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A member registered Jul 03, 2021

Recent community posts

(3 edits)

I'm curious too. What's pretty bad about the whole VotV's community management situation is that everything happens in the Dicksword channel, and every fan who doesn't want to use it simply stays out of the loop as the developer doesn't share any information on the other channels he has, even on Patreon, the first place you'd expect to see up-to-date info. Even the community is unable to bring much out of that place, ever since VotV subreddit's moderator decided to ruin the subreddit by banning "leaks", practically stopping any unofficial bits of what's happening behind the curtain to be mirrored back to the community by the ones who care.

It's the second time I get the feeling that the project is simply abandoned even while it most likely isn't, the same as with the pre-7.0 information curtain.

A few of them can be found in the base, and you can order more in the store

Yeah, sorry. There was another person trying to run it on a slightly better PC, and even they didn't manage to run it decently. The game's pretty graphically intensive despite the PS2 stylized look.

What are your specs?

Так задумано. В шкафчике ничего нет. Вроде бы игра сохраняется за кадром прям перед этим моментом, так что ты ничего не теряешь.

(5 edits)

Yeaaah... There really isn't much you can do about it. It's still an Unreal Engine 5 (4?) title, even if the textures are stylized like a PS2 game. Maybe try this: 

  1. Set the render quality to 100%
  2. Open the res.txt file by the path `%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/VotV/Saved/SaveGames`
  3. Add the 256x144 resolution (like literally... It is 20% of 1280x720)
  4. Use Lossless Scaling (available on Steam for a few dollars, or, well, somewhere else)
  5. Set the in-game resolution to 256x144 and enable the windowed mode
  6. Scale the game up to fullscreen with Lossless Scaling and any upscaler you find cute (I suggest trying FSR, Nvidia Image Scaling, and LS1)

But 20% of 720p is just simply not enough pixels to properly display anything further than the arm's length distance.

(1 edit)

A pretty cool, stylish game. What I enjoyed the most are definitely the characters. The cashiers are simple, yet they're so memorable! I just don't get how you achieved that with a few 2D sprites and a few lines of text.

I didn't buy the last item, Brendan's cutout, since I thought it would be better to bring the check back home instead, even knowing that the game's too simple for a single item to have any meaningful change in the plot. Still, I'd go with a head canon that the kid hid the check under his bed until he was 18 :D

Thanks for this free little, yet exceptionally polished gem!

Your PC probably just can't handle it, what are your specs? Make sure to turn every other setting to the lowest minimum as well, starting from disabling volumetric lightning.

(1 edit)

Yeah, aka the best archive container around. Install NanaZip from Microsoft Store, which is a fork of 7zip. It'll add a user-friendly context menu entry (that one which appears when you right click on files) to open the file through NanaZip. You're also greatly encouraged to open every other archive extension through 7zip/NanaZip, possibly even .zip, because the native Windows archiver is shit.

The thing is, the developer is either not from Russia (could be in Kazakhstan or something), has a legal entity in a country which isn't Russia, or has a person who's not living in Russia he trusts enough to manage finances for him.

As far as I know, you can't withdraw money from Patreon to a Russian bank account. Correct me someone if I'm wrong.

(3 edits)

Это профессиональная работа. У основного разработчика текстурами занимаемся отдельный человек, который на это дело наверняка долго и упорно учился, и не просто на именно этот стиль рисовки, а на компьютерную графику в целом.

Они выглядит "просто", но требует работы не меньше, чем текстуры без пикселизации. Оно тут выступает больше как "стайлинг". Просто знание того как делать пиксель-арт не откроет двери к созданию таких работ.

Тебе надо как минимум записаться на полноценные курсы по компьютерной графике, если хочешь тоже такое делать. Это уже подразумевая, что ты знаешь основы изобразительного искусства.

Судя по тому, что у тебя Windows 11 и .exe файл запускается из Temp, предположу, что ты открыл .7z архив как папку и пытаешься запустить игру оттуда.

Тебе надо сперва распаковать всё куда-нибудь, потом уже запускать игру.

(1 edit)

Food: hunt for hidden burgers, buy pizza as it gives quite a lot of "food" for the price.

Money: Use the Item Box (10 points in the store) to sell trash that can be placed into trash bags, fire extinguishers, rocks, and, against the logic of your question, MREs.

Would pressing the dot on the numpad save you? It'll teleport you to the base.

У меня она перестала брать креветки с порога после определенного уровня репутации. И воровать креветки из холодильника тоже перестала. Так что самый надёжный способ - прям к ней в дом.

Покажи скриншот как файл выглядит в загрузках

Кирка вроде бы нужна для шахтерства. Молоток и отвёртка по-моему просто декорация, но отвёртку можно забавно кидать в стены, как и пилы.

Что можешь смело продать и заработать прилично кредитов, так это огнетушители. Их куча на базе.

Прикольно, что они используются и в мореходстве, но вообще это просто военный / НАТО алфавит.

В главном меню вверху слева должно быть написано 0.7.0. Скинь скрин базы, если переустановка не поможет.

Ты точно на 0.7.0? После 0.6.3 разработчик серьезно переделал базу. Секретные команды - в любом терминале, будь то на спутниковых тарелках или в комнате справа от главного компьютера, если смотреть в сторону окна (на новой базе).

Hey, a little random and off-topic, but you should start a blog on some topic you know well. It'll start slow (like, really slow - 0.5-2 years) but once you start getting your first visits and first cents from the ads, knowing well that you aren't just helping people but also getting a little money for your personal expenses, I'm sure it'll bring you pure joy.

