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A member registered Dec 18, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for the feedback; I agree completely with all of your points. If I make an updated version in the future these are all on my list.

Thank you! I hope you enjoy playing it.

That is actually a much older version of the game; the download should now have the correct up to date file. If you redownload the game it should have no version number on the title screen. Apologies, and thanks for reporting it!

Beta Version Log:


  • Fixed movement tile (map #6) causing soft-lock.
  • Fixed several grammatical text issues.
  • Fixed graphics for secret forest Apothecary tiles.
  • Fixed several Dark Altar tiles registering as Explore tiles for Druid staff.


  • Implemented Character Cursor  - Displays sprites for player/NPCs.
    • Player sprite is random by default, but can be toggled in settings.
  • Expanded Explore Tile Outcomes - Several new events/encounters.
  • Improved Menu Interfaces - UI now shows relevant stats.
    • Merchant/Supplies screen show prices & Gold total.
    • Trophies/Archives screens show Gems.
    • Treasures screen shows Mana.
  • Miner event no longer ends when inputted choice isn't possible.
  • Added tooltip prompt on how Scoring works.
  • Reduced mana cost of Blessed Cross from 4 > 3.
  • Reduced standard Treasure cost from 30 > 25.
  • Reduced gold from Library per treasure from 5 > 4.
  • Increased Score needed for Stategist trophy from 120 > 150.
  • Removed Potions from Merchant's stock.
  • Fixed Lootbag tiles only ever giving Potions.
  • Fixed Bandit tile (map #16) setting gold to wrong value.
  • Minor fixes and changes to text, sprites and screen transitions.


  • Fixed high scores not displaying Gem total correctly.
  • Fixed specific movement tile causing off-screen soft lock.
  • Fixed graphical glitch with a movement tile.


  • Expanded High Scores - Shows top 5 scores and run completion status.
  • Added Alternate Tiles - Replace others at set points during a run.
    • Hunters (Inn  Alt.) - Gives rations at start of a run.
    • Apothecary (Merchant  Alt.) - Gives potions at start of a run.
    • Movement tiles now flip direction in latter half of runs.
  • Added Toggles - Intended for experienced players.
    • Skip Intro/Tooltips - Press 4x SELECT on Title screen.
    • Enable Fast Dice Rolls - Press 4x SELECT on Supplies screen.
  • Added preliminary gold check for Merchant.
  • Magic no longer displayed as option for combat if mana is too low.
  • Environmental Effects (Soldiers/Undead) limited to appearing twice each per run.
  • Movement tiles mostly reduced to move you only 1 tile.
  • Increased cost of Druid Staff from 3 > 4.
  • Reduced mana debuff of Undead from 2 > 1.
  • Reduced gold gained via Assassins from 24 > 23.
  • Various tile functionality & text fixes.
  • [DMG] Fixed major graphical bug appearing from region 4 onward.
  • [DMG] Fixed many instances of visible text glitches.


  • Overhauled Audio
    • Added Sound Effects.
    • Adjusted music playback speed.
    • Added music/SFX mute toggles. 
  • Added New Maps/Regions
    • 4 new overworld maps (16 total).
    • 2 new secret forest maps (3 total).
  • Optimisations - Less slowdown.
  • Dark Altar teleport now moves you 2-4 tiles instead of always 3.
  • Fixed cursor-lock when scrolling/selecting quickly.
  • Fixed scrying wand cost and dialogues.


  • Varied Secret Forest Entrances - Now need to be searched for, can't just be memorised, incentivises changing routes.
  • Added Environmental Modifiers - Affect Explore / tiles.
    • Boneyard (Undead) - High debuff potential. 10% appear chance.
    • Watchtower (Soldiers) - High buff potential. 10% appear chance.
  • Reduced Gold awarded per treasure on Library tiles from 6 > 5.
  • Fixed Treasure tile (map #3) causing soft-lock (infinite loop).
  • Fixed cross directional choices not giving options the second time around.
  • Fixed Inn tile not giving all options, also streamlined text. 
  • Fixed secret forests not giving re-rolls on repeat visits.
  • Various other tile functionality fixes.
  • Fixed 'Reroll Possible' trigger not resetting on new game (title screen).
  • Fixed Druid Staff not resetting when entering new region.


  • Fixed specific Loot-bag tile causing off-screen soft lock.
  • Fixed Library tile text.


