чтобы они удалялись уже, бесит невероятно, всё в этих кустах. Сделайте с этим что-нибудь. Пожалуйста.

7. Картофель при сборе проваливается в землю, а потом взмывает вверх, осваивая космическую программу. Я не против делиться с гг фильма Марсианин, но мне обидно((

8. После открытия дыры приехал на место, получил лучом в зад и откинулся. Перезагрузил сейв - лучи есть, установка есть, шушпанчиков и игедиса нет. Перезагрузил снова - всё есть КРОМЕ УСТАНОВКИ НАД ДЫРОЙ. После завершения события маяки с лучами не исчезли - баг или фича?

9. Клянусь, бревно рядом с мостками на озере родило светящуюся голубым штуку. Штука поднимается, складывается в инвентарь и юзабельна, но бревна вроде себя не должны так вести? Еще лучший поставщик шишек в игре - мост рядом с базой. Деревья просто лохи по сравнению с ним.

10. Сожженные грибы (висп с молниями прошелся по базе) все еще можно разложить на верстаке на семена Оо

11. При поджигании хэллоуинской свечи поджигается СВЕЧА, она горит, но не зажигается как подсвечник.

12. При юзании стикеров появляются две инфоподсказки без слов, просто значки, что это???

13. Если Керфур-0 упрется в препятствие при сборе отчётов и его через удалённое управление вывести, то он побежит собирать отчёты по второму кругу. И так до тех пор пока препятствие не убрать.


15. Баг с телевизорм - видео хронометражем 35+ минут иногда перестают воспроизводиться через 10-15 минут. Просто черный экран. В прошлой версии видео длиной больше 2ч работали нормально. При передвижении ползунка чтобы промотать видео игра всё так же зависает намертво. 

Всё ещё люблю эту игру.


Ахвхахах)))) только что прочитал твой репорт и заметил, что мои ветряные мельницы тоже стали медленно крутиться) (42 день)


Kerfus is incapable of doing basically anything he's meant to. He jumps and spins all over the place and has become nearly impossible to control manually if going even slightly up hill.

Don't let kerfur touch water, it breaks their movement until they are turned off and back on again.

He is already spinning around a lot when i first get him. I bought him and sent him out to fix servers. he never touched water and i had to slow my frames down to like 25 to even be able to slightly control him since he kept getting stuck on the edge of one of the satellite dish bases. then when i finally managed to get him onto the concrete platform he keeps going up the stairs and getting caught on the railing until he falls under it and has to climb up again.

The spectrogram/audio visualizer will randomly stop working and doesn't fix itself after reloading the save.


Is this a bug? Whenever I click on Dr_Bao's profile image here (white box or regular icon profile picture, doesn't matter), Weird emails are spamming at the rate of 60 emails per second, slowing down the game, and it won't stop until I lose all my frames and crash. Or I exit to menu and reload save. 

Most likely a debug feature. Just don't click the pictures on the email.

Ah okay, yeah it kinda made the game unplayable after clicking on them

(1 edit)

dupe from upgrades: buying and refunding an upgrade gives you 1 point, in other words, you give 5 and refund for 6 (only works on upgrades for 5 points; doesnt work with upgrades for 10 ; 15+ point upgrades make you lose 1 point every refund)
(1 edit)

While making Omega Kerfur collect hash reports, if at any point you decide to control Kerfur through your PC (such as to get it unstuck) it will restart its entire route and try collecting all 3 reports again, potentially getting stuck again.

I got a bug when tryed to open notebook that had no paper left and i just stayed like in opened page but without the opened page, i couldnt do anythyng so i have to restart game.

I saved my game after writing down a hash in front of one of the terminals, and when I came back:

I couldn't move. In fact, I couldn't crouch, cycle through my hotbar, or pause. I could right click to edit the paper I had out, but it wouldn't let me exit out of that, either. I then decided to tear off the paper, which not only duplicated the paper for some reason, but it also completely disabled my mouselook and rendered me completely softlocked. The only reason I knew the game didn't freeze was because my food and stamina meters were still ticking down. The weirdest of all? After two restarts of the save, everything was back to normal.  I don't know if I'll ever be able to replicate what just happened

*spoiler warning*

i died while i was bringing back the Firetank fuel things, to a hog. When i reloaded, both of the fuel tanks were at -1.0 fuel. Trying to use them set the gas can to -1.0 aswell, and it registered as empty. 

