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Shield Does Pixels

A member registered Aug 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Damn, this is hard. I haven't been able to beat it yet due to my brain about melting but I've gotten to level 12 and will continue to chip away at it in the future. It's super clean and well-done overall, and the rules are logical despite being presented in an unorthodox way. Even the fact that I want to go back and finish it is a testament to how well put-together the whole package is. It legitimately just feels complete, I don't know what else to say about it. The graphics are passable, nothing outstanding but there's also not a lot of space to work with in a game such as this. The sound design is my absolute favorite part though. Every audio cue meshes so well with the music and just sucks you into this desert puzzle box. Really great job as always :)

Definitely a fun and interesting idea, although coming from you that's to be expected. Despite the lack of music the sound design still meshes quite well and nothing is too grating. Graphically a bit plain, but serviceable enough, it at the very least looks intentional. The core loop has the potential to be really quite enjoyable, but the big thing that ruins it for me is the controls. It is so incredibly difficult to pick up a specific item and throw it at the other when everything is bouncing all over the place. Maybe that's the point, but I played for a fair amount of time and got maybe 5 or 6 matches total because I just kept missing or picking up the wrong thing and hitting something else when I tried to drop it. There's some potential here if it had some more time in the oven, but in its current state I unfortunately find it pretty much unplayable.

A decent amount of fun, for the simplicity of it. I know the art wasn't made by you but it did fit the game very well, and everything felt super cohesive. It's definitely on the simple side, but what you do have is fairly engaging and enjoyable! My one main critique is just the fact that the goblins can be a little tough to hit sometimes since the timing is fairly tight. A slightly lower speed on them might have benefited the game, but it was still quite nice for 48 hours :) 

Neat little game, though there isn't a whole lot to it. It's pretty, and you slap some gears around, and that's really the extent of the game. I was never hurting for money, and the puzzles were relatively easy, but other than that it was pretty fun for the time it lasted. It might be interesting to up the difficulty and make it more about how long you can last, though if I were to play for an extended period of time there would need to be a bit more substance. Overall though, nice job. You both continue to push out amazing games!

This was an interesting idea with a very lackluster execution. While I enjoyed the concept of both the game and the story, when I tried to actually play it, I legitimately gave up because I couldn't be bothered to continue playing. It's just rather frustrating trying to correctly guess which dialogue option is the right one without knowing ahead of time, since often times they all seemed rather reasonable. Also, the audio was deathly loud and got really grating after a while, much too aggressive for this type of game. Overall, a neat idea, but I definitely think it could have been much better.

So, a few things. Obviously, this game isn't finished, so there isn't a whole lot of feedback I can give. The biggest thing for me, however, was the extreme lag that I experienced while playing. I had super low frame rate, and my computer is pretty decent. Maybe it's some sort of issue with the high resolution? I'm not sure. But it definitely has the makings of a decent game going off of your plans, and I'd be interested to see where (if anywhere) this project goes after the jam is over.

Not really, though the gameplay from Binding of Isaac definitely helped shape a few things such as 4-directional shooting and seperate shop rooms.

The game page is now updated to better explain what you need to do. Hopefully it helps!

Sorry about that, the game page is now updated to explain what you need to do.

(1 edit)

If it might help you, I have updated the game page to make it more clear, since many people were struggling to understand what to do.

The polish on this game is out-of-this-world (no pun intended), with the graphics and audio and attention to detail all being off the charts. I really enjoyed how you had 2 interpretations of the theme in one game, my first 5 star went to that category. However, the gameplay was ok at best, and just rather confusing. Maybe I didn't understand something, since everyone else is praising your gameplay, but I wasn't sure what to do. Yes, I could combine cats, and I did a few times. But not because I knew how, but rather because I was just randomly rotating the planet. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as a bit harsh, but it's because I really like the idea of this game and would like to be able to enjoy it more by knowing what to do.

