Oh my god, this is so good.
A member registered May 12, 2018 · View creator page →
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The Lost Vikings meets Calvin and Hobbes in this charming adventure about a boy and his wolf..
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Re. controls, maybe it'd be easier if you used arrow keys + WASD (and I guess Q and E), since that's a combination people will be more used to?Great job either way, and I'm sure that if I keep playing it, the controls will be a breeze anyway.
edit, nvm, played it again and controls are fine, you just have to play it enough
Thinking about this, you could make a pretty cool and funny 'Reverse Stanley Parable' with this. The main character has a degree of free will and does what they want, and you are the narrator trying to narrate and make sense of it all even when they throw you curve balls and do something else than what you say in your narration.