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A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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I think having to switch between two movement types is a pretty interesting concept. The game looks and sounds really nice, but the stiffness of the unshackled movement could get really frustrating, particularly the lack of air control without a double jump. That might just be because I'm used to other platformers though.

This was a really nice take on the color puzzle theme, not having a jump was a pretty interesting limitation.

I liked this game a lot, and had fun trying to maximize my time remaining. I think that the level worked well with the mechanic. Unless I was missing something though, I didn't realize I could double jump for the first 5 minutes, which would have been nice to communicate.

Massive props for making a game in just html, js, and css, especially in just 3 hours! I like the concept of having limited moves a lot! I'd love to see the concept expanded and polished!

I think this concept is super cool! As you acknowledged on the page there is some physics jank, and I couldn't quite figure out how to control the mirror consistently. I would love to see a version worked on outside of the three hours where you could add some polish and whatnot, because I think that would be really fun.

This game was super fun, I love that you put in the time to make different enemy types, and the art fits the game very well. I wish that you didn't have to wait for as many rounds to see more enemy types, and I'm not sure if you implemented a difficulty curve, but I imagine that this concept could become a really fun and chaotic shooter if expanded upon!

A smart and simple idea executed well. I really like the black and white style, and the music is also good. 

What a great idea! Everything looks super nice, and it feels satisfying and hectic to keep the shelf clear.

It was fun and relaxing experience ascending to great heights. The movement of the box felt nice, and there were some decently challenging jumps and satisfying moments where you could skip a platform or two.It would have been nice to have sound effects, and you could see as the platforms spawned in, but overall this is a very nice game for just 3 hours.

That game is awesome! It's too bad that it's only available on windows. I love the frenetic struggle to get everything into place. I was also really impressed with the animations for the slinky.

I thought the post-processing effects were super cool! The movement feels a little bit too sensitive for my taste, but I like how responsive it all feels.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you like the idea! I didn't plan on extending the game that much but it might be nice to just use a bit of time to iron out movement bugs and make the buildings look nicer.

This was a lot of fun, I loved the aspect of putting thought into your next set of moves.

I like the concept and visual style you've come up with, as well as the music. It would be cool to see the mechanic expanded on - there were a few points where I got frustrated with waiting for the blocks to switch, but I think that with more time you could create interesting levels in the vein of the SMG beat blocks.

(1 edit)

That's a really cool idea. The sound design is great and I loved the puzzles. I will complain that unless I'm missing a mechanic, the last puzzle has multiple options that meet the given numbers, so for that puzzle I relied on trial and error a bit.

41 Deaths!

This was a really fun and tight platformer with great level design. I love how you stuck to a simple idea and executed really solidly.

That was fun, for some reason I couldn't buy more that one box, but I like the idle game concept, and it would be cool to see it expanded.

I really like that mechanic, and would love to play more levels of it!

That was super fun! I really want to see more levels, as I enjoyed figuring out how to control the box around the stage!

That's an awesome idea and concept. It would have been nice to have an easier way to switch dimensions, like a single button or something, but the level design was fun, and I liked the trial and error, with the caveat of 9 lives being limiting when there's no hint as to what is in the other world.

Cool idea with a nice level. After a while it got a bit stale, some ramping difficulty or something could have been fun, but it's very impressive and polished for 3 hours

I had a lot of fun, my only comlaint is than a lot of times I had to exit to the menu to get rid of the block display and be able to run my program

I was shockingly invested in the game, and I was surprised by how wreadable the 16x16 was. Good Job!

Sorry about that, I reuploaded the game, which should fix the issue

I had a lot of fun with this. I liked how it ramped up in difficulty, and the sound design was great. It might have been nice to hear a little music though.

...and a 1:05.93 Perfect Run

Update: I got a 1:00.73

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I decided to do a few speedruns of this fun little game, and got my time down to a 1:05.20. Sub-one minute time is definitely achievable with better chest opening and some better movement. I hope to do some more attempts soon.

No problem, that makes total sense!

Nice little game! A little bug: my score would always start at 8, and then jump to 1 after I killed an ememy after I died.

I had a lot of fun with this game! I hope that a lot more people are able to play and rate it!

The only problem I had with it is that the names of the different sectors aren't on the sectors, they're offset quite a bit, so It's difficult to tell which is which. This may be intentional, but it doesn't seem that way.

My one complaint is that the paddle jumps positions when the controls change. It would also be nice to see some more control combinations to make it more mind-breaking.

I really liked how the game looked. I might have preferred a smaller area that didn't feel so empty at the beginning, but I had a lot of fun!

A Clarification about the sounds, the sound effects are not orginal, but the music is.

Oh, nice, very cool concept then.

The second genre made me laugh out loud. The fighting was unwieldy, but I enjoyed everything else about the game, from the stick-figure art style to the music. Nice job!

I assumed most of my complaints were due to lack of time. Even so, I really liked the game.

Really unique game.

Simplistic art style.

I don't know what genres you chose, but it sure is different. I don't know where memories plays in.

It was unclear what to do.

The boss fight phase didn't seem as fleshed out as the platforming. The collisions were really glitchy, the enemies didn't hurt you, and the relationship to memories seems pretty weak. That being said, I liked the character design and a lot of the art.