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A member registered Jun 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Animation and art is nice and charming with that retro vibe. The gameplay is interesting with turn based platforming but I think it causes some bugs or issues? Such as when your movement turn ends but your mech still moves or is on a conveyer belt/slides off etc. Unless that is intended? I.e. you have to be careful how much you move? Additionally, killed enemies still had their turn even if they did nothing.

The tutorial was a bit confusing to me, controls weren't really explained nor the UI. A lot of loading screens too. I didn't get very far but interesting project.

Yeah pretty much

Here's a recording of it

Standard movement feels a bit slow for me personally but the animation is nice and feels weighty. Enemies felt a bit spongey to me and I'd like if I could hold to shoot instead of clicking rapidly.  Visuals are nice with that retro PS1 look, and as I mentioned, animations are very nice. I like the variety of locations.

Minor Bug? I had with the teleporter. I'd move onto it while holding forwards and it'd automatically orient me to face the other way and I'd walk off before I could select something. So I had to slowly and carefully land on it everytime.

UI is nice and I like the roguelite elements and with permanent upgrades so you still gain something.

Seems a bit unfinished? With the lack of ambient sounds and music, unbuilt lighting message, being able to fly through the environment, placeholder assets? etc. The camera angles and movement is cool but can be a bit jarring, especially when it turns sharply almost imediately after an enemy group appears. Shooting and locking on feels nice and the mecha spaceship is cool. The VFX is also pretty cool, like the missile trails, particle effects etc.

Neat project, and it'd be cool to see this fleshed out more.

At the start of every level I was hit by a really loud shot sound, and in levels the enemy shot sounds are very loud relative to everything else.

Doesn't seem like I can really dodge and shoot enemies at the same time as moving throws my shots off, but staying in front of an enemy means I get hit.

Like the mecha design and music though and being able to do spins and flips is fun.

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Interesting visuals. Picking up weapons and leg parts from downed enemies is neat, like salvaging parts from wrecks.

As another mentioned, I had a bug in the 2nd level where the audio kept switching from the left and right channels which was rather uncomfortable. Didn't see a huge difference or a difference at all with changing legs? A few sound effects, such as this high pitched one, were a bit grating to me.

I had another issue with the camera, where it seems like the camera goes through the wall behind me or the ground when aiming up usually. Some of the NPCs also seemed to be stuck/inactive. Even while approaching them and shooting at them.

I don't feel armored core too much but the opening text and music captured that feel.

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Thanks for playing. Yeah, the laser rifle one shots enemies except from aces who spawn in later waves randomly, with the downside of a longer reload and lower mag capacity. I believe I made the enemy spawns random within a designated area. I suppose in hindsight maybe making them spawn around the player randomly instead might work better.

Thanks for that too! Making the enemy AI move in 3D space is new to me since the built in unreal engine AI navigation doesn't work in 3D space, and making a friendly AI is a first for me also.

Love the dashy movement style. Feels great to close in on enemies with it, really gives the "anime mecha pilot" feel and reminds me of Armored Core For Answer when I try blading in that. Mechs look cool and I like the frosty planet. Seeing enemy mechs go flying coupled with the slap sound when you hit them is satisfying and hilarious.

A little confused on the gameplay though? Doesn't seem like you can really die (I didn't test it but I got hit quite a bit in a playthrough) and there isn't really much point in killing the enemies aside from the giant boss?

Some jank (default placeholder cubes?), mainly with the camera and I'd have liked some ranged options but cool project overall

Love the goofy feel of it, down from the concept, the music and visuals such as the dragon. Tank controls are a bit awkward for me but I imagine for people used to it in games it's not too bad. As I said, I love the goofy feel, and its different from the general idea of a mech game where it would be action, shooter, war themed etc.

Personally not my cup of tea but neat project.

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Game was worked on before the jam period but was allowed by host due to personal timeframes not matching. Rules followed and still made within a 2 week period of course. Mentioning here as nowhere else to mention.

Hey, found your cartridge on the fake famicom exhibition for a game called "Breathe". I was wondering if I could get your permission to possibly make it as an actual game as part of the "Game by its cover 2022" game jam. I see you make games yourself though so I get if you want to make it yourself. Would've sent a DM but no such way to do so via so comment it is :/.

Interesting manifesto though, ("I don't care about the f****** ray tracing" lol) cute animation too.

Although I've never played them, this game reminds me of games such as the mechwarrior series.

I like the retroy 32 bit sorta aesthetics on things such as the textures, as well as the bulky utility aesthetic of the mechs.

The sound design is immersive, with the soft sound of rain, or the muffled sounds from outside your mech. The beeps and system sounds, as well as button clicks also made me feel engaged. While I'm guessing the aforementioned games were more sim like in gameplay with system managements and the like, I did like the minor management of stuff such as heat. Additionally with the gameplay, from trying to engage enemies from a distance, or get into positions where I can hit them well, but they can't hit me much. Doing so I also had to account for my weapon's positions as well, to decide which weapons to use.

