Congrats on the win folks!
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KIN - sci-fi action shooter's pageGame Engine Used
Unity 2019.4.20
3rd Party Assets Used
Many sketchfab models, listed in build!
How long did you spend
The full duration of the jam.
Love this game! Was a little difficult because I can't change my resolution, at least that's what I'm going with :D Love the death messages, which I saw a lot of hahha it was definitely fekkin lag!
This was awesome. I got killed a few times by things I couldn't see but overall it I liked the scenario and how alien the abilities felt a lot
Great fun! Really enjoyed this and it was visually stunning. The alien walk is unique and feels mechanical but somewhat organic. Felt I was a bit overpowered against the humans but hey, it’s advanced alien weaponry. Feck the Humans! Looking forward to seeing aliens in Rise of Piracy now!
Damn, you all knocked this one out of the park! Amazing work on the whole environment and feel of the game. Spells look sick, maybe a small animation tweak here or there to help the attack feel like it comes out of the hands which are casting or something. Camera work was very nice, I have never gotten a good over the shoulder camera setup to work!
The vortex weapon idea is great. I love the atmosphere. You all have done a fanstastic job with this game. Aoso, great use of assets!
amazing game first off! there was so much to see and explore but also lots to kill and destroy. The vortex mechanic is insane and so much fun to watch enemys flying about in ragdoll. Also the level and set design was beautiful and had lots of things to see which provide cover also and has physics. Amazing overall has so much potential! Look forward to playing again!
Not only does the game look amazing, but the design is also top notch, simplicity of it all makes it incredibly fun to play
1 Feature request though, make it easier to control objects with the vortex so you can throw them at the enemies
Congratz to the team! unbelievable this is a jam game
Very nicely done, John! Beautifully designed, well polished and fun. Hard as feck, tho! :P I wasn't able to beat the second level. Also the tutorial indicated shift to run, I wasn't able to get that to work. All in all the most impressive submission I've seen. This is better than a lot of stuff on Steam! Great friggin' job, dude!
Goodness, this looks really good for something made in 20-ish days. I do enjoy launching lasers at the army men. Nicely done.
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