Loved the Space Harrier take on a mech shooter, and the designs of the Mekjam and the enemy ships were fun! Gave me some Gummy Ship vibes from Kingdom Hearts, haha.
Still, I had some issues. I think the way the mech aims is very unwieldly; if you aim anywhere but dead-on, wherever the mech is situated, you're bound to miss most of your shots. Doing it closer to how Space Harrier handles aiming could benefit the game, personally, but that's just one way to handle it.
Otherwise... Audio had a way of playing overtop of itself, which leads to some really overwhelmingly loud moments, like when levels start. Oh, and during the final level... the initial zoomed-out build to the boss is nice, but you tend to just... fly right past it, rendering the boss unbeatable. That's on top of the fact that the bosses across the board don't really... do all that much.
Still, there's so much here I enjoy, and the fourth wall breaks in the story are really fun! Definitely something I enjoyed going through, and I'd love to see more of your work in the future!
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