Not much of a complaint, but being able to destroy trees through weapons or movement would add some world interactivity and satisfaction.

Wow this is pretty neat. Very retro accurate, down to to visuals like the modelling and VFX, the sound effects, voice acting and music, the 2D art assets. I'm too young to have experienced the 32 bit era as a kid personally, but damn if that didn't make me feel anemoia.

Controls, movement and shooting felt pretty good. As do the visuals and sound. An arcady feel. A lot of potential here to be expanded, with more enemy types, mission types etc.

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Hi thanks for playing! The gun is actually firing at properly, it uses hitscans with tracer rounds every so often (the tracers are just eye candy). Not sure if you're new to shooters, but think of how in most FPS games with hitscans, you ocassionally see tracers while firing continously. There are sparks particle effects on impact, but the retro shader does make it hard to see things in the distance and the enemies don't give much feedback to damage.

Yeah I added a tell that the elite enemies and the boss are gonna dash by kneeling for a second before, but again, it might be a bit hard to notice in the distance or at all with the pace of the game. Perhaps I could've made a more noticable tell. Some AI and animation jank on my behalf also means they may dash without that or while moving towards you (which isn't intended) .-.

Not really sure what to say as there isn't much as a prototype, but the premise and backstory sounds interesting. I like the pixel art work for the character too. You still put effort to make something, thats honestly more than I can say for most people I know from school or college.

Enjoying the metahumour and references to anime and the mecha genre. Things seem a bit still as there are little to no animations, but the visuals look nice and surreal. The movement controls feel fine to me, but the movement itself feels a bit weird in a way I can't put it, it appears the character also perpetually drifts while moving forwards, unless that is intended. I like the music, it gives that almost cheesy mecha anime vibe to me. I also like the usage of 3D space, a lot of mecha I see, they're usually flying around dodging projectiles and what not, but it seems like very few mecha games do that sorta thing.

Thanks, I do feel like the VFX are too high quality for retro though, but they're from a free asset pack and I didn't have time to make my own.

Not sure about 100% GPU usage hmm. I do feel like most UE4 games I play, indie as in jam or professional, or even professional AA and AAA games, GPU usage does seem high generally. Though I've not really looked into optimisation aside from whether or not it runs fine when I playtest it, nor am I familiar with that technical side much :/

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Thanks for the feedback! I would've loved to make a prologue sorta thing with story elements (hence the backstory dump on the game page), actual levels (or a single larger level) that you progress through but couldn't due to time (and possibly skill issues .-.), and cause I'd also have to create 3D art assets to fit such as what you'd expect from a factory assembly line for example.

The VFX were from a free asset pack, and too high quality for the retro aesthetic I was going for. I would've loved to have been able to create retro looking VFX but couldn't due to time and maybe skill issues. (A lot of retro/PS1 VFX tutorials I saw weren't for Unreal's particle systems >_>). Thanks anyways!

Thanks for the feedback! I personally prefer lower sensitivities but in hindsight I could've made the range of the slider greater.

Thanks for the feedback! I personally prefer lower sensitivities but in hindsight I could've made the range of the slider greater. I'm not too familiar with using behaviour trees in unreal so there is some AI jank such as them getting stuck. .-.

Thanks for the feedback! I personally prefer lower sensitivities but in hindsight I could've made the range of the slider greater.

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I like the pixel work, even if the level tiles are very samey looking and repeated without much variation. The mechs look good too, but the walk cycle feels a bit off in my opinion, just a bit too slow? I'm not sure. I personally would just like a bit more mobility too gameplay wise. Maybe some more impact on landing or killing bosses i.e. "juice"/"game feel"? The inclusion of different characters with different starter weapons While I haven't played them, but seen them, this reminds me of those 2D side scrolling mech games you'd see on old consoles like Cybernator for example. I did get some slowdown too, weird but not sure if it's the browser (I'm using firefox), I know it's not my PC's hardware for sure though. But good work regardless! (If you got two notifications or see two comments bugged and double posted. I deleted the other one but not sure if it's "fixed" :/)

Not much but quick and simple. The punching is hilarious, but in a good way.

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Haha the gibbing in this game is hilarious, but in a good way. Shooting feels good and impactful, neat mix of the shooting and platforming with the mobility options. Even with the arrow guides, it did seem a bit difficult to know where to go without first time/without having failed before. The roll feels a bit weightless or "off", but not really a huge problem or a complaint. I like the cyberpunk/blade runner sorta skyline in the background and main menu.

I like the the aesthetics, its cute in a retro and endearing sort of way, same with the sound effects. Normally I'm not into puzzle style games, but I found it fairly intuitive and quick to learn how it plays, as well as easy to figure out what the better routes for destruction are. Mix of puzzle elements with analysing and planning your route, and minor arcade reflexes with quick thinking with the breaking blocks.

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Oh wow thats really good and cute haha, I like your rendition of my character design! Thanks for that!

