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A member registered Oct 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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Bad Sun and Solar mode seem to be quite buggy on this version.  Sometimes in Solar the sun seems to go back to normal.

You need a different achievement, "Sandbox ariral" is gotten by feeding a Nuclear Argemia plush 69 shrimp packs. I can explain how to get one if you don't know how.

I have heard you can use the broom to push it, but I haven't had a situation where I needed to use it, so I can't confirm if you can.

They flicker randomly but more frequently when a transformer is low.

You can actually just make a new save and put what you need (Hook, Pass Changer, etc.) in the mailbox so you can open the bunker then bring the manual back to the original save without resetting objects

The signal is intended for the halloween event but im pretty sure it has leaked into story mode, the most you can do is either wait for or set your PCs date to november 3rd

(1 edit)

So far every single playthrough i have done have had an update drop while i am in the final few days