I imagine it's some kind of bug relating to the new Firetank fuel system, this also happens when you spawn one of the fuel tanks in sandbox.

the game gives me a fatal error on startup


Another Kerfus related bug. I don't ever remember his wheel falling off before. it seems like it might be because i hit him on the bucket and i think the bucket is a "open container" in game so it tries to hold the wheel. 

(4 edits)

at day 8 some weird noise started and countinued endless, thats some event that blocking pause and sleeping . there was nothing on radar. 

If you know what this sound refers to, please tell me

I visited the Ariral camp that day and then drove for an hour to all corners of the map in the hope of finding the cause or source of the sound, but nothing.

that happend again but at day 12 at night 

(1 edit)

That was an actual event this time, sit at the computer.

(1 edit)

There's a strange file in my SaveGames folder that cannot be edited, moved or deleted that, for as long as it's been there, has been permanantly altering my other saves into a state where i can't upgrade several stats on the computer, making the game's progress pretty much impossible. This file has a blank paper icon, has the name of an old save file and was last modified on the 25th of February. This file was completely untouched prior to the problem occuring and has become a permanant stain in my AppData folder that can't be removed. even console commands won't work.

I made a previous post asking for help, it can be found here.

I got the "Don't look in the locker." signal, looked in the locker, and the game crashed.


You were told not to open the locker.

But in general, this is normal for now. Either this is how it was intended, or the event is not completed.

Alright, I remember seeing in a previous version that when you opened the locker you died lol

I don't remember that ever happening since it's addition, always a crash to desktop.

My memory must've Mandela'd that, you're right. I just went looking through VODs trying to find that moment and it's a crash. wtf brain

Hello, dear developer! I recently ran into an "infinite event" issue where the event would crash and now when I enter a world I have no way to exit or save. This error occurred during the Arriral Battle event. I don't want to reboot the world because I've already created 3 O-kerfours. Please solve the problem, or give advice on how to stop this endless event.

Meta Paranoia is kind of buggy in this update, either you get stuck with it and cannot pause no matter what or you get stuck completely without it and there isn't that much you can do in either case.

Just spending half an hour in the tutorial showed me how interesting the game would be.

I was not disappointed.

I spent a lot of time cleaning stations until I remembered that I had to eat and earn to eat.

Unfortunately, my mouse problem in this game doesn't allow me to play.

I've tried some combination of trying to predict where the game thinks my cursor is, but it just takes a long time.

My cursor when operating the computer, fixing servers or handling settings is in a completely different place than it shows it.

I really can't play with such a problem and even in the settings I can't see anything that could help me.

The mouse cursor at the start of the game behaves normally, but after the game is launched, the problem I described occurs immediately

After another hour(I lose time too easily, probably much more) I think I know the reason for this strange behavior of the cursor.

So I think it was the fault of the lack of resolution in the settings for my monitor.

It's just either smaller or larger.

Setting any resolution higher than that of my monitor does not immediately cause any undesirable effect.

However, when some function under the hood refreshes the screen size it causes the game screen to change size rendering part of the screen off my screen.

In case of not too high resolution (1920x1080) it may not even be noticeable.

From here I think there is a bug with the cursor because the game thinks the window rendering space is larger than the mouse cursor coordinates space.

Which causes the cursor to be mapped to a different part of the screen than the graphical representation would indicate.

The solution I used:

I added my screen resolution to the config peak and set it to read-only
(I didn't check if it was reset but I didn't want to play with testing).

Setting a lower resolution available(1360x768) was not an option for me as the game becomes annoyingly blurry .


На ночь оставил эйри в комнате с серверами, чтоб ничего не хватала. Утром обнаружил, что Эйри застряла между стеной и серверами. При попытке вытащить ее оттуда сразу врезается в стену и падает. Сама, по видимому, выбраться тоже не может. 


Вылезла через три игрового дня сама, при этом принеся хлеб


When you try to open a notebook with 0 pages, game will softlock


whoops just saw this after making a thread.

there is a game kinda-freezing notebook bug. 

I've tested this a few times to make sure it wasn't a fluke.  ver. 0.8.1

If you are holding a notebook with 1 page left in it and tear that page out, the notebook will remain in your hand/on the task bar. 

If you try to use it again, the notebook disappears but then the game just takes control from you and you can't do anything. Time still seems to pass, food and stamina still go down at a rate that I assume is normal but there's no way to regain control and move around. I have to open task manager and hard close the game. 

This also happens if the notebook (with 1 remaining page) is out of your inventory and you tear the last page out. The notebook will remain, it says it has 12 pages left in it but if you try to use it the game effectively freezes. 

