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A member registered Dec 19, 2016 · View creator page →

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Pretty fun game, I like the micro-organism take on the theme, the zoom out while growing it reminds me of a game I played in the past (Osmos I think), the effect is reproduced very nicely.

Cool! Thank you for playing and for showing me a submission with the same idea I had, very interesting. Unfortunately I didn't make it on time to try your game during the voting period, my Windows machine is dead :(, I'm on Linux now.

Lmao the voice acting is gold, kinda rare to have voice acting in a jam game. Simple and fun idea, it gets repetitive fast (of course) but the narrator is what keeps it fun. Very nicely presented.

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Love the art style and the minimalist juicy design, also sound effects are well used. Very nice experience, simple and fun, I like that the instructions are just there as part of the level. Very slick and visually elegant, strong submission to the jam.

Art style and audio is pretty interesting, and the overall atmosphere is very cool. There are some problems with gameplay and UI. Firing is a bit random, instead of using a tiny square use a circle to define the overall direction of the shots, maybe also by using some esoteric symbols that can also contribute to the style of the game. The UI is difficult to  read, while I'd use the stylish fonts for atmosphere, for important text I'd use a more readable font, also maybe some sound effects could help with UI interaction, those effect can create atmosphere but also are useful to give feedback to the player. I really enjoyed the art and concept, some flaws made the experience difficult to understand, but I really enjoyed it. Cool game for sure, to me it feels a bit like of a 3D version of Blasphemous.

Fantastic art style. Love the idea of scaling up until a whole universe, with the final symbolism. Solid entry for the jam.

Very fun to play, completed the whole game! Good tutorials and UI is great, very polished for a jam game. Also I like the take on the theme. Also the movement for the small-scale character is fun to handle, for the big one is a little slow at the beginning but I think it fits with the whole idea of scale. Very cool game.

The art style is great, love the cute funny art for the weather and the art for the environment. UI is great, I love environmental UI like the clouds getting darker based on the humidity "eaten". Very enjoyable and very well presented, pretty polished for a jam game.

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I love the take on the theme, one of the best and most original IMO. Art is good, great 16bit feel, also audio is cohesive with the art style. Great idea and fun game. I hope it gets featured because the concept is so interesting to me.

edit: Forgot to add that for some reason the app bugs out to me, not sure why, I had to download the game manually.

Art style is really nice and fits perfectly with the idea of the horoscope, I also like the take on the theme. I would add a brief a tutorial and bit of a slower pace in difficulty. But very cool game. Nicely put together.

Fun puzzle game, love the art style, also good take on the theme. I like the choice for music and sound effects. Solid game for the jam.

I love this game, I really like the style and the atmosphere. The voice acting is a little out of place with the style IMO, to have a more cohesive style I would have distorted and echoed the voice, to give it more of an aethereal presence, but fun puzzle game and very well presented.


I don't know if I will ever own a house in real life, so this was kind of cathartic lol. I like this kind of games, I enjoyed the experience and the retro style. I guess for now the House is the only available schematic, probably to fit in the time span of the jam, but I'd like to see the idea expanded. There's a little glitchness with the mouse capture but it's expected with a first person web build on Godot, not a problem anyway. I really enjoyed it, nicely done.

I really love the take on the theme, I also love these type of "gravitational games". I like the controls that emulate the inertia in space, the art style is also very nice. What's really missing in my opinion is a mini-map the shows the whole star system, that would give a more tactical approach. Right now I'm hoping I'm going the right way and have enough time to fix the orbits. But still fun game, the tutorial and the UI is great and all pretty polished for a jam game.

This is a fascinating game. It's hermetic, I would have liked a little bit of a tutorial, though the page helped. I like the style but what really bothered me is the slap/punch sound, since this would be a low level retro representation, 8-bit like sound effects would be much more adequate to the style of the game. But the concept is interesting.

Also nice to see a game made with LÖVE.

Fun chill game, controls are okay even though they're tilted a bit by the perspective. I like the music and the sound effects. Since I haven't seen enemies around I was expecting some kind of boss, or confrontation/scene at the end based on the number of slymes collected, I wanted to slap Bjorn back :). But fun little experience, nicely done.

