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Windmill Games

A member registered Jan 23, 2014 · View creator page →

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That's exactly what I meant, I didn't know there was a work around; so I am happy to hear that you managed to play even though it was bugged :)

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The native resolution is 1080p. Check that you don't have scale set to 125% in your windows settings:

For some reason Windows sets it to 125% by default.

Looking into the journal bug in 720p, thanks for letting me know about it!

Really enjoyed the animation, it was a very interesting take on the theme :)

Short but pleasant all around!

I just uploaded a new version where you can toggle the resolution down to 720p by pressing [R]. Note that some things wont look perfect, but it will allow you to experience the game :)

Even though the game was short, there were a lot of nice things. The frequent spawn points was great; it allowed you to make the game a bit like a "rage-game", but without having the player restart too far back. Really like the little robot, very cute! 

I managed to reach the end; this is a very solid foundation for a platformer game.

Wow, this is currently my favourite entry so far, there is just so much to talk about here in terms of game design.

Small things like the fact that the tutorial book which teaches you the shop, costs and sells for 20. That's a super elegant way of tutorialising it. You found an awesome way to implement crafting which really uses the theme of the jam very well, it is so cool that I can make different items with the same recipe, but different materials.

But one of the biggest MVP features was the fact that you can set the speed that battles take place. It is great to be able to blitz past the start after a while, even though the combat phase is nice and polished, the real meat of the game is in the forge phase.

Very polished entry with nice coherent graphics and soothing audio.

It's insane to me that after playing so many "tetris with a twist"-games, there are still more innovative ways to change it up. How do you manage to even come up with this idea xD

I am terribad at normal tetris, so it was nice to see that I am in fact equally bad at TET'R. which means that you have managed to keep the spirit intact :)

I love score attack games, so naturally I had to beat the score of @AlexJGriffith, which I managed xD

The game is very difficult, in the start; then it slows down a bit, but it still a big challange.

Neat little game, my high score currently is 1200 :)
Would have been fun if your connection blob of emojis was visible in the score screen so that one could share that as well :D

I managed to save the S.S. Ann (was it for the 18th or 19th time this month xD?), the dialogue was amusing.

I like that the game was the perfect length and difficulty, the final puzzle to unlock the "plug to fix everythingy" took me a bit of time; but I was quite tired when playing :D

Great entry!

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If you want to know who the suspect was, you can hover the below link (only way I have figured to make it spoiler free for others)

Spoiler link for who done did it!

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there should be a voice that triggers. There are three different outcomes:

* If you don’t have enough evidence your character will say it is too early. Evidence is both clues you found on the crime scen, clues from dialogue and contradictions you found in the journal  

* If you have enough evidence and picked the right suspect you trigger the end game, theres a voice line and it fades to credits. 

* If you have enough evidence and picked the wrong suspect you trigger a voice-line, explaining why that cant be the suspect. Then you get to pick again :)

the love version is named “multi platform”

Sure thing! Though keep in mind this was made during a game jam; so the code quality isn’t high  

1. download the .love version

2. Rename .love to .zip

3. Extract it

Sorry about that, I think most of our games have this information in the "Install instructions", but you are correct that some of our older titles don't. This is an oversight and I apologize for your inconvenience.  I will update all game pages as soon as possible to contain this information.

Sorry to hear about the issues! What kind of hardware are you running it on? 

I am working on a post-jam update, could include a performance mode which lowers the requirements. Would you be interested in helping me test such a version? (If so, please add me on Discord: Jeeper#2222)

It's super difficult, in the best possible way. I only managed to reach 7 points and it was cool to see the additional shape spawn; though that was kind of the nail in the coffin for me haha

The game feel is just on another level, so satisfying to play!


It's clear to me that we need to limit Tjakkas time for next year. I propose 30minutes, else no one else stand's a chance!

What a fun and novel game :D

I tested Multiplayer with Immow and like he mentioned, it worked really well. I'm very impressed that you implemented such a seamless multiplayer integration to a jam entry!

Great proof of concept for something larger!

Like other's have mentioned, it took some button bashing to find how you advance time. I liked the very indie, programmer graphics, they have a certain charm! :D

Short but sweet. I really like brawler-type games and I specially liked the fact that you could "combo" multiple of them at the same time. The graphics and the audio are really great for a jam entry!

Happy Birthday to the lövely Metanet Hunter! :)

The concept and idea is really interesting, I hope you plan on expanding it because It solves one of the biggest issues with tower defense games. The fact that you basically have nothing to do for large periods of time. It would be really cool if you ran around "building" new towers on the left for example, or spells that you can use.

The fact that enemies which pass the tower come inside to kill you is such a great idea. If you could upgrade your hero, it could allow you to focus on different playstyles, for example going for a lot of strong towers, or facing the enemies yourself.

Visually this is one of the best entries so far, everything looks and feels incredibly coherent and polished. Great job!

