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Saturn ConfessionView game page

Forgive sins via radio-mail while an intra-solar war wages
Submitted by sillychampion — 7 hours, 11 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Did your team create most/all of the graphics yourselves?
Yes. We used CC0 models for some generic furniture. The graffiti and sky were modified from public domain images. No generative AI was used for any asset including audio, visual, and code.

Did your team create most of/all the audio yourselves?
The audio is derived from CC0 SFX and public domain recordings.

How did you incorporate the theme "INSIDE OUT"?
Confession in the religious sense is about acknowledgement of ones sinful thoughts and actions. As a father running a radio-mail confession service you are privy to both the inner thoughts and shame of your flock as well as the external consequences of these spiritual burdens in the world.

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Insteresting concept


i don't even know how you would describe this genre of game, but it's one of my favorites. it reminded me of Papers, Please - but Saturn Confession is able to emulate all of the aspects that worked well in PP while managing to create an experience that is entirely its own. i love that every action is centered around making choices and exploring a narrative in a creative way - you're doing more than just clicking buttons to make decisions/experience a story. the lore/writing was done really well and kept me interested. i also found the transmitter gameplay to be so fun and satisfying - the analog controls were really unique! this is really one of the standout games of this jam imo.


Thank you so much for the kind words. I've never actually played papers please, but it was an inspiration for sure. I'm glad that you felt the choices were impactful, I wasn't sure it would be all that convincing while I was writing it.


Cool game. Very interesting and original. The art was great and the overall look was great (especially with the letters). Great job!


Thank you so much for playing and for the compliment! I don't work with 2d assets often so I'm glad the letters turned out okay.


Very original! I really enjoyed the ambiguity of the game play and the consequences of your actions. The art is great and the idea of handing out judgement while in complete isolation is truly thought provoking. The use of the theme was really well done. From the perspective of "the flock", they share their inside feelings to you "out", both emotionally and physically. From your perspective, you are trapped inside, while the others are outside of your reach. Excellent submission!


Thank you so much for playing and for the compliments. I'm glad you got the metaphor in the setting! Wasn't too sure that would come through in the end.


I really enjoyed your game! I like the theme and the gameplay, and the mood was really nice, retro "low tech" futurism.  I like how rigid the telescope machine is to use, feels right for the global mood. The different confessions were interesting and touching, I could see the game be extended, it has potential!


Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you liked the machine controls. I think if I would expand the game's mechanics, it would be there, but I was worried about the controls being too confusing or requiring a lot of tutorial. That and adding more mail and secrets to find. But you saying there's potential for extension makes me feel really happy!


Very interesting game, I loved the narration and the world building, I took a few minutes to get the hang of it but it wasn't a problem. That feel of 1970s space era is very palpable, I won't talk about the plot because I don't want to spoil it. I loved the "papers please" type of gameplay and situation where you have to face a moral dilemma. I don't know how I feel about the limitation on "forgiveness", it's not a bad mechanic and it has a role, but I don't know maybe I would have liked more freedom to expand the story, but still I'm not sure about it. Anyway, really enjoyed the atmosphere and the idea. Nicely done!


Thank you so much for playing! I've never thought of myself as a writer, but I'm glad you found it convincing! I'm also feeling mixed about limiting your ability to give forgiveness. When I first thought of that feature I was worried that people's expectation of a father giving confession is that they forgive everyone. I wanted to create a situation where you had to choose who was most worthy of forgiveness which might make you think about morality a little bit. Looking back I think it could have been motivated in the story / setting a little better as well as maybe give you a choice to "over forgive" on one day if you really feel a strong need to, but then face consequences later.


This game should have a manual - and I am highly intuitive, so I was able to find out how to play it. But in my first attemt I approved the informational letter (work habit;)) and the rubber stamp dissapeared (bug?) so I have to restart the game. I liked very much that the approving had cosequences. After approval the acceptation of defeat, I was waiting when the partisans will arrest me (oh, author, add such a surprise in the game! ). But I was missing anything like a score, even the dreams did not told me if I done a good job. 

Fun 4 / 5, Art + Graphic 5 / 5 and let me say that the artworks was really realistic!:), Audio 3 (I liked the modem dial up sounds - yup I am that old) but the music from radio was just a short, simple instrumental song, replaying itself in a lazy loop. What about to compose some space shanties and randomzed their playing order?!:) Like this one: Song "Inner animals and outer space" by Ormrin Sinkalte Ged - Sparrowhawk ( - made by my life Partner. But Originaliy and Theme both 5 / 5 :).

Feel fry to try, rate and comment the game which I uploaded - made by my life Partner.


Thank you for playing! Sorry about the bug. Yes I had that happen in an earlier build but I wasn't able to reproduce it. Glad you were able to complete the game anyway though. The dreams giving feedback on what happened in the day is something I really wish I could add. Also the ending!


This is just an amazing game. I have to start by saying that I didn't understand what to do AT ALL. I personally think a sort off first time intro could have really helped sell it a bit more as I just got confused. But I eventually understood how to lock on send or receive. But to me it first just seemed like I had to press random buttons. The music is what sold it along with the graphics. It makes me feel so at ease and immersed me fully. Great game, shamed and denied sinners as they weren't worthy (duh) and got to watch some falling stars my night can't be ruined!


Thanks so much for playing! I remember at some point in development I thought "maybe figuring out how these things works is part of the fun." I think there should be a little more nuance to that design philosophy looking back on it now lol. Thanks so much for the compliments on the art and sound. Watching your entry on stream showed a lot of care in these categories so this comment means a lot coming from you! 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I genuinely really enjoyed this game. I was a bit confused about how to play it at first, but I got the hang of it soon enough. I love the concept of this project. It's super unique, and the little bits of lore that are handed out in the mail segments are really cool. They make the game feel so alive and fleshed out like everything being sent your way is written by actual people with lives, friends, families, and responsibilities. The computer mechanic is really cool. The way you have to move the cursor kinda reminds me of Iron Lung weirdly enough, and the pixelated visuals of the planets on-screen are great. The tickets were kinda clunky and hard to put into the computer at points, but I wouldn't consider this a major, game-breaking flaw or anything like that. The environments do their job well, and the classical, fingerpicked guitar music playing over the radio is nice, though perhaps I am biased, as I am a guitarist, haha. Overall, I'm very impressed. I'd love to see more like this! 9/10. ^^


Thank you for this detailed reply! Reflecting on it now, I'm just glad the concept wasn't completely impenetrable to people. The guitar was one of the first assets to go in the game so I'm glad you liked it. I'm a (bad) guitarist as well!


The music fit so nicely in this game. The concept was was wild to me at first but once I got into the groove of send and receiving the mail, I couldn't wait to see what the responses were. Nice work!


Thank you for the kind words. It was a struggle between making things creative but not push it so far that it would be confusing. Glad you were able to find a groove!


This is insanely well-made, the ambience is very immersive and it is very original. Would have loved a little bit of guidance to begin with, understanding what to do is not very immediate.


Thanks for playing and for the feedback!