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Thank you!

Yeah... The AI is pretty dumb, but, I guess that's bound to happen in a game jam like this. It's one of the many things we're looking at improving! Fun fact - they don't go through door frames because the doors themselves prevented the generation of the Nav Mesh there, essentially making the enemies believe there was no viable path the player unless the player fought in the room in which the gobbos spawned. We didn't realize this until after the game was uploaded, but even if we had fixed it, the AI still would've been pretty dumb.

We're also going to be looking into how to do voice lines better! Currently we just set them up to play randomly after X amount of time has past. Getting them to specifically trigger on certain events (e.g., player is near gobbo, so they say that line), is something we hope to fix in future releases!

Thank you for your feedback and for playing our game! We really appreciate it!