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A member registered Feb 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Niccce! I love to hear it, gz man.

You might be getting input I just never added feedback for. There isn't a red X, try clicking one and waiting like 5 seconds.

(4 edits)

You play it in the browser on an indie game development website. All of the code is there to see on my GitHub, which is the only way to play offline. Anyone doing something like that wouldn't have it hosted there or in a browser.

Some browsers don't fully support WebGL 2.0, so unless you're using one that does (like FireFox) there's sometimes issues like this.

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Thanks very much ;)

Loved reading your experiences here. There isn't much to the ending, just a super tight landing spot. I didn't even think about decreasing the visibility range from the other side of the car, and it gave me frustration around the walkways ^_^ We unfortunately didn't have the export with the fixed collisions in time, actually exporting when the jam ended.

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Pretty funny dialogue and voice-over, guy at the beginning made me jump lol

The models/animations/textures all look really good!

Bit short though I'm enjoying the ride. I've escaped on the Jerusalem express.

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Thanks for trying it out! It really doesn't run too well in the browser but we decided to upload it anyways. Runs much better for me in the executable. The guards can't open locked doors unfortunately so we probably should fire them.

Thanks for letting us know, we have to wait to upload a fix.

We're currently waiting on a reply to upload a fixed version, sorry for the error :(

This was my first time using shape keys. :)
Godot really didn't like some of the animations however. A lot of it is done with tweens as well.

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I really like the atmosphere and that beautiful boat model. The fog is perfect, the water is well done; couldn't figure out how to do water like that in Godot 4.  In terms of game-play I couldn't do much or advance past a few feet since the sharks would damage me even being quite far behind the boat. I like the little gun. Gotta be honest, when I first heard the audio I thought my speakers were broken :o

Wish there was a bit more to do, because I do like the controls and the boat.

Appreciate it ^_^ anything specific other than the myriad of bugs that were off-putting at all?

Sorry, I had no idea what I was doing so I could really only look at the game ;_;

The graphics and animations are solid, cards are very detailed. The tutorial didn't help me but maybe I misunderstood it. I tried watching the AI as well for a bit to see if there were moves I could do that they did but mine were always invalid trying to match them.

Interesting concept, I love the writing. Didn't understand what to do at first but I got it when I hit escape. It really has a surreal vibe to it.

Oh wow, I started learning how to make games when I was 15, in GameMaker 7. Would have loved to use Godot back then!

The graphics are nice, I love how you drew the controls on the wall. That lighting is the best most surprising thing about this, it's so good when it passes through and around objects, showing where it's safe or not. It's a little tough to tell when he's coming back but it does make you feel like you have to rush haha.

This was a neat one, got me kind of focused actually, haha.

Yeah same here

Really really awesome you got it working, I hope everyone that rated gets the chance to replay it. Very brutal without any healing but as a concept this is my favorite entry.

(2 edits)

Thanks for trying it out! I find it slightly humorous that you said you didn't see any monsters while you were looking straight at it, haha. To be fair they spawn in a set radius around the map corners, and sometimes it's just a little too far.

"...the player was the monster" This is exactly the sub-plot we were going for!

Thank you for the detailed comment, rating, and for playing through to the end. The dialogue system was made by Substain, I think he did it through code with tweens but I'm not 100% sure. Fkeyz did the fire mechanic, and it was so cool watching him make it.


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The art and animations are very well done. Shame you had issues with Godot 4. I made it to the end, but monsters stopped spawning around a certain point, and I couldn't die. Liked the look but the UI was popping in different texts quite a lot so I couldn't see much that was happening. The turn-based system and the way that you do attacks is interesting and unique.

It's sad really, we were excited to use Godot  4 but we read about all the issues it had with web exported games and certain operating systems so we felt like we had to nerf our engine so it would have the highest chance of working.

The designer is really well made, the controls are polished, and the graphics are so smooth. I spent a good bit designing a few. It says you can send them out to get more parts, but I couldn't find out how.

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Thanks for playing it through!

I made the map unnecessarily large in hindsight, good point. Fkeyz even added a little minimap just so he knew where he was going during development x) 

We didn't have running for a while and I'm so glad it was put in midway through, lol.

Should have had the witch tell you the bow and arrows are by the house for sure.

Windows PC, yeah it's really weird!

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The animations, penguin textures/model and polar bear model all look good, I didn't really understand the game-play but I guess I'm the monster for kicking the penguins off because it's funny.

Neat little game!

Really cool concept, it took me a few tries to figure out exactly what it was doing, but it is unique. I like the sound effects and minimalist style.

One of the coolest entries, that intro is 10/10, it was very surprising how good it is. The music is great. I eventually just ran out of ammo, starter gun could have been infinite. Art is solid and the customization options look good.

It works, it's just so difficult it makes fighting anything out of the question, which wasn't the case before (last time the spider died quickly, now they take many hits). Things out-dps you so I have no choice but to run away instead of loot chests. Sometimes it puts you back at the first floor and duplicates the level when using stairs.

Cool concept and the visuals look nice in the screenshot, but I can't rate this one since I don't have vr, so I can't get past the main menu.

Have they let you fix it yet? They let us fix our game with sort of a similar problem this morning.

This is fun. A bit hard to find everything and manage the fish at the same time at first but finding everything and replaying helped. The controls are good, I just feel some things were too far apart making all the jumps feel tight - though it adds some slight difficulty - it'd be too easy if platforms were too close. The graphics are charming and it's all cohesive, nothing is out of place. Nice customization too! I don't think it fits the monster theme but every other wildcard is there, so it's not a bad thing.

I like the gameplay, and the endless mode is a good addition. Character customization is cool and simple, not many games chose that card it seems. Hard to tell what some things are, and the graphic are a bit inconsistent - some things look really nice and some don't match each other. The UI  and main menu are great.

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This submission is the most fun one I've played so far, played it for 10 minutes. Great job on the game's art and design, and finishing it in general. I really like that you used a lot of different sound effects. While everything levels up in small increments you still feel a steady sense of power.

The targets are a nice touch. Movement is good, sensitivity is fine and it's nice that you can change it. Music was pretty bumpin.

The fps I was getting was very low, I have a gaming laptop though the fog in our game also did this to me a little bit when it was set high.

I really like the way the game looks and feels, and the sfx/music is quite nice, loops very well though music stops playing after a while. Unfortunately as another stated the stairs are broken, so I'll wait to rate it. Really want to know what's down there :D

A game like this is something I would play for hours.

I really like the way the game looks and feels, and the sfx/music is quite nice, loops very well though music stops playing after a while. Unfortunately as another stated the stairs are broken, really want to know what's down there :D

A game like this is something I would play for hours.

We knew this would happen to someone :)

Thanks for trying it out!