  • Added Alternate Tiles - Replace others at set points during a run.
    • Library (Loot-bag  Alternative) - Gives gold based on # of treasures.
    • Lake (Wizard  Alternative) - Provides additional dice re-rolls.
  • Added Treasure Lender - Free piece of treasure now given at mid-way point of a run.
  • Added Event Avatars - Some events now have avatars in dialogue.
  • Added preliminary gold check for Wizard & Inn.
  • [DMG] Blocked access to Archive (system incompatible with feature).
  • Fixed explore (secret) tiles not giving re-rolls properly on revisits.
  • Minor graphical & text alterations.


  • Revamped Scoring - Scoring is no longer exclusive to victorious runs. Victories instead get +20% bonus score.
  • Added Dice Re-rolling  - Start each game with a limited number of re-rolls to your dice.
  • Redesigned Cursor - In-game cursors are now a lot clearer.
  • Reduced mana cost of Blessed Cross from 6 > 4.
  • [DMG] Added check for colour compatible systems on palette changes (crash fix).
  • [DMG] Adjusted intro to fix graphical bug.
  • Minor text fixes & alterations.
  • Minor tile functionality fixes.


  • Fixed Ration/Potion count not resetting on new game.


Initial Public Release

(1 edit)

In GB Studio there are several features that only work correctly on Color systems, not the original DMG systems. Most projects will still be fine to run on both, but there are several reasons why you might want to limit the game to only run on Color systems, such as if the game you've made uses features that don't work correctly without the additional power of those systems.

In order to create a lock-out screen in these instances, you would use the function 'Is Color Mode Available' as a check on starting the game. If false, then you direct to a scene that in the background simply states the game only works on Color systems, and if true, you direct to the actual title screen of the game.

If you're not sure whether you need a lockout screen, give your game a quick test on a DMG system or emulator in DMG mode and see it if still works as you'd like. If it doesn't, then you can look into making the lock-out screen.

This game shows a lot of talent, and is so far one of the best GB homebrew titles out there, so I think moving in this direction away from the licenced property it was based on is a great idea. Looking forward to seeing where it goes.

Really good stuff. The foundation you've built here is very impressive, and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.


  • Some i-frames would be good; had an instance of a bat rushing into me while next to a collision block so it hit three times in quick succession.
  • Movement feels alright, though a little heavy; you can jump quite high but fall quite quickly, feels like it could be toned down a bit.
  • SELECT to change between aspects of the Menu (Map/Gear etc.) feels more intuitive imo, especially considering the map is navigable.


  • After dying my character respawned in a state where it would cycle through all its sprites (all weapon animations, some glitches) when idle or moving. I imagine something just changed the player actors animation speed up from 0 here.
  • The yellow arrow indicating which set of gear is equipped doesn't move if changing from Knight to Rogue but does work vice versa.
  • Equipping the potion after the gem onto the quick slot works as intended, but vice versa equips both on top of one another, sprites overlap.
  • Minor sprite glitches flash momentarily when opening the menu at times.
  • At one point I had the crossbow equipped before I'd received it and couldn't switch back to the knife with the button shortcut.
  • Enemies can dash off screen (not sure if intentional, happened with a slime).

Happy to elaborate on any point or show evidence if anything is unclear.

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Yeah, rogue-likes/lites are one of my favourite genres, and FTL is among my favourite games. It's a genre that didn't have a place on the Game Boy back in the day, but one that I think fits really well, and one that I hope more homebrew devs explore.

I've considered the scene change with portraits for events, it's just something that I know would take me forever to do the art for, but definitely something I'd love to implement to an extent. My only concern would be bringing the player out of the gameplay too much if done every turn, so maybe only for certain event tiles.

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for this! No worries about sounding harsh/negative; I'd rather get honest criticisms to have something to work on improving. Some of these things I was working on finding a solution for and others I hadn't considered, so it's definitely helpful.

Filled in the feedback form. Great foundation you've built here; the world itself is really well constructed, it just needs more to interact with and do whilst you explore it.

Really well polished. The art and UI are all really nice, and the game is perfect for the system.

Thanks! I really appreciate your work to highlight games in the GB homebrew community as well, please keep it up!

Thanks! I am planning on adding animations and sound effects to encounters.

(3 edits)

The goal is to survive through 6 boards with as much gold and treasure as you can.

Best thing to aim for starting out is to get 25 gold through tile events, then press START (Enter) and go into ‘Items’ and buy a treasure, to gain a new ability.

At first your input is to just choose directions at intersections, or what to do on certain tiles, but once you’ve got a treasure you can use its ability to help in specific ways (e.g. move a specific number of spaces for a mana cost). 

More treasures mean more options, and the game is mostly about strategizing where to go and what to use and when. 

