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Hey, a little random and off-topic, but you should start a blog on some topic you know well. It'll start slow (like, really slow - 0.5-2 years) but once you start getting your first visits and first cents from the ads, knowing well that you aren't just helping people but also getting a little money for your personal expenses, I'm sure it'll bring you pure joy.

It's relatively easy to launch a WordPress blog today, and won't be much more expensive than a few dollars per month for hosting and domain.

I've never really considered it before. Though, I don't really think there's anything I know THAT much about. I would probably struggle with topics and such. I do like helping people, but I don't think I'd be capable of making it a career choice. I do wanna be an author one day, but that's unrelated to helping people, really.  That, and with my anxiety issues, not getting somewhere for a long time is really discouraging. Besides that, while making money from it would be nice, I don't help people to get anything out of it, y'know?

I like making people happy, and that's my own reward.