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A member registered Jul 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks but I'm afraid it's a little too late now.

We can participate in the next WildJam together.

Do you have Discord then we can discuss all this.

My time zone is UTC/GMT +2 but I am quite flexible about the times. 

Thanks for your feedback.

Yes, there is a fine line between fairness and challenge.

Thanks for your comment, I'm really happy.

There were still many ideas which we unfortunately could not realize in the time.

After all this feedback, it's certainly worth thinking about the further development.

I like the idea with the changes maybe for every change a new obstacle to make it more varied and challenging.

Nice game, auto fire did not work for me in chrome.

Congratulations on your first completed game jam.

I love the art style.

Congratulations on the completion of your first game jam and on such a good game.

Unfortunately nothing happens when you press the start button (Windows).

I hope you can fix it.

Great cover picture.

Very good game except for the floor tileset which often makes you think that this is an obstacle but you can just walk over it and the invisible wall I think a fence with the factory setting would have worked better here.

The input is a bit scattered over the keyboard at least on a qwertz, K is very far from WASD and arrow.

Good work.

The prozendural generation provides for variety and a nice death screen.

Sometimes the enemy projectiles get lost through the ground textures.

Good work.

Thank you for your comment and playing the game.

10/10 voice acting, has a grat sense of homor.

In chrome and firefox the game unfortunately freezes after the conversation with the wife with the angelic voice =(

Plays well and I like the pixel graphics.

It's nice that an additional element was added in the last level, maybe it would be a good idea for every level.

Good job.

Congratulations on completing your first game jam and with such a good game.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback.

That was the essence of what I wanted to express with mechanics.  Change happens constantly it can be positive or negative it depends on how you deal with it.

After some feedback I think most people are waiting for good revolutions and this is a legitimate way to play the game.

From the game design point of view we probably need a little more balancing

Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback.
There's certainly room for improvement in the revolutions, we didn't have the time to do that, but this jam was really educational.

Thanks, I'm happy to hear that.

I like the way the theme was implemented and how luna grows on you and develops a character.

Beautiful art style and sound.

Good hit feedback, nice that you can hit several opponents with the sword to get the most out of it.

Sometimes it's a bit hard to know if you will hit enemies in close combat and you're a master of hitting the air.

Had fun playing a really nice game

Atmospheric music and beautiful art style.

Had fun with this well-made game

Good art style, I like the game mechanics, it plays really well.

The Michael Bay well-behaved exit of the opponent makes you smile

Beautiful graphics and technically flawless, game fun and variety is somewhat lacking.

Plays really well, a nice idea how the theme has been implemented.

I really like the game mechanic and also the music is good.

Could not understand at first what the speed of rotation is supposed to do.

Is fun to play and offers a challenge.

Interesting implementation of the topic.

Plays really well and the music is excellent.

Had a lot of fun.

(1 edit)

In the Retry screen the text sticks out of the panel.

Nice game would have liked a little more variety.

Congratulations on the completion of your first game jam!

Many thanks for the feedback.

Yes, it was intentional that there are advantageous and "bad" revolutions but it is true - of course we can only wait for good ones - we could certainly improve something here.

I hope you had fun with the game.

(1 edit)

Beautiful characters and a good story.

I love the art style and the music,

Good sound and aesthetics, beautiful implementation of the theme

After the jam splash screen i got a black screen.

Sound is good.

Solid game a little more variety would be good.

Good job.

I like the unusual approach to the Theme, enjoyed playing it.

Realy good art and music.

I like how you've handled the theme.

Thanks for your feedback. 

Glad you like it.

Couldn't send you a direct message because you only accept direct messages from friends