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A member registered Mar 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow! Thanks a lot for playing our game!

We're focused this month on finishing this game, and your feedback was really inspiring!

Thank you again! :D

Haaaaa thanks for playing and for notifying me about the bugs :)

I will check as soon as I can.

Naver, thank you for playing and for you feedback, it keeps me motivated to finish the game <33

Wow! Thank you   :D

Yes, the game it's not finished yet, but we need feedback about what was made until now, so we submit the game with an... "not much effective monster"  XD

Thank you again for your time spend playing ;)

Thank you so much for playing!

I'm very happy that the core mechanic of the game worked well! Now we're gonna work on improvements on the scary things that will happen when you blink!

And thanks for you feedback! It's very important =D

One of the bests game I've played until now!

I loved the shaders's choices, the atmosphere, the "low fps" effect, the flashlight mechanic, everything!

I loved the art and the style!

The sound is very suitable too.

And where you put the tips... HAHA! Genial idea!

I liked the atmosphere that the game creates, and the sounds are scary!

I liked the 2D enemies, it's always a pleasure play a "doom like" game. I loved the way their "broke" when they die.

And, like Fanie said, animations when you pick a weapon it's very nice.

Simple but fun mechanics, lovely game, and the visual is AWESOME!

Love it!

Thanks for playing and for being patient with the bug  XD

Yeah, we're gonna keep developing this game, and I'm very exited! We have a well defined TODO list of features to be implemented, including music :)

Thank you again for your feedback ;)

Fixed!  ;)

OMG! Sorry for that!

Looks like my json with all dialogs are missing!

I'm gonna fix this soon as i have time!

thanks for letting me know, and again, sorry!

Camera fixed ;)

Thanks alot for your feedback Kleber! It's very important to us! <33

(1 edit)

Guys, this game it's a WIP, we don't have enought time to finish the monster implementation, but we gonna keep working on this project, and every feedback about what we do until now it's absolutely welcome.

All instructions to how to play it's on description.

Thaaaaanks  :D

Really good!

A nice idea and an even better implementation!

Despite the horrible music, the game is really fun!  XD

But it's not a bad game! You failed in made a bad game. Sorry.

A good experience!

Loved the music! I felt relaxed for a moment.

Really nice game!

Thank you so much!  :D

Wow, I was not expecting that! HAHA

Thank you! I'm really glad you liked it!

Thanks for the feedback and for the suggestions too!

Thanks for you feedback  :D

We tried to use the theme in enemies, and the map itself have a Tableau I format

Thank you for your feedback! <3
And I played your game! And it's amazing! Really good!

Yeah! This is my first JAM, and my first 3D game in Godot, so miziziz"s tutorials help me a LOT :D

I tried to increase some things, like the reload system and a HUD (this is the first time I build a HUD too), little things, but I am very proud to have succeeded in 48 hours  <3

Thank you for you feedback!

Amazing game! I love it!

The idea it's simple but well implemented and work absolutely well!

One of my favorites of this JAM!

Wow! Amazing and beautiful game!

Very hard, but I loved the music!

One of the best! HAHAHAHAHAA

And I don't even like horror games!


I liked the player walking animation  :)