Liking the visuals, and the story elements and dialogue were interesting. Like the enemies moving and attacking on the beat of the song. I also thought it was interesting how you went for a priestess for the magical girl concept rather than the conventional idea of cute dresses and vivid colours. Not sure if it was just me but I personally couldn't understand the rhythm elements, as someone else stated it's good that you don't get penalised a lot for missing the beat, but I could effectively just mash the fire button and still make it by. Good presentation and polish though.

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Like the artwork and music, interesting concept with taking photos with a limited range to defeat the boss rather than just shooting like a conventional shmup. Sorta like a high risk reward given the shortish range of the camera and it's your only form of attack, but also clears bullets with each photo. Very Touhou esque in it's music and feel.

Hey thanks for playing and for the feedback. There actually is a beam indicator but its only on the easy difficulty, but I see what you mean since from most other bullet hells/shmups I've played, there does seem to be a laser indicator regardless of difficulty. I was just thinking of ways to differentiate the different difficulties. I wanted a scrolling city background for the level but I did wonder if it'd cause contrast issues so thanks for that.

Hey thanks for playing, yeah the reason it's a UE4 game is because I'm more knowledgeable in regards to it compared to other engines like unity or other ways to develop games. I do agree that a web game or light weight game would be easier but again, I don't know how to do so. Thanks for pointing out the back ground issue, should be fixed now. Interesting, I've play tested my compiled game many times and it never bugged after the beating the boss, but thanks for pointing out that as a potential bug.

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Hey thanks for playing! Yeah I agree, I made a shmup first and didn't really have a huge idea of integrating card mechanics, same with character design. I sorta just wanted to make a wolf girl character so I could use the game name ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but definitely could've done more in regards to the character design.  Touhou was definitely a main inspiration, hence the touhou styled music haha. Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Thanks! That's exactly the feel I was going for. Doesn't get me points for originality haha but oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The friendly mech and fighting on foot combined with the movement options made me think of titanfall and I like having a friendly to fight with. I like the misty atmosphere of the environment. As well as running out of time for a tutorial, I'm assuming you ran out of time for some visuals too since the mech has no animation, many objects are just cubes etc.? As someone else mentioned, I did notice how enemies would run away and disengage after shooting at me a bit, is that a bug or working as intended? But I did like the gunplay, the weapon sounds are satisfying, with the shots sounding impactful and the mechanical noises pleasing. It'd be interesting to see this fleshed out with more polish, enemy types etc.!

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Really like the presentation with the splash screen, the way the main menu worked, the smooth transition from main menu to game. Liking the music and free flying, most mech and mecha games I play restrict you to the ground or have limited flight. I like the mech design too, I think it looks pretty cool and I especially love the way the cannons flip out when in use. I do agree with some comments though with the fast enemy spawn and the fact the base is defenseless and easily swarmed. Due to enemy speed and cannon projectile travel time, its difficult to shoot down enemies heading towards the base so you pretty much need to turn back immediately. Really like the game all in all and is well polished!

You really caught my eye when I saw your WIP on the mechjam 2 discord haha. (Sorry if you got 3 notifications or saw this comment 3 times, or my web browser freaked out for a bit >_>)

I think its pretty cool, those robots you build and the fact that you build them. I like the retro aesthetic music and name in particular haha. The sounds felt kinda weak lacking impact personally. Still liked it though!

Flying the helicopter around is pretty fun, and I like the almost steamy industrial and hydraulic design of the mechs, especially when they exhaust while doing actions.

Hey thanks for the feedback!  Yeah for the level you're equipped with only a chest mounted gun, in game reasoning being that you're a rookie and they didn't want to spend more than necessary for a test mission. I figured that it was "alright" since in games like armored core, unless you manage your ammo and/or equip a melee, you're boned if you're out of ammo. I did want to add a melee but ran out of time.

Thanks for the solution to the resolution thing! Like I said, I'm not too familiar with configuring UE4 to be played in different resolutions and aspect ratios >_>

Hey thanks for the feedback!  Yeah for the level you're equipped with only a chest mounted gun, in game reasoning being that you're a rookie and they didn't want to spend more than necessary for a test mission. I figured that it was "alright" since in games like armored core, unless you manage your ammo and/or equip a melee, you're boned if you're out of ammo. I did want to add a melee but ran out of time.

That is a problem with just text, I ran out of time for sound and I don't have anyone to do voice acting >_>.

Hey thanks for the feedback! I've actually never played a mechwarrior game before but I've seen gameplay of it! My main inspiration was armored core, hence the faster pace and zippy movement.

Yeah for the level you're equipped with only a chest mounted gun, in game reasoning being that you're a rookie and they didn't want to spend more than necessary for a test mission. I did want to add a melee attack for a last resort but I ran out time/didn't manage my time as well as I should've. I figured that it was "alright" since in games like armored core, unless you manage your ammo and/or equip a melee, you're boned if you're out of ammo.