First of all, congratulations for participating for the first time, what an game entry you managed to create! I personally love score-attack games, so this was rights up my alley. It's surprisingly difficult, it took me quite a while to break the 10k barrier, but after that I started to get a couple of 20k runs, before finally reaching my current record of over 37k.

The art direction of this game is just lovely, it feels like a released mobile-game, which brings me to my next point; you should consider releasing a version on the app store. It would work really well with touch controls :)

Fantastic job overall! :D

I like the quality of life implementations, like the camera panning to whatever you are controlling (whether it's the block or the player). It makes it easy to do what is needed. Well done on the implementation of the different elements!

Gotta say, the final level was pretty tough. Had to use all my concentration to not be overwhelmed. Fun concept, good execution and lovely silhouette presentation!

My favorite entry so far, unique both visually and gameplay wise! Very proud of my current record (though I am actively trying to get past 100, so far I haven't managed past 70 again, but soon :D )

A unique and fun take on the theme! I really liked the visuals, the atmospheric audio and of course, it's always wonderful to hear voice acting in a game!

I'm glad that I got to test a couple of the WIP versions, between each of them you made huge improvements. Both the idea and art-direction of the game is very unique, j

ust love the all around "feel good"-vibes!

I hope that you continue development, because this is fantastic! 

Ah yes.. the "AAAAAAAH" game :D

Thank you for submitting it the the stream, I had a blast playing it. I just hope that the poor people who had to listen to it have recovered haha. Its a really cool concept, I have seen a couple of game that use the microphone before, but yours is the one that "makes the most sense" (the fact that your transmitting audio into the speakers in order to make the marbles move).

I am glad I managed to play through it! And I really liked how you could close the game with your voice :D

Great job!

Thank you for submitting your game to the stream! I had a blast :D

I love cats, but the first cat I picked came in last (obviously 100% due to the cat and 0% due to me being bad at the game). But the second time it went a lot better. I found that the food was best used to stop cats in the lead and the cucumber as a "boost" for my cat. Unfortunately the last cucumber that would have scared my cat into winning... well wasn't scary enough :D

Really cute graphics, cute concept and cute entry! Great job overall :)

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream, I really enjoyed playing it. I love multitasking games and honestly would play this all the time if there was a mobile version. The game looks and feels great, sounds great and plays great. There is a lot of cool buildings, and I am sure I didn't even get to see them all.

Just a fantastic entry overall!

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Thank you for playing it :)

Do you mean that either the ghost or the character was too weak? Because you are playing against each other, so the game will have the difficulty of your opponents skill.

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Thank you so much for submitting your game to the stream! I had a blast playing it :)

Just hope that you didn't cringe too hard as I was probably the worst captain in history. To my defense I had a bit of bad luck with the RNG, and my crew disobeyed me every single time when I had a command that would get us booty, but where totally fine with taking us off the map and becoming landlubbers. 

Either way I really enjoyed it and FINALLY, after much struggling I manged to acquire some booty!

I also have to mention the voice acting, it was phenomenal. I love finding other people who also add voice acting, it really makes your game stand out in my book :)

Thank you for submitting your game to the stream!

First of all, the art and parallaxing is just great. This is one of those games that "feels" a lot better when you play than any gifs/screenshots can do it justice. The idea is great as well, I like multitasking games a lot. RTS games used to be my bread and butter.

Unfortunatly they all burned and died in the end haha

Great job!

Thank you for submitting the game to the stream, I really enjoyed playing it a lot!

Amazing to see a jam-game have a story and intro . You did a great job tying the story to the gameplay. The music getting more and more hyped as the timer started to run out was great, but what really put a smile on my face was the fact that the sun kept "growing". Thats the kind of small details that make this game so great.

Great idea, great execution, great entry :)

Even though it isn't "Crazy Crabs", it's still an amazing game :D

Thank you for submittig your game to the stream, I really enjoyed playing it. The concept is just super cool, I have seen a lot of "time mechanics" in games before, but never like this. It's also clear that you designed the missions in a smart way, because very quickly I started having trouble with my old routes colliding with my new ones. Is it still roadrage if you get angry at yourself?

Awesome job! :)

This was fantastic! Thank you for submitting the game to the stream :)

My highscore was 6000, I feel like that was pretty good :D

The art and music and feel of this game is just outstanding, I am glad that you are going to continue development on it. Great job!

Thank you for submitting the game to the stream! I enjoyed playing it a lot :)

Really clever idea to make the "dynamic" checkpoint system, too bad I eventually couldn't make it further. I would have liked to see if there was an ending. I appriciate that you had a story and an intro, and it was cool that the start of the game "followed" the story, as in you got to see yourself jumping all the way down. Its a small detail, but its those kinds of details that set the mood of the game :)

Great job!

Thank you so much for submitting your game to the stream! I really love the artstyle, it just has such a unique feel.

Great puzzle game, unfortunate that I managed to brick my run. But I still played long enough to see that you had designed a lot of great levels.

Awesome entry! :)