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A member registered Aug 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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All good! Just wanted to leave some feedback on what I found. We weren't able to get Vive controllers working due to the time limit - so totally get that! Thanks for checking out our game too!

Thank you!

I did not - sorry! Actually forgot about that mechanic and never felt like I needed to use it. I'm assuming it would best used to look at ceiling objects? So, more like a telescope than a magnifying glass? Which I could see being helpful!

Makes sense! It can be really hard to make a realistic game in VR still - we struggled with performance in our game too and we went the low poly route which typically works better in VR.

Of course! I tried to hit all of the VR games since we submitted a VR game ourselves.

I'm worried that the Quest 2, at least stand alone, will not be able to run your game. It's hardware specs are in line with that of a 1070. But I saw you released a stand alone build, so maybe you toned down the graphics for it, or had better luck than I'm imaging. Either way - best of luck!

I doubled checked, the submission only requires a development build for iOS submissions. All other hardware types can be shipping builds. iOS needs to be development so it can be run by other people without issues (Apple/App store stuff). So in the future you can do shipping builds to hide those pesky messages :)

Totally get the time frame thing - gotta hit the important stuff first and then just submit with what you have to get something in! If you haven't already, I highly recommend checking out the VR Expansion Plugin ( It's very helpful and off the bat solves the issue you're having.

Considering you were a solo dev for this - very well done getting everything you have in there in the first place! I wish you luck with the rest of your game!

Unfortunately, you cannot. Submissions are locked until after they decide who won. But after that... you can submit new versions. It's what we'll be doing as we improved the performance on our game and put in a fix for the Vive controllers.

Hello! I played on Vive headset with Index Controllers on a 1070 GPU. I could not start the game with my Index controllers or my Vive Controllers - I could never grip the pearl. Sorry!

Hello! I played on Vive headset with Index Controllers on a 1070 GPU.

Unfortunately, there wasn't any bindings for the Index Controller and I couldn't get the Vive controller I had to bind either, so I could never start. Evening when attempting to bind through SteamVR, I wasn't able to. :( sorry!

Hello! I played on Vive headset with Index Controllers on a 1070 GPU.

When I first launched the game, I got some warnings/errors about default constructors - you're probably referencing an object that has not been created yet in one of your constructor scripts. (Just a heads up). I also saw, what I think was fluid ninja errors - they disappeared quickly, so, unsure on that. Also saw a Texture Streaming error, which means you didn't allocating enough memory for your virtual textures (look up r.TextureStreaming).

Unfortunately, my frame rate made this game unplayable for me. SteamVR wants my frame rate to be at or below 11ms. Your game's frame rate was anywhere between 60ms - 100ms. So I could never quite tell what was going on. It also appeared that I was third person? Which was very disorientating. I believe this to be because the headset was not connected to the player character. So if I move left in real life, the game character does not - though they should.

However, from what I could see, the game was pretty and definitely unique for a VR game, so nice work there! I think if you want to continue this game, your main focus should be on increasing its FPS so more people can play.

Overall, good job making something for this jam - it's not easy!

Hello! I played on Vive headset with Index Controllers on a 1070 GPU.

I only played the VR version of this game and unfortunately, it was unplayable. The target frame time according to my SteamVR is 11ms. Your game was constantly hitting 80ms. I could not play your game the frame rate was so bad. Since this is a PC game as well, I get the feeling you created it for PC and then just added VR at the last minute, which, isn't a bad idea, but it feels like you didn't plan around VR hardware limitations. 

The idea you have for this game is pretty funny though and a good little riff on society, so I enjoyed that part of. Wish I could have played it in VR. 

Hello! I played on Vive headset with Index Controllers on a 1070 GPU.

The idea is very cool - nice match of the theme and a neat little puzzle game. My computer really struggled with the frame rate though, which did make it hard to play. SteamVR was showing anywhere between 22ms to 34ms (so, all red). The target my computer wanted to hit was 11ms. We struggled with performance on our game and didn't find out until after the jam that we had anti-aliasing turned on. It looked like you had it turned off, but something to double check if you want to try to increase performance - lighting also might of played a factor in the performance, hard to say!

I played until the kitchen level but then had to stop due to a headache forming (cause framerate and smooth locomotion). 

Fun fact - we're also utilizing the VR Expansion Plugin! I noticed I could only grab with my left hand in your game, I don't know if that was intentional or not, but just wanted to let you know. 

Overall, neat little game! Very well done.

Hello! I played on Vive headset with Index Controllers on a 1070 GPU.

I see you matched the theme by stating that trash (above) ends up in oceans (below). Neat little interpretation.

When playing, I noticed you submitted a non-shipping build (it tells me lighting needs to be rebuilt). I also noticed that I had terrible frame rates - steam graph was in the 40ms and it wanted to be around the 11ms mark. This made playing the game hard and a little nauseating.

However, the concept is cool and the environment was pretty! I think if added a tutorial, a better 'end game' option (e.g, more than just pick up 20 pieces of trash), and fixed the performance, that this could be a fun little VR game to explore the ocean in!

