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A member registered Nov 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is so polished, I swear if it was a little longer you could just straight up release it.

Fun game, very well executed. Fitting the theme might be a bit of a stretch, but hey most of them are. Including mine.

Cute idea for a game, great use of squash-and-stretch too!

Great idea, great execution :)

This is a perfect score without a doubt! Execution, idea, polish. Everything was perfect!

Pretty tough! Thanks for making this!!

Good proof of concept.

The humor in this really makes it stand out. Thank you for making this!!

Thank you!! :D

This was well executed! One of my first thoughts was maybe you could have the pipes "flap" towards the center.

Thanks for making this!

Good job :)

Fun concept! These types of games are hard to balance since you can just stockpile points and then send in a huge army that the enemy can't handle >:)

Great job here, very fun game. The last puzzle had me thinking for a bit, great design all around!

(1 edit)

No clue! Yes it is Godot. If I can help in any way let me know!

This was a fun time, thank you for making it! Final time for me was 4:45 :)

Great concept, even better execution!

This is a really cute idea. Thanks for making this!

This was very fun! I did softlock myself at one point so I do wish there was a way to restart the level, instead of having to restart the game like I did :P

Thanks for making this!

I did it, I beat the knight! 

This is a cute game with a good concept. It did take me a while to figure out that you had to click your character after choosing a card, but I got it eventually.

Thanks for making this :)

What a fun idea! Pretty well executed too. Swinging the frogs around is addicting and satisfying. Even more impressed that you made the engine, fantastic job!!

This is addicting... Fantastic job, thank you!

The amount of polish here, just wow! Feels great to play. Thank you for making this!

This was really well done! The voice-actor's voice was smooth and easy to listen to, making it an easy choice to get all of the endings. Y'all could very obviously lean even harder in the horror atmosphere here and make a great horror game.

What happened during ending 5/5!? D:

Interesting idea! The different weapons breaking into the different pieces really opens it up. Thanks for this!

Thank you for playing! We really appreciate your comments :)

Such a creative idea!

Amazing job!

Wow this is exactly the kind of cleverness I'd hope for with this theme. First perfect rating from me!

Fun idea. Amazing execution.

Not sure if anyone else ran into this issue but my mouse-movement would add a bit of drift, but only to the right.

Funny idea. He's so quick sometimes you can't beat him to it!

This was great! Played to the end :D

What a creative and effective use of voxels! Super fun to play. I think my only feedback would maybe be some sort of zoom function.

One of my favorites so far, simple but fun and challenging. Fantastic job here!

Cute graphics, gameplay is perhaps a bit too easy, I could see this being fleshed out and scaling up though!

Oh man this one was addicting! You did a great job of making the bullets actually hard to avoid.

This was pretty fun! I was happy to see the randomness in the snake-movement, it made the game much more interesting!

Thank you! <3

I kept pushing my limits haha! This was a fun time :) Great job

Thank you for such kind words!

I really liked this idea, even if it is slightly cursed haha!