It's relatively easy to launch a WordPress blog today, and won't be much more expensive than a few dollars per month for hosting and domain.

Do this and download the file again

(2 edits)

This user gets it. Some viruses are also known to replace the links in the web browser with malicious ones, downloading some pa07_0010.exe instead.

ZalazniSvetozar, do this:

1. Open File Explorer
2. Navigate yourself to the directory where the pa07_0010.7z file is located (the current Pre-Alpha 0.7.0b3 build)
3. While holding the Shift button, right click on any free space in File Explorer and click "Open in Terminal" or "Open PowerShell window here". Alternatively, you can type `cmd` in the address bar and it'll do the same thing
4. Type `certutil -hashfile pa07_0010.7z SHA256`
5. Confirm that the SHA256 hash is `becaaa25e54373b1a5adfba454fac43504714c718ef265e6a24340945aec1b0c`

If the hash is different, the archive is somehow altered or corrupted. It would be better to download it again with a different browser and check the PC with a proper antivirus.

Note, it's only for the Pre-Alpha 0.7.0b3 build! Other versions are expected to have different hashes.

Edit: For the most recent version (pa07_0011.7z):
`certutil -hashfile pa07_0011.7z SHA256`

(1 edit)

Where do you set it? I went through the settings multiple times and can't see it.

Edit: Oh, I see :D In the experimental settings.

Try using the scroll wheel, it'll let you cycle through different blueprints

Does this count as a "dupe"?

Also, I'm not sure what the error would be. I got a "Cannot plant this item" notification (a yellow triangle), but I'm unsure if it could be considered an error. I'm past the autosave checkpoint either way.

Are these patches included in the debug build? Should I use it instead of SUPER EXPERIMENTAL V2, or they're already included in the V2 version as well?

Ты на 0.7.0 или 0.7.0a? На 0.7.0 он у меня тоже отказывался спавниться на базе после утери, а вот на 0.7.0a спавнится.

Скачай 0.7a

(1 edit)

Can't craft Omega Kerfus for some reason, it crafts hard drives instead. Does anyone else have this issue?

I place on the bench:

The recipe, radioactive capsule, 5 parts, color, 2 plastic scraps, 2 electronic scraps, 1 metal scrap, 1 rubber scrap.

But when I craft, it just crafts 4 drives.

Попробуй "выбить" его крупным объектом, который легко поднять. ATV, коробкой для продажи предметов, и т.д.

(1 edit)

Just sell the filled trash bags through the Item Box and buy more bags, repeat until you have no more trash left. You get quite a lot of starting money by doing this.

What a mess. Someone just has to leak the half-finished files (even if it's going to be the dev himself) and finish this shit show, so everyone could just forget about this toxicity, relax, and wait for 0.8.0.

(1 edit)

А что скачивается-то? Вообще когда файл подменяется во время скачки - это признак вируса в системе, который подменяет файлы на вредоносные.

Но .txt файлы вредоносными быть не могут. Что там внутри? Сколько он весит, столько же, сколько и архив (~900 мб), или намного меньше?

Попробуй так:

1. Download Now > "No thanks, just take me to the downloads"

2. Нажми либо F12, либо Ctrl + Shift + C

3. Перейди во вкладку Network ("Сеть" или как-то так на русском)

4. Нажми Download на самой странице, не качай сам файл

5. Справа в активности появится что-то вроде 9056654?X-Amz-Algorithm=A...

6. Нажимай по нему и копируй длинную ссылку которая идет в "Request URL", что-то вроде

7. Открывай командную строку (Win + R > cmd.exe > OK) и скачивай игру оттуда:

curl -L -o archive.7z "https://вся-скопированная-ссылка"

(^ кавычки обязательны)

Файл скачается в директорию пользолвателя (Проводник > C: > Пользователи > твой-пользователь). Если с первого раза не получилось и терминал скачал маленький файл в килобайт, значит ссылка уже успела сгореть. Нажми снова на Download и скопируй новую.

(2 edits)

The dev's a pretty creative person, but his community management skills are just below zero. That's just inadequate to assume that people won't leak stuff.

We would have to wait until someone leaks an actual 0.7.0 dev build after the dev releases their cut-down version of the update, if this is true. "Thanks" to the leakers? No, "thanks" to him for trying to tame Internet and realizing (shockedface.jpg) it's not possible.

Come on now, what year is it? Everyone knows how the Internet works.

Переименуй в archive.7z или скачай другим браузером

Ты ставишь его на пол, складываешь в него предметы, и надеваешь него обратно на плечи ("Equip", вроде). Он снижает вес + можно накидать туда вещей, которыми пользуешься редко, чтобы они не захламляли интерфейс инвентаря.

(5 edits)

The way how hard some things are hidden (literally outside the map's boundaries), it feels like the player is expected to go and engage with the community to solve some mysteries. It's impossible to do it alone, but, with the help of the community, pretty manageable. It comes at the price of having spoilers all around, though.

I know what the person is talking about. During my first story playthrough, I tried tons of things to open that scary tunnel / hole. Only after reading the wiki I discovered it's impossible to open. I get it is a part of the dev's trolling to leave so many subtle things to make the player believe that it is openable, and it's indeed pretty funny to think about it now. But at the same time, it definitely did hurt the experience for me.

Sometimes I can't tell what in this game is genuinely overlooked and what is just the dev's trolling :D