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Occular Malice

A member registered Dec 31, 2016 · View creator page →

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I love this combination. My only quip would be to the different sounds when the block appears as it gets a little annoying hearing the same one each time. Great job!

Any update on the downloadable version? Thanks.

Thanks, I’ll see what I can do. Appreciate the support!

Awesome thanks. Great work on the game and congrats on the win!

Any chance for a windows download? The webGL for me is performing poorly.

Yeah prize discovery is a bit challenging so I need to look at making that easier. Sorry about the jumpscare.

Cool game, unfortunately I’m colour blind so couldn’t play but nice idea.

Cool game. Very interesting and original. The art was great and the overall look was great (especially with the letters). Great job!

Amazing game and fantastic idea. So well done!

Nice job on the theme, love the nesting dolls. Well done!

Love the concept. Freaked me out when my brain popped out. Awesome sound effects too!

Nice sound and artwork. Cute little game. Good work!

Great feedback thanks! Yeah the theme is a bit thin so I didn’t lean in on that as much as I could have. Agreed on the prizes as finding them can be tough. Need to do some balancing and make them easier/better to spot since there’s a lot of “stuff” in the level to throw you off.

Fun arcade game. Great music and visuals. Good job!

Cool game, great pixel art. Love the music. Well done!

Thanks. I did add a help screen that pops up when you start. It wasn’t there in the first version so if you downloaded it early you might have missed it. It can be tough (there was no time for balancing) so on easy mode it puts out 3 prizes mixed in about 15 locations. On harder difficulties it requires more tickets but the number of possible locations is scaled back so I need to look at that.

Thanks and nice catch. I was down to the wire with this so very little testing was done (and all by me). Will make note of this and look to a fix for a future build.

Great use of the theme. Very fun game! Good job.

Cute game, was fun to play. Some additional instructions to get started would be useful. Good job!

Fun game, lots of action. I would look at using variations with the bullet sounds as it gets a little repetitive. Good job!

Good job on the theme and kudos for taking on a multiplayer game for a jam. Nice work!

Thanks. Yours was awesome too and very atmospheric (although a little too dark for my taste). Will go back and look at optimization. I did one pass on the scene with some occlusion culling but that wasn’t enough obviously. Will go back and look at mesh merging and some other stuff.

Sorry you didn’t feel it had any depth to it. The effort was all in code and atmospheric lighting, sound, etc. I don’t deny using paid assets but that’s what they’re there for.

Feedback is always good, even if it’s bad ;)

Thanks. Lots of tweaking lighting (and a 1 hour last minute bake), lots of atmospheric sounds and music.

Thanks. I did do an optimization pass. Obviously because of the GameJamTimeyWimey thing, it wasn’t good enough. I’ll take another look at it.

Performance is pretty bad on my rig (i5, 4090, 32GB RAM). Needs some work to make it a little more user friendly but good job!

Great take on the theme. Nice artwork! Good job.

Cool game. Took awhile to figure out how to play. Good job!

Super fun game. Love the sounds! Very engaging.

Nice game. Super catchy music. Had a lot of fun!

Fun arcade game. Nice job!

Fun game, had a few glitches but good work!

Audio is awesome, fun game. Good work!

Fun game. Great job! Now I’m hungry.

Creepy game. Love the atmosphere. Great job!

Unique game with cool puzzles. Great job!

Great game, made me think of Plants vs. Zombies. Nice job!

Very neat concept and well done. Well done on the theme. Good job!

Nice game, lots of cool concepts here. Well done!