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A jam submission

PimentonView game page

A platformer inspired by the film Paprika
Submitted by curlyGoblin (@mrkulade) — 3 hours, 30 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#863.8413.841

Ranked from 246 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does you game fit the theme?
This was my very first game jam and I'm quite proud with how much I learned making Pimenton. The theme was inspired by the film Paprika (which had a lot of dream scenes and surreal scenes of the world falling apart that created a lot of uncertainty of what was real) and so I tried to capture that feeling a bit through a game where the levels end up being fake and falling apart. Hope you enjoy!

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
I watched a lot of unity tutorials and followed a lot of them for how to write code, but everything was made from scratch. I also used FEEL by More Mountains, which I own from the Unity store. The art and audio are all made from scratch.

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Never trust the goblin!


short and simple, an ingredient of successful jam! good job!


Cool concept made me chuckle


This is a very cool game :D
I like the concept



Loved the level transitions and the humor. That and the quality level design made this very enjoyable. Well done!


That was fun and very different than what I've played so far! Well done!


I liked the character design of the player, and loved the transitions between levels! The wall jumping controls were a bit hard to get used to and didn't entirely feel comfortable, but I eventually figured it out. The levels were also designed really well and really incorporate the jam's theme. Overall great game, I really enjoyed it!


This game was really good! I had a lot of fun playing it. The wall jumping was a little difficult especially dodging the spikes but aside from that really nicely made!


It's a cute little white marshmallow, took me some time to get used to the wall jumping, but this is such a well-designed game. Overall enjoyed the levels in this game, well done!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I started playing it thinking it was going to be another boring game platformer and ended up being one of the best games I tried during this jam. Really well done!

Most of these kinds of games where the walls and floors are "fake" make you feel cheated or frustrated but not in this one, I appreciated a lot the checkpoint system. Also, nice touch with the coyote timing, really necessary in these games.


Thank you very much! Happy to hear you enjoyed it! I'm glad you didn't walk away at the start! 😂


I LOVED THIS ONE SO MUCH!!! Omg From the thumbnail right until the very end I was completely enamored by the game. At first it is such a cute game with a lovable character, cool graphics, neat audio---and then the game messes with you and I had a smile the whole time. I don't wanna give everything away in your comments, but for anyone that comes across this they are in for a real treat! The gameplay was smooth and fun and all of the bells and whistles really made it come to life! Wonderful wonderful job!


Wow! Thank you very much! I'm happy it had that impact on you. I had a blast making it!


I love the sounds effects lmao <3


Cool Game! I love the transition between the levels it looks really cool


What can I say what the game didn't already say?

WOO! YEAH! *clap clap clap* WOHOO!


👏👏👏 thanks!!


I had a lot of fun especially loved the silly sound effects! figuring out wall jumping was a bit frustrating and probably could be tweaked but that's my only advice. Good Job!


i really liked the gameplay and visuals of the game

pretty good for a first game jam game

great job man


Hilarious, I really enjoyed it, specially the end! Very good submission.


Ok wait hold up. Was this your first game ever or was it your first game jam ever and you have made a bunch of games before this? This was a ton of fun, I do not have any negative feedback at all. This game is great! Good job!!!


Thanks so much - appreciate it! This is my second game I've ever made and my first game jam game. Really happy this game jam was an excuse to push myself and learn more. 


This was fun! Really enjoyed the humor as well! 


I loved the effect after collecting a key or orb! Your game looks very polished. Your first game jam? you can be proud !

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