Thanks man! It was nice to get some live feedback, though it was a bit frustrating seeing you run away from the bugs. If you would like, I can let you know once the post-jam version goes up that adds more sound and fixes a bunch of the stuff people have been having problems with.

I will definitely do so, but obviously your ratings will stay based on the original version.

While this a very interesting concept, I can't seem to find anything other than the original note to interact with, and so my journey was cut short. The plain white graphics really added to the eccentric feel of the abandoned house, and the music was fittingly spooky. Sadly however, I didn't see the theme at all, maybe I didn't get far enough in? Either way, if you know how to advance further into the game I would be more than happy to give it another try and change my rating, because I really enjoy what I got.

The idea was certainly there. However, the execution could've been done much better in my opinion. The player sometimes blocks your aim, and the controls are very out of the way where no normal player would know to look. Alongside that, I couldn't get past what I assume is only the first level since I didn't know what I was doing. Yes, I can warp space, but in what seems like very select situations and even then I wasn't sure how it helped me at all. Graphics and audio are very good, I just wish the execution could match the great idea you have.

The art and audio of this game is absolutely incredible, I'll give you guys that. But unfortunately, I think that's where the quality ends.  Gameplay was very, very simple, and honestly just kind of boring. I walked back and forth, roared occasionally, but that was really about it. The theme connection seemed forced to me personally, maybe others don't feel the same way. It really sucks that the gameplay is so painfully average, because I believe this has the start of a really great game. I just wish that there was more to it than what there is.

I'm glad you liked it! I definitely can see where your problem comes from, I suppose I got so used to it by the end of the jam. I'm not quite sure how to make them much more different, if you have any ideas I would be open to them.

I appreciate the feedback! I do have controls on my actual game page, if you wouldn't mind trying after knowing how to play. I'm also working on a new version with controls built in to solve your issue.

Thanks! I'm working on a new version that's even better, and makes it more of a complete game. 

I'm glad you enjoyed it, I definitely did think about having some way to deposit your resources but unfortunately I didn't have time to implement that alongside the necessary features.

Thanks for taking the time to play my game! I did think about adding some size randomization, and I might do so in the update I'm working on.

A nice little game, graphics and audio were very well done. As for the gameplay however, it was a bit boring if I'm being honest. It didn't feel like there was much to do, and it took me a while to figure out what to do. It has the starts of a very good game, i just think it'll take some work to get there.

A fun little game, and an interesting concept. With the lack of levels, there wasn't a whole lot to play, but the concepts you have could easily be expanded upon. I wish there was more you could do with the assimilation mechanic, maybe extra abilities for the spacemen you couldn't access in your alien form such as the guns that I can see them holding. Audio restarting after every level/death was a little annoying, but that's not really major. All in all a very solid game, especially for your first project in a new engine. Keep up the good work!

Very tricky little game. Graphics were just as good as I've come to expect from you, and audio was good as well. There was a bit of delay between when the song ended and when the next loop started, and the sound effects were a little harsh, but nothing too major. The gameplay itself was pretty challenging, it definitely required careful planning, impressive for a game made so quickly. Good job, keep it up!

A very fun game with a good amount of challenge. It never felt unfair, and the graphics and audio both were very well done. I wasn't sure when the game ended, maybe having some of the story integrated into the game would be beneficial. Overall though, a very fun game. Keep it up!

Fun game! A little unforgiving with having to restart every time you die alongside no health refills that I could see, so I unfortunately couldn't get very far. The graphics were very well done, and the attention to detail was impressive. I wish the enemies were a little easier to take out so that I could get further, and the player physics were a little aggressive, but otherwise a very solid entry. Good job guys!

Neat little game. The gameplay is a little repetitive, and feels the same at 0 points and 2000 points. Graphics look very nice, I'm a fan of that style, though sometimes it's hard to tell what the full size of the planets are. I would make the game a little more forgiving, maybe making it so that you only die if you leave the top or bottom of the screen. It was a bit frustrating to be on course for a planet that maybe wasn't directly next to me, but still die for it. Overall though, very good level of polish for such a short time frame.