I am assuming the notebooks saying they have 12 pages left despite having less pages has already been reported but I wasn't sure about the freezing issue so here I am 

При открытии пустого блокнота (после того как оторвал последний лист) игра зависает и помогает только перезаход


I noticed that my fully grown berry, orange, and lemon plants stop producing more food after exiting and then loading back in. Unless I'm just not waiting long enough but then why is it so much longer then when initially planted. Or I'm just stupid and missed something.


All crops are pretty buggy right now in varying ways when it comes to reloading.

Opened and emptied (eaten) canned food containers cannot be crafted into metal scrap.

Im not sure if this is a bug or an event but Dr.Bao started spamming me with emails after I sent off a full box of drives to the point that it was lagging my game to an unplayable amount


You just clicked on his icon in your mail. Don't click on it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Buying and selling any upgrade at "5  +4" gives you net positive 1 point.
Effectively an infinite point exploit

I'm not sure if I misunderstand how the reset vehicle function is supposed to work but it doesn't appear to be resetting the fuel or position of the ATV. My ATV is in the bottom of the hole by the lake and has remained at the bottom of the hole by the lake after attempting to reset it.


Значит на моём любимом сейве пропал звук  единственео что я слышу это радио и телевизор звук возращается когда находишся в пещере а возращаясь он пропадает я перепробывал всё ПРЯМ ВСЁ ВСЁ я и дубликаты делал и  востоновление файлов всё четно и что самое главное это распростроняется только на один определёный сейв на остальных всё как прежде это  произшло после того как Я гулял с Омега Керфуром я заспавнил в песочнице радио дал керфура а потом я не помню сохранился короче почему то мой экран стал шакальным в нутри игры всё жёлтое было я покопался в настройках графики и всё прошло но звука не было хотя я помню когда я давал Керфуру радио и забирал не помню он возращася а потом поять проподал  мне этот сейв очень дорого он ещё существует с версии 0.7 скорее всего это какой то баг просьба пофиксить в срочном порядке потому что играть в Votv без звука это всё равно что идти на рыбалку без наживки. Или забивать гвоздь без молотка, веть звук в игре это ОЧЕНЬ важный элемент.

(1 edit) (-2)

Значит на моём любимом сейве пропал звук  единственео что я слышу это радио и телевизор звук возращается когда находишся в пещере а возращаясь он пропадает я перепробывал всё ПРЯМ ВСЁ ВСЁ я и дубликаты делал и  востоновление файлов всё четно и что самое главное это распростроняется только на один определёный сейв на остальных всё как прежде это  произшло после того как Я гулял с Омега Керфуром я заспавнил в песочнице радио дал керфура а потом я не помню сохранился короче почему то мой экран стал шакальным в нутри игры всё жёлтое было я покопался в настройках графики и всё прошло но звука не было хотя я помню когда я давал Керфуру радио и забирал не помню он возращася а потом поять проподал  мне этот сейв очень дорого он ещё существует с версии 0.7 скорее всего это какой то баг просьба пофиксить в срочном порядке потому что играть в Votv без звука это всё равно что идти на рыбалку без наживки. Или забивать гвоздь без молотка, веть звук в игре это ОЧЕНЬ важный элемент. Если не совсем понятно пишите сюда и я вам скину свой сейв что бы было понятнее мою проблему.


You don't need to post the same bug report 5 times, that won't help.

I accidentally posted it 5 times


How to get bugs:
1. Launch game
2. Create/load any save
3. Press ESC
4. Open "Settings" -> "Render"
5.  Press "Resset all" 
6.  Press "Apply" 
7. See result
Can be fixed if press "Resset all" and don't press "Apply"

(1 edit)

А как вернуть звук я не понял ? На мой сейв

Попробуй восстановить звук через это (в обсуждении с такой же проблемой помогло НО есть риск что сохранения перестанут работать) 
Вот ссылка на обсуждение:

На случай проблем с сохранениями
Предположу что если назвать новые сохранения точно также как были до этого и вручную заменить новые на старые (создать бэкап и скопировать его) сохранения могут заработать

(1 edit) (+1)

When I tried to put a bucket of potatoes in the refrigerator (don't ask why), the freezer lid "sticks" to the bucket (like any other object, because the bucket is an open container) and falls off.
edit: You can also remove the doors from the cabinets and the microwave door

(1 edit)

if ur fov is high (idk at which point its high enough to get buggy) terrain is way buggy
edit:it sure is high enough to get buggy after 120 fov (didnt test lower)

I feel like it is some kind of issue relating to LOD because the terrain has the exact same buggy appearance when it is far away from you.

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