Gorgeous art, style and cozy vibe. Audio and music are also fantastic, super polished and very enjoyable narration. I must say that the less strong point is about the theme, but the idea is still cute and fun. I love this game, super solid submission for the jam.

This game is something else, I love the atmosphere and the style, 5/5 on that, it has that old style heXen kinda vibe which I love. The puzzles are pretty interesting, I solved a couple, and they really make you think about how to scale a platform so to move it around. I don't know if I was doing something wrong, but the extruding sometimes was difficult to apply for me, but it wasn't really a problem. Love this game, very cool submission.

Love the art, it's very nice, strong 16bit vibes. Love the take on the theme and the idea. Very fun game, and pretty polished. Nicely done.

You can change volume/mute sound effects or music in the options in the main menu, not directly while playing unfortunately. Thank you for playing!

On Firefox after clicking Run Game, the game starts in a popup window that goes full screen, while on chrome the game runs properly in the page, just a minor bug that could be also related to, I'm not sure. I resized the popup and I played the game, so nothing preventing playing it.

Fun tower defense game. It's somewhat of a mix between a top down Tetris and a tower defense game. I like the idea, I encountered a little bug on Firefox but nothing major. Cool game.

Fun physics game, love the art and the overall idea, very polished. Super enjoyable.

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Fun and clever mechanic, took me a little while to get the grip of it, but after that the game was really fun. This is definitely a good take on the theme and also enjoyable level design. Great game!

Very fun game, I love a good climbing game. I would remove the music by default on the climbing stage, just the wind and the mountain is perfect for this type of games, so I muted the music and it was perfect. I would add some short brief music based on events, also maybe to make aware the player of something happening. As a person with a fear of heights, this was basically a horror game (although the art style helped :)), but I really enjoyed it.

Solid game for the jam.

I really love the artwork, music and narration. The game does feel like an old forest fairy tale. Collisions and controls are a little wonky and I got stuck a couple of times, but still it was fine. I would zoom out the view a bit, the character moves too fast for that type of close up view IMO, I would use some parallax effect to evoke the big scale of the forest. Charming experience, nicely done.

Glorious art style, fantastic sound design, very polished. And I really like the take on the theme. Very solid submission. Love this game. Also hell ye for Godot.

Fun game, with quite a variety of obstacles, I almost reached the top, I don't think I was too far. Nicely done.

Gorgeous art style, I love it. Character's animation are also well done. I like the overall vibe, fun relaxing game.

Cute funny idea. I ate the whole ocean fauna, but it was for love, so it's okay! Fun little experience.

Fun idea, I like the take on the theme. I liked the fast paced decisions, of course I had to go with Reeve, intelligence is for the weak minded. The CEOs descriptions are gold. UI needs a little bit of improvement, I had difficulties reading text, but fun game. Nicely done.

I reached my bröthers. Fun game, I really love the art style, and the music. Gameplay side is bit rough, sometimes I felt like I cheated on some levels or got past them by luck. But I liked the experience.

I like the take on the theme and the art style, but I would remove the time limit or extend it. I barely got the time to squash the gremlins, I think I did squashed them all.

I like the neon vibe cyberpunk style and theme. Sound effects and music are fantastic. The controls are a just a bit rough, but they don't take out the fun from the experience. Very fun game, very polished, solid submission to the jam.

I really like the art style, and the peculiar conquer/tactical mechanic, also the gravitational route is pretty cool. Music is great too. It's a tad too difficult for me, especially by using the mouse to control the ship, but I conquered the Pingans :3. I think a game like this would get a better feel by using keyboard o gamepad controls in the shootem-up section. Fun game, enemies are hilarious, nicely put together.

The need for protein is strong. Fun little game, I love the art style of minimalist vector like graphics. The casual music while destroying villages is the cherry on top.

Gravity golf is best golf! Fun game! Nicely done.

Nice take on the theme and cute puzzle game! It makes me think a bit of the old Lemmings, but here with the take on the theme of scale. Fun game, nicely done.

I love the art style and the cute idea! I love the drawings of the ants helping in the kitchen. Took me a little to get the hang of it, controls are a little off but not too much. Music fits well. The crumbs after a while broke the physics of the game for me, but still a fun experience. Also I got eaten on my first order XD.