Overall, good job making a VR game in such a short amount of time - it's not easy!

Hello! I played your game using a Vive headset and Index controllers.

I don't play a lot of VR shooters, so... Maybe I just suck at aiming, but it was very hard to shoot the bad guys, so, I died.. a lot. And didn't make it very far at all. I also struggling with reloading, I wasn't able to do it nearly as smoothly as you did in your game play video, but I was able to reload - so nice work on that mechanic!

I believe you tried to fit the theme by shooting people below (ground level) and above (rooftops), which is a decent take on it!

Overall, for how long we had to make these games - nice work!

Thanks for checking it out!

Neat little tower defense game! I like how what you could put out was randomized to help better match the theme. I think the only thing 'missing' so to speak is a tutorial of the different 'towers'. But doing a tutorial in a 48 hour game jam is rough and your game is pretty easy to learn on the fly.
Overall, nicely done! Would play more than once :)

Thank you! And thanks for playing it on Stream - I'm glad you got a kick out of the voice acting :)

Thank you!

Yeah... The AI is pretty dumb, but, I guess that's bound to happen in a game jam like this. It's one of the many things we're looking at improving! Fun fact - they don't go through door frames because the doors themselves prevented the generation of the Nav Mesh there, essentially making the enemies believe there was no viable path the player unless the player fought in the room in which the gobbos spawned. We didn't realize this until after the game was uploaded, but even if we had fixed it, the AI still would've been pretty dumb.

We're also going to be looking into how to do voice lines better! Currently we just set them up to play randomly after X amount of time has past. Getting them to specifically trigger on certain events (e.g., player is near gobbo, so they say that line), is something we hope to fix in future releases!

Thank you for your feedback and for playing our game! We really appreciate it!

Thank you! And thank you for checking it out on the stream! We really appreciated the live feedback!

Thank you! It took 1 sleepless night and 1 night of not much sleep to get it done, but we're proud of what we were able to accomplish and had fun doing it too!

Nicely done! The art style is very cute and the game matches the theme well! Good job making multiple enemy sprites too! I think the concept of finding dice and throwing them is a good one! The only thing that made it hard was how fast you could equip and then deal damage with said dice. I noticed you slow down the game while in the inventory to help the player out- I think that's a good idea! But I still struggled to get dice out in time and then damage the enemies. If there were more buttons, e.g., you go into equipment and roll like normal, but then you can just hit 'c' or something to throw your currently equipped dice, I think that could help a lot and not change your game play up too much!

Overall, good job and nice game!

Interesting game! It was cool to have different abilities other than just damage tied to each dice! In some ways, the combat reminds me of Pokemon - if you had little animations on the characters it would've felt even more that way!

There are some 'small' things I think you can do with this game to make it a lot better. The first one is a victor or defeat screen. I never knew if I had one a fight or lost a fight. I assumed I won when I got a new dice, but that was the only way for me to tell. Along those same lines, if you split up the text box in the middle that gave you an update on what the attack did into your text box and an enemy text box, that would help! Sometimes the text disappeared before I read it or I wasn't sure if it was my turn or not (e.g., when an enemy was frozen vs when I was frozen). By doing those two things, the quality of your game will improve a lot. 

Overall though, very nicely done! Cool to see the different abilities in there and an AI that was able to utilize them as well. Good job fitting the theme and making an entertaining game!

Cool game! The idea of controlling pieces on a board and having the ability to heal, attack, or move them with a single die is nifty! The game was challenging, but fair (though I swear the AI rolled better than me...). And the AI seemed to be pretty smart on how it chose its moves, which I'm sure was fun to program. 

My only complaints about the game was that it was a little slow for my tastes, if there was a way to do 2x animation speed, or just queue up your actions and then have them all execute at once, that would be better for follow up play throughs. Though I believe that should be an option for the player to select, not a hard change.

If you end up developing it more, adding other characters (e.g., a mage), and some way for the player to have more control of their die rolls (pure random can suck in XCOM like games), (e.g., a relic that gives you reroll option of some sort), then let me know and I'll happily play test again!

Nicely done!

Have different die that 'roll' to deal damage/effects against cards (that also fit into the theme cause their association with gambling/luck) was a very good take on the theme and implemented pretty well too! I appreciated that each die wasn't just damage based but had its own skills, the percent chance for each being based off its die though. Nice!

My only critic of the game is the UI, if there was a faster way to navigate the UI or interact with the game, that would have been fantastic! But I understand it's a 48 hour jam and that your primary focus was on game play (which I agree with). If you decide to keep working on it, I would definitely start with the UI/Art. I would also pick a song that looped a little bit better.

Overall though, very impressive! Way to get in different AI behavior too!

Very cool! Reminded me of those Pen and Paper games. Your implementation of a turn based combat system with multiple attacks and effects is impressive! Not to mention it's fairly balanced! I noticed a couple of bugs in the WebGL version, but noticed you mention those go away with the .exe version (gotta love WebGL...).

Your game is also a very creative take on the dice theme - I haven't see anything else quite like it yet in the jam, so nicely done there too!