I will likely expand on the tutorial in future, so if there’s anything specific that’s unclear or confusing I’ll try and clarify.

Pilgrim's Peril community · Created a new topic Version Log
(27 edits)

Those features denoted with a  are only available in the full game (Not in LITE versions)


  • Fixed Super GB support being deactivated in previous version.


  • Fixed exploit allowing for unlimited dice rerolls.
  • Fixed NPC encounters not allowing use of Local Map treasure afterward.


  • [Added Super GB Support - Custom border & palette.
  • [Added Lifetime Run Stats - Stats across all playthroughs.
  • [Expanded Player Icons - More options for character cursor.
  • Added High Score Rankings - Rankings based on score totals.
  • Added Treasure Alchemise Option - Treasures can be sold mid-run.
  • Expanded in-game stats screen to be more comprehensive.
  • Expanded Star Ratings on Title Screen based on game progress.
  • Added final victory screen once all objectives are met.
  • The Archive now supports (is viewable on) DMG systems.
  • Added Miner event to Explore tiles.
  • Added icons to indicate completion of sections on Homeland screen.
  • Added additional tutorials/pop-ups to guide players.
  • Warlock encounter no longer gives treasure, gives +1 dice.
  • Increased mana cost of Ethereal Key from 7 > 8.
  • Reduced mana cost for Poppet from 6 > 4.
  • Reduced health cost of Poppet from 4 > 3.
  • Reduced mana cost of Blessed Cross from 3 > 2.
  • Fixed environmental modifiers (Soldiers/Undead) not resetting on new game.
  • Fixed Beggar event not restoring stats properly.
  • Various tile functionality, text and graphical fixes.
(3 edits)

Pilgrim's Peril is a rogue-like dungeon crawler game made for the GBC/Analogue Pocket.

Roll dice to move across randomised sets of regions, employing whatever random selection of treasures, abilities and paths you come across to strategically push through to respite. Learn tactics, earn trophies, and push to improve your high score as you uncover what little information you can about the curse that looms over the land.

(3 edits)

For any comments or feedback about the game.

Pilgrim's Peril community · Created a new topic Bug Reports

For reporting any bugs, glitches, or unintentional behaviours you've encountered whilst playing.

Please state the version that you're playing as well. Thanks!

Art style and concept work really well; it has a lot of potential.

I am currently working on other projects, but I may well go back and expand on it in future, maybe adding in a quiz element and more details.

Great job! The music and animations are really nice. Looking forward to a full release.

Just paste the URL of your image, press enter and it should bring it in. If you haven't already upload your image to an image sharing site like Imgur to get a link to it.

I assume you mean has a game been rejected coverage from a news outlet because it wasn't on Steam. If so the answer is probably yes - many people use steam and if a game isn't available on the service or one of the other well known platforms (GOG, Humble) then outlets have less reason to cover it if they're focusing on popular games. It isn't some shady move for profit, it's just the business decision that makes sense.

"Your project should not be constantly on sale"

This will probably be what affects the most people at the moment.

Is it possible to add further donation to the developer of a purchased product without having to just buy a second version of the product?

I think the tag is still there.

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Just post the url in the text and it'll show up.

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A dump of some of my older pieces.

And some of the icons I've been working on for my asset pack.

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Well already lets you choose fully what to give them. So upon withdrawing your profits you could just decide their cut based on how much you've earned like you describe here. Making it an official system seems unnecessary.

(1 edit)

- Vampires spawning (not with bats) naturally are basically a game-ender. I think that their damage should be limited to 1 heart (total) whenever some of them are concentrating.

- When you pick up an item with a full inventory there should be a way to decline throwing one away (i.e. a back button), like you have with the keys. This might already be in but I couldn't find out how to do it.

- Heroes being lost isn't really a fun mechanic, especially when they don't offer much advantage over the starter character, if any. If they're going to be lost maybe they should actually accompany the starting hero in some way (i.e. only in the dungeon where you free them), else a permanent unlock system of some sort would probably be better.

(3 edits)

Any game with an 100% discount can't be downloaded in the app because the 'Buy' option is still the only one available. Because this just brings you to a page where you can redirect directly to the download, there is no way to launch the game from the app unless you purchase (i.e. donate to) it.

Any game that is 100% off also doesn't show up in the 'Free' tag on the site; basically 100% discounts haven't been accounted for. :P

How do you save your game? I only saw an exit to main menu option, then I couldn't load my game.

The demo was great! Surprisingly addictive and with a great art style. Can't wait to buy the full product!