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A member registered Nov 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Good job on your first jam. Its a good start. One thing to not in the itch settings turn off fullscreen mode, webgl already has a fullscreen mode which actually works, itch's just makes the view fullscreen it doesn't expand the resolution. 

just like the middle area between the first and left area on that flat square. It was pretty funny

The pump shotgun is cool, but the drink water mechanic at least for me was weird. Rather than pressing a key to drink water I would rather just run other it. The hitbox for it was also kind of strange, but other than that I liked the graphics and hotline miami gameplay


I see well very cool!

I stuck lmao

Cool simple game, you guys nailed the theme! I couldn't tell if the game got harder though. Did characters walking up get sped up over the days?

I liked the idea and the art was cool! I would have liked to see more move combinations, and dodge/heal kind of serve the same purpose. But this one does standout because its a rhythm game so good job!

I liked the idea and the art was cool! I would have liked to see more move combinations, and dodge/heal kind of serve the same purpose. But this one does standout because its a rhythm game so good job!

hmmm interesting, mac or windows?

I'll have to check for the music bug, did it occur in all of the levels?

Like the idea, but maybe allow the character to move back and forth as well, and force the character to move forward only by the edge of the screen. Its a bit tricky to understand the timing on things cause you are always moving and everything will be moving at different speeds

Nice simple game. Good squish and squash effects.

Nice simple game. Good squish and squash effects.

Interesting idea, but I couldn't understand what I was doing. I needed more information on the tiles. I like the music and graphics.

maybe a rewind to go back to previous steps. Then you could experiment more.

I like the art!

Nice small game, I feel the wall jumping as an issue when you are in a corner where you are touching a floor and the wall at the same time. Right now it prioritizes wall jumping over jumping off the floor. Nice game otherwise!

what did I just play lmao. I am so confused. Nice that you made this in scratch though!

I like the art it reminds me of into the breach! Cool neat little game!

Cool simple game! I like the music and art a lot!

Cool simple game! I like the music and art a lot!

Cool choices game, but it is very annoying to get back to the part you are sometimes. I liked the art and animations!

Cool choices game, but it is very annoying to get back to the part you are sometimes. I liked the art and animations!

Cool start! Might be a bit too much like megaman though. 

cool idea and nice and simple. 

cool idea and nice and simple. 

Nice simple game!

Nice voice acting and story, but I couldn't quite understand how the first puzzle with the wires worked

I liked this game a lot! It has a lot of potential. Hotline Miami am I right :)

Nice concept and idea. Liked the idea of growing things. 

I like the simple game and slowly adding new mechanics every other level. Good job!

I see you like celeste. It was fun I did beat it. Not sure if the game is easier on controller but I used keyboard. Wall jumping was a little funky and I think the spike hit box seemed a bit off. I liked the challenge and awesome level design!

I am a programmer if you need one. Muddy and I worked on the last mini game jam together. Startrix#4065.

I am looking for an artist and I have a composer/sfx if you would like to join.  My discord is Startrix#4065.

Wow never thought someone would analyze it that deep. Thank you for the feedback as well!

Interesting idea and nice music. I would rather change the color with one button that switches back and forth. And the movement feels like I am sliding on the floor, can work for some games not this one. 

Amazing game, the world building and story is impressive for a game made in 3 days.  

Reminds a little of "getting over it", except checkpoints. I did beat it and I actually am one of the few people that will play rage games if they are short. I found stage 3 to be the hardest and while playing it I was going to say meh, but the controls do feel intentional and the player learning from trying things out isn't bad. I think though the game lacks one thing a terrible soundtrack playing over it. Like if its gonna be terrible controls might as well go all the way. And then whenever you die do the "I want to be the guy" death sound thingy. and then for the the player to press "r" to restart or something. But either way nice!