Overall, great job!

Very well done, complete game! The voice acting, attacks, multiple enemies, animations, and  upgrades were all spectacular! Really cool to see a complete game on here for this jam.

The only thing I would improve if you decide to do anything else on this game, is to have a short tutorial wave, where you explain how you can earn extra money. Its in the description, which is awesome, but usually it's better to show than tell (our game is guilty of this too).

Overall, very well done! You and your team should be proud!

Ah... Makes sense! Totally get why you ran out of time for that - that's a lot to do in just 48 hours!

Thanks for the feedback!

You're right... They're.. Well. Definitely not the smartest group of gobbos to ever exist.

If we think there's a large enough audience for it, we'll definitely be putting in more polish!

Thank you! We updated our description to match your feedback so hopefully other people don't get confused there either!

When we revamp things to try to make a better version of this (if we do), the timing of the throwing mechanic is something we'll definitely be looking at. We'll have to hit some balance between feeling like their throwing when they want to (on mouse click) and visually when they should (when the character's arm is extended). We couldn't quite get it right in time for the jam, but hopefully that's something we can figure out for the future!

We will definitely let you know if we die-cide to keep working on it!

Really cool game! You were right - our games are very similar in their core concept. I like how you implemented special abilities with your dice! We had hoped to implement something similar with ours, but never got to it unfortunately. Your art style is also cool! I appreciate the pen and paper style, especially for 'DnD' like game! I also really liked your UI and how it was laid out/created.

Overall, nicely done!

Nicely done! It's a well rounded, solid game! The concept of rolling and then picking your dice combos to perform your action was well execute! The only thing that threw me off at first was not realizing that I had to use all dice. Once I knew that, I tried to pick my combos more carefully to minimize the negative ones (e.g., don't want to have Kick - Boss as my last option). The Wild and Aggressive dice were nice little additions that helped mix up the game play!

I think the only thing I would change is adding a bit more to your tutorial so players know from the get-go that they have to use all dice, but that they can reroll once if they want to. Other than that, good entry!

Thank you!

It was definitely a hard one to make in the time we had. Our team comprises of 1 programmer, 1 artist, and 1 sound person. We actually got in everything we wanted to, but we didn't get to the level of polish that we wanted to on everything (e.g., the animations and the AI). In the future we're going to try hard to get our core game play loop done as early as possible so we can add polish and really make the game 'pop'.

I'm glad you really like the concept though! It's something we're considering fleshing out some more and adding those things you talked about to make into a full game. We're just trying to determine how much of an interest there would be in a game like that at this moment before we 'roll the dice' on it.

Thank you for your feedback - we really appreciate it! You're right - there's a lot more polish that could be done on this game! And we're considering doing it too instead of just moving on to something else :)

Makes sense! It's hard to do something like that in such a short amount of time! Overall, nice work!

Nice work! The concept of using your mind to change the dice was pretty cool! I got lucky with the doge dog at the end though - he rolled all ones for me! Also.. I too failed to get to the moon. Instead I ended up directly it straight back towards earth. Oops...

The humor was on point - I could tell you had fun making it, and it was fun to play! Nicely done :)

Very clean UI! Nicely done there!

Feedback on enemies when they took damage would be great - sometimes I felt like it took only 1 shot to kill (not just when using the super shot) and other times it felt like 3 and I wasn't sure why. Also disappointed the flames on the first map didn't hurt me - where's my realism??? (Jokes).

It also took me a bit to realize I needed to kill X amount of mobs before I could move on to the next level, especially since there was more than that many mobs on a level (e.g., I need to kill 15, but there's 20 on the map and then I get transferred).

A couple of other things of note if you decide to keep development! The voice line "One dice left" would play seemingly at random. I would get it no matter what amount of dice I had left. Also, besides adding screen shake when firing, I think turning your cross hairs red when you're over an enemy would help aiming a lot! Also adding a least a little bit of vertical aim to your game would be good. I know you were going to match Doom, but if I remember correctly, their maps were mostly flat, so there was no need to aim up or down. Yours had bumps, which added to the realism of the map, but made it much harder to aim. I would also turn down the bloom, the game felt very bright. Food for thought!

Overall, considering this was a solo project - very well done! It's impressive you were able to get in as much as you did!

Neat little game! Kinda reminded me of pokemon with the fighting, training, and resting concept you had going. Way do a creative implementation of the theme!

Nicely done! I totally get the scope creep - every game jam I've done I always struggle with that and end up cutting more stuff out than I want to. It's hard! But this was a neat, little game that as far as I could tell, was bug free, and that in of itself is something to be proud of, so nicely done!

Neat concept! Maybe I missed it, but I think having more control over when you reroll your dice other than just right after you kill an enemy would have been nice! Gives the player more options to execute. But, overall, nice work!

Very cool! I love strategy games and thought it was a nice spin on that concept to fit the theme of this game jam! I think with some quality of life improvements, such as easier movement and accessibility, this game could find it's place! It